polizei (Field M.P.). The Feldpolizei in turn is to be given special directives to inform a certain office at regular intervals of the number and place of detention of these captured Jews and to give them special close attention and care until a special delegate arrives. This special delegate, who will be in charge of securing the material (a junior physician of the Wehrmacht or even the Feldpolizei or a student of medicine equipped with a motor car and driver), has the job of taking a series of previously established photographs, anthropological measurements, and in addition has to determine, so far as is possible, the background, date of birth, and other personal data of the prisoner. Following the subsequently induced death of the Jew, whose head should not be damaged, the delegate will separate the head from the body and will forward it to its proper point of destination in a hermetically sealed tin can, especially produced for this purpose and filled with a conserving fluid. Having arrived at the laboratory, the comparison tests and anatomical research on the skull, as well as determination of the race membership of pathological features of the skull form, the form and size of the brain, etc., can proceed. The basis of these studies will be the photos, measurements, and other data supplied on the head and finally the tests of the skull itself." As you know, the Reichsfuehrer-SS has directed that SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Prof. Dr. Hirt be supplied with everything needed for his experiments. For certain anthropological experiments— I already reported to the Reichsfuehrer-SS on them-150 skeletons of prisoners or Jews are required, which are to be supplied by the KL Auschwitz. The only thing that remains to be done is that the RSHA receive an official directive from the Reichsfuehrer-SS. This, however, can also be given by you, acting for the Reichsfuehrer-SS. Kindest regards. 1 Encl. Draft of a letter to the RSHA. Heil Hitler your SIEVERS For the attention of SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Eichmann, Prinz-Albrecht-Str. 8 Subject: Establishment of a Collection of skeletons. Referring to your letter of 25 September 1942, IV B 4 3576/42 Secret 1488 and the personal conversations which have since taken place on this subject, I wish to inform you that our associate, SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Dr. BEGER who was in charge of the above special project, concluded his experiments in the KL Auschwitz on 15.6.1943 because of the existing danger of epidemics. Altogether 115 persons were experimented on. 79 were Jews, 30 were Jewesses, 2 were Poles, and 4 were Asiatics. At the present time these prisoners are segregated by sex and are under quarantine in two hospital buildings of KL Auschwitz. For the further experimentation on these selected prisoners it will be necessary to have them transferred to the KL Natzweiler. This transfer should be made as speedily as possible because of the existing danger of an epidemic at Auschwitz. A list of the selected people is attached. We request that the necessary directives be issued. Since this transfer of prisoners presents a certain amount of danger, such as spreading the epidemic to Natzweiler, we request that immune and clean prisoner suits for 80 men and 30 women be sent from Natzweiler to Auschwitz immediately. At the same time lodging should be prepared for the women at Natzweiler in the near future. Sievers, SS-Standartenfuehrer. copies to: (a) SS-H'Stuf. Dr. Beger, (b) SS-H'Stuf. Prof. Dr. Hirt, (c) SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Dr. Brandt. The Reichsfuehrer-SS Department A To Teleprint Waischenfeld/Ofr., 5.9.44. SS-Standartenfuehrer Ministerialrať Dr. Brandt Top Secret. [Marginal notes in shorthand] Re: Collection of Jewish Skeletons. According to the proposal of 9/2/42 and your approval of 23/2/42 AR/493/37, Prof. Dr. Hirt has assembled the skeleton collection which was previously non-existent. Because of the vast amount of scientific research connected therewith, the job of reducing the corpses to skeletons has not yet been completed. Since it might require some time, Hirt requested 80 copies of the directives pertaining to the treatment of the collection stored in the morgue of the Anatomical Institute, in case Strassburg should be endangered. The Collection can be de-fleshed and thereby rendered unidentifiable. This however, would mean that at least part of the whole work had been done for nothing and that this singular collection would be lost to science, since it would be impossible to make plaster casts afterwards. The skeleton collection as such is inconspicuous. The flesh parts could be declared as having been left by the French at the time we took over the Anatomical Institute and would be turned over for cremating. Please advise me which of the following three proposals is to be carried out: 1. The collection as a whole is to be preserved. Re: Establishment of a collection of skeletons at the Anatomical Institute at Strassburg. The Reichsfuehrer-SS has issued a directive to the effect that SS-Hauptsturmfuehrer Prof. Dr. Hirt, who is the director of the Anatomical Institute at Strassburg and the head of a department of the institute for Military Science Research in the Ahnenerbe Society, be furnished with everything he needs for his research work. By order of the Reichsfuehrer-SS, therefore, I ask you to make possible the establishment of the planned collection. SSObersturmbannfuehrer Sievers will get in touch with you with regard to straightening out the details. By order [signed] Brandt SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer 2. To the "Ahnenerbe" Society Berlin-Dahlem Puecklerstrasse 16 Berlin, 27 November 1942. Copy sent with request that cognizance be taken thereof. I refer to your letter of 2.11.42. Note: By order [signature illegible] SS-Obersturmfuehrer. [in pencil] 27.11 [in pencil] M TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT 091 [Marginal notes in shorthand] On 12.10.1944, I had a telephone conversation with SS-Standartenfuehrer Sievers and asked him if the Strassburg Skeleton collection had been completely dissolved, as directed by SS-Standartenfuehrer Baumert. SS-Standartenfuehrer Sievers could not advise me on that matter, since he had not as yet heard anything further from Prof. Hirt. I told him that in case the dissolution had not yet been carried out, a certain part of the collection should be preserved. However, guarantee should be given that a complete dissolution could be made in time in case the military situation should endanger Strassburg. SS-Standartenfuehrer Sievers promised me that he would find out about it and let me know. [signed] Berg. SS. Hauptsturmfuehrer. 15.10.1944 Bg/HM 24 Note for SS-Standardtenfuehrer Dr. Brandt. During his visit at the Operational HQ on 21.10.1944, SS-Standartenfuehrer Sievers told me that the collection in Strassburg had been completely dissolved in the meantime in conformance with the directive given him at the time. He is of the opinion that this arrangement is for the best in view of the whole situation. I have your note of 3.11.1942 again in front of me today. At the time I could only speak to SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl very shortly. If I remember correctly, he even sent me a letter informing me that he would have the deficiencies which you described taken care of, but I did not have time to enumerate them in detail. I had just received your letter the same morning on which I went to see SS-Obergruppenfuehrer Pohl. Therefore, it was impossible for me to read it over beforehand. I only remembered what you had told me during our last conversation. If it should be necessary for me to take this matter up again, will you please let me know. Heil Hitler! [signed] Brandt. SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer. 744400-47-83 |