Over marshes and bogs, and extensive wide lakes, But yet, after all, cou'd not get over GATES. ON A QUACK. DOCTOR M-n's endu'd with so humble a grace, Then sure you must say he's deficient in brain, That does little or nothing but simples contain, THE SAPIENT ASS. In all the changes of a state, THE INFALLIBLE RECIPE FOR DISAPPOINTED LO B. ADVISE your friend, grave man of art !— Discover. 'Tis pleasure, pain-a mixt degree- A Lover. A lover!-'Tis my case too sure! Take Hope. But if she, spite of speech or pen, A Rope. ON A LADY'S WRITING. HER even lines her steady temper show; THE MARRIED MAN'S FATE. Only look how poor Timothy's visage is broken! He's stupid and dull, for this month he's not spoken: He used to be merry, and jolly, and gay, He tippled by night, and he giggled by day- more. But now he's deprived of all these during life- ON A YOUNG LADY WITH GREY HAIRS. Mark'd by extremes, Susannah's beauty bears Life's opposites-youth's blossoms and grey hairsMeet signs for one, in whom, combin'd are seen Wisdom's ripe fruit, and roses of fifteen. KENSINGTON GARDENS. Written immediately under several very foolish and illiterate inscriptions in Kensington Gardens. "Here fools indite, and idiots write Their visits to record; Their jeu d'esprits upon the trees, "Ye silly elves! go, spare yourselves, GONE FOR A SOLDIER. With heels quite light and lighter hearted, Next week, Tom to the wars departed! STEPNEY CHURCH. On the east side of the portico of Stepney Church, Middleser, leading up to the gallery, is a stone with the following singular inscription on it. Of Carthage great, I was a stone, Time consumes all; it spareth none,- Therefore, O mortals! all bethink THE FEATHER. My Chloe's as fickle and light as a feather, Yet I love her to death; prithee, Dick, should I wed her? That a feather should teaze you, quoth Dick is not strange : T'other day, as I happen'd to pass thro' the grange, I saw that thief Cupid from doves and from spar rows A-pilfering feathers, to stick in his arrows. The urchin first shoots you, then pulls out his dart, And leaves you the feather to tickle your heart. TO MR. ALDERMAN WHITE, OF WINCHESTER, ON HIS PRESENT, TO MR. WILKES, OF FORTY-FIVE DOZEN OF CANDLES. Ne rubeam pingui donatus Munere. Hor. What Hero, what King, Sweet Muse, wilt thou sing; As Alderman White, Mr. Garrick may brag Of his Warwickshire wag, To Alderman White and his candle. Dr. Morel may scan And Arne set it sweeter than Handel; Was a fool to this man, From him the bright name And all who that cause understand ill By the true patriot light Of forty-five dozen of candle. |