ON A BEE STIFLED IN HONEY. From flow'r to flow'r, with eager pains, When all that from her toil she gains, Is, in the sweets she hoards, to die. But if we plunge too deep, destroy. ON THE MARRIAGE OF MR. FREDERICK LAMB то MISS MONK. In times remote, when Heathens sway'd, Their deities to quiet; And by the priest the lamb was led Without the smallest riot. Mark, how revers'd the blissful scene! To bid the timid faulter; For lo! the Monk-how strange to say! ON INFLAMMATION IN A LADY'S EYE. STELLA'S black eyes, of brightest hue, The only safety was to fly 'em, For all were ruin'd who came nigh 'em. 'O Jove, in mercy to mankind, Make Stella, fatal charmer, blind !' 6 To make her blind,' said he, were hard, GEORGE III. AND THE LAWYERS. Written on his Majesty's Present of unbound Journals of the House of Commons to the Four chief Societies of the Law. OUR gracious King, blest be his generous mind, WAR AND PEACE. I HATE the trumpet's brazen noise, The rattling drum, the bugle's sound, Dire incentives of the slaughtering art. For fate has oft my footsteps led Strew'd in the bloody field; No friend to bury, and no arm to shield ! Where round my cheerful hearth I view, with heartfelt pleasure view, Who share my sorrows and enjoy my mirth. UNDER AN HOUR-GLASS. In a Grotto near the Water. THIS babbling stream not uninstructive flows, Each flow'r it feeds, that on its margin grows, Nor void of moral, tho' unheeded, glides Time's current, stealing on with silent haste, THE MISER AND SPENDTHRIFT. Spendthrift. Relentless man! vile sordid wretch ! No keen distress e'er touch'd thy heart, Hh Miser. Thou fool! my riches do no ill ; EXTEMPORE ON LIFE. LIFE's the emblem of a flower, PERPETUAL MOTION. The Charleston Courier says; "We yesterday' saw a hundred dollar bank bill of one of our city banks, upon the back of which were inscribed the lines which follow. We presume it had been presented as an offering at the shrine of Grecian liberty:" Go from my willing purse! nor doze in peace, This brings to mind a poetical wish of an ancient author, in reference to the success of his work: May this book continue in motion, And its leaves every day lie unfurl'd, Till an ant to the dregs drinks the ocean, And a tortoise crawls over the world. EPIGRAM ON EPIGRAMS. The best of epigrams should be restrained, BOILEAU'S OPINION OF EPIGRAMS. He used to say, that the best epigrams originated in conversation; and, of all his own, he gave the preference to the following: Ci git ma femme, ah, qu'elle est bien ! Translation. Here lies my wife, and, heaven knows, INSCRIPTION ON INSCRIPTIONS. Ye who, on windows, thus prolong your shames, TRUE BEAUTY. By Dr. Fordyce. THE diamond's and the ruby's blaze |