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I do not know the details about their official relationship. I do not know whether Kaltenbrunner also had conferences concerning the program of extermination of Jews in Hungary during his stays in Hungary in Spring of 1944. Winkelmann, the former Higher SS and Police Leader in Hungary, must know exactly about that, since, according to my knowledge, he visited the persons of the Hungarian Government together with Kaltenbrunner.

4. With respect to Question 6:

a. Is it not known to you that Mueller, Chief of the Gestapo, always conferred with Kaltenbrunner on matters of importance relating to the functions of his office, particularly with respect to executions of special inmates?

b. Did you know that Kaltenbrunner was the Higher SS and Police Leader and State Secretary for Security in Austria after the Anschluss until his appointment as Chief of the RSHA, a period of five years, and during which time his attention was devoted exclusively to Police and Security matters?

c. What is the basis of your statement that the intelligence service took up the main part of Kaltenbrunner's attention and all his interest?

With respect to 4a: Details concerning the official relationship between Mueller and Kaltenbrunner are not known to me. However, I could note on several occasions that Mueller was with Kaltenbrunner to report about the work of his department.

With respect to 4b: Kaltenbrunner was not exclusively occupied with police and security matters during his activity as Higher SS and Police Leader in Austria or as State Secretary for Security respectively. Without a doubt he had political interests besides, since the Higher SS and Police Leaders were the representatives of Reichsfuehrer SS Himmler in all matters.

With respect to 4c: I could note that by virtue of my official relationship with him, members of other departments also frequently expressed themselves in the direction that he favored and furthered AMT III, and particularly AMT VI and MIL.

5. With respect to Question 7, answer the following:

a. What did you personally have to do with concentration camps and what, therefore, is the basis for your answer to this question? b. Did you know that all orders for commitments to, release from, and executions in concentration camps came from the RSHA?

c. Did you know that the RSHA gave direct orders to commandants of concentration camps; state any such orders of which you have personal knowledge.

d. What are the atrocities committed in concentration camps to which you refer in your answer to this question, and when and in what manner did you acquire knowledge that atrocities were committed in concentration camps?

With respect to 5a: Personally, I had nothing at all to do with concentration camps. However, I liberated a number of persons from concentration camps, and, therefore, know the difficulties that were made by the concentration camp staffs who always called attention to orders of the WVHA of the SS in such cases since the inmates were needed for the armament industry.

With respect to 5b: It is known to me that orders for commitments into concentration camps and discharges therefrom came from the RSHA. I did not know that all such orders came from the RSHA. I have no knowledge of orders for executions by the RSHA.

With respect to 5c: I do not know any details and do not know personally any orders concerning this. In the cases in which I intervened for discharges I addressed myself either to Kaltenbrunner directly or to AMT IV. When the processing was of long duration, I received the answer several times from officials of AMT IV that difficulties had come about through the WVHA of the SS.

With respect to 5d: When Hungary was occupied by German troops in March 1944, several of my Hungarian acquaintances went to concentration camps. After I had achieved their liberation, they told me of bad treatment and atrocities in Mauthausen Concentration Camp. At that time, I sent an official communication concerning this to the Director of the Linz Gestapo Office with the request to inquire into this matter with the concentration camp commandant Ziereis. Ziereis, however, denied this as I was informed in the reply. In August 1944, Eichmann told me that there were also extermination camps besides concentration camps.

6. With respect to Question 9: What is the basis for your opinion that Kaltenbrunner opposed Hitler and Himmler on the program for the physical extermination of European Jewry?

With respect to 6: Kaltenbrunner told me after his conferences with representatives of the International Red Cross in March 1945 that he was against Hitler's and Himmler's program in the question of the extermination of the European Jews. In my response

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to question 9 that Kaltenbrunner had given no orders for killing of Jews, the words "According to my knowledge" are missing.

7. With respect to Question 11, who was the American that told Kaltenbrunner you had contacted in a neutral country in 1943? Did Kaltenbrunner agree to travel to Switzerland with you to meet the representative of the Allied Powers with whom you were in touch through the Austrian Resistance Movement, and, if so, when?

With respect to 7: The American liaison man in 1943 was a member of the USA Legation in Lisbon. I am no longer familiar with his name. The connection to an American organization through the Austrian Resistance Movement existed only with the coming of Fall 1944. Kaltenbrunner's acquiescence to travel there was given me about 20 April 1945.

8. With respect to Question 12, on what date did Kaltenbrunner order the Commandant of Mauthausen Concentration Camp to hand over the camp to approaching troops and at whose insistence did Kaltenbrunner issue this order and for what reason?

With respect to 8: I cannot state the exact date of Kaltenbrunner's order to the Commandant of Mauthausen Concentration Camp to hand over the camp to the approaching troops. It should have been during the last days of April 1945. It is not known to me at whose insistence and for which reason he gave this order; possibly this was connected with his discussions with SS Standartenfuehrer Becher whom I met with him at the time.

Above statements are true; I made this declaration voluntarily and without compulsion; I signed this statement after reading it and executed it in Nurnberg, Germany, on the 10th day of April 1946.

s/ Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl t/ Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of April 1946, at Nurnberg, Germany.

s/ Smith W. Brookhart, Jr. t/ Smith W. Brookhart, Jr.,

Lt. Col. IGD



Q. At that time, the frame of the planned Wehrmacht was about


A. When?

Q. 1937.

A. I believe it was 1937.

Q. Was that a plan that had been discussed with Dr. Schacht in connection with the finances establishing how big the Wehrmacht would be?

A. Yes. The plan for the formation of the Wehrmacht Schacht knew very well since we gave him every year the setting up of how many formations for which we had been spending money. All new formations for which we had been spending money. I remember in the year 1937 it was discussed, what should the Wehrmacht get for carrying expenses? After, a great amount was spent to build it up.

Q. That means that you gave Schacht a clear statement of how much money you were putting into the creation of new instruments and so forth, and how much you were using for the operating expenses of the Wehrmacht?

A. Exactly right.

Q. When you say that by 1937 the plan had been fulfilled, do you mean in the main?

A. In the main.

Q. When you say that Schacht was familiar with these figures, how were they brought to his attention?

A. The demands that they made were handed to Schacht in writing.

Q. That means, in connection with the monies which Schacht was arranging for the rearmament program, he was informed of how many divisions and how many tanks would be procured through these monies?

A. I don't think we put down the amount of money we needed for tanks and so forth, but we put down how certain parts of the Wehrmacht like the Navy and the Air force needed and then how much this required for activation and how much for operating. That is, Dr. Schacht could see each year how much of an increase there would be in the size of the armed forces as a result of the money he was procuring. That is certain.


[blocks in formation]

22 2833-PS (Chart-
not able to be

43 C-153

44 C-189

45 C-190


23 789-PS

24 2261-PS

46 C-29

47 C-141

48 C-166

49 C-23

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