But the foft tear in Pity's eye Outshines the diamond's brightest beams; And the sweet blush of Modesty More beauteous than the ruby seems. ON THE SOCIETY FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF VICE, A vice suppressor is a cur, that wags ON CONTENT. It is not youth can give content, It is not in the Monarch's Crown, It is not in a coach and six; ON A WORTHLESS PAIR. From Martial. PAIR'D in wedlock, pair'd in life : Worthless thou, and worthless she ; Strange it is ye can't agree! ON A MAN THAT WAS DROWNED. A man being drown'd, Was ne'er again found, "Sure he's gone the way of all flesh," Then another did reply, "Sir, that I do deny, Sure he's gone the way of all fish." THE RELIGION OF AN EPICURE. Whose God is his Belly.' Here's my religion, Demas cry'd, ON TWO VERY UNEQUAL LINES WRITTEN BY A TALLOW-CHANDLER. Just like the candles on his shelves, ON A DANDY. They say, my friend, that you admire But you can boast one pleasure more, A BAD COLD. There is a mistake, tho' the saying is old, THE LIAR. Tom hates a liar! thus we see, THE COTTAGER AND HIS LANDLORD. A Peasant, to his Lord, paid yearly court, Cowper. A WIDOW'S TEARS. Cecilia her dear husband lost, She wept, she wail'd, she tore her hair; Would visit her in her despair. But she surprised her at her glass, "How," said she, "does this come to pass? No mark of sorrow can I trace." "You come too late," the widow cried, THE APRIL-FOOL. "To-day," said Dick, "is April-day, And though so mighty wise you be, A bet whate'er you like I'll lay, Ere night I'll make a fool of thee!" "A fool, I may be it is true; But Dick," cried Tom, " ne'er be afraid; No man can make a fool of you, For you're a fool already made." NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. I had a friend, I fondly thought, I lost my friend, I lost my treasure. But as a balance for this wrong, BATH AND BRISTOL. At a public dinner, in the town-hall of Bath, to which several of the King Bladud, once, perceiv'd his hogs GIBBON'S POLITICAL VERSATILITY. In 1779, Mr. Gibbon, the Historian, was appointed one of the "Lords of Trade and Plantations, and held that office till its abolition in consequence of Mr. Burke's reform bill. Of his political principles, a slight judgment may be formed from an anecdote, which came to light a few years ago, on the sale of the library of Mr. Fox, who, in the first volume of Mr. Gibbon's history, had written the following memorandum and verses, on the author's accepting a seat at the board of trade. "The author of this book, upon the delivery of the Spanish rescript in 1779, declared publicly at Brooks's, "That there was no salvation for this country, unless six of the heads of the cabinet council were cut off, and laid upon the tables of the houses of parliament as examples;" and, in less than a fortnight after this declaration, he took an employment under that same cabinet council." The Verses. King George in a fright, |