This sting pierc'd deep, and keen surprising pain, Call'd Dick's departing spirits back again. Sarcasm so bitter wou'd not let him die, 'Till thus he made as bitter a reply: And, when thou shalt be laid by me, dear brother, Some friend, I hope, will write, Here lies another.” THE MISTRESS'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS. True poets move, said Horace long ago, But how much more does my fair girl excel, How stale and flat e'en eloquence appears! No music can like her my passions sway, She's thus my poet, orator, musician, And could-O, might I hope she would-be also my physician! "Her fate forlorn, By this sad tear, She'll scratch out Abraham's eyes." ON MODERN MARRIAGES. When Phoebus was am'rous, and long'd to be rude, A HELP-MATE. When man was made, God sent a helper to him, And so she prov'd—for she help'd to undo him. THE LONG-NOS'D FAIR. Once on a time I fair Dorinda kiss'd, Whose nose was too distinguish'd to be miss'd: Here, swain, she cry'd may'st thou securely kiss; A BAD WIFE. "My wife's so very bad," says Will, I fear she ne'er can hold it; She keeps her bed !"-" Mine's worse," quoth Phil, "The jade has just now sold it.” DECLARATION OF LOVE. My heart is gone, I can't tell how, TO MR. NASH, Hopfactor, of the Borough of Southwark, on his endeavouring to suppress Peckham Fair. Arm'd cap-a-pie, with baskets, bags, and rods, Come home, his looks this woeful tale pronounce, THE TWO HERVEYS. Two Herveys had a mutual wish to shine in separate stations, The one invented sauce for fish, the other Medita tions; Each did its pungent powers apply to rid the dead and dying, `This relishes a sole being fryed, that saves a soul from frying. Our life shall be All bright and free, Oh, love! and be My own sweet Valentine. ON THE BANKRUPTCY OF A PERSON OF THE NAME That Homer should a bankrupt be, LINES ON GARRICK. The town has found out different ways ON THE SAME BY THE SAME. A king? Aye, every inch a king- But Garrick's quite a different thing: Kendal SOLILIQUY OF A WINTER BATHER. (Parodied from Pope.) Timid mass of flesh and blood, |