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"ritual numbers" of the Stuermer, which were to incite the SS men towards the killing of millions of guiltless persons and to justify any atrocity directed against the Jews. These proofs of Streicher's guilt, which were among others submitted to the Tribunal, are of common knowledge and not subjected to any doubt. In 1939 he anticipated Maidanek and Treblinka and wrote that "perhaps graves alone" will testify to the previous existence of Jews in Europe. (D-810, GB 332)

In 1943, when the gas chambers of Treblinka and Auschwitz were already engulfing millions of victims, the Stuermer published articles inciting to the liquidation of the ghetto, articles which were full of lies and maliciousness and finally the Stuermer could state with sadistical satisfaction that "The Jews of Europe have disappeared".

Streicher lied all his life. He attempted to lie, here in Court. I do not know whether he believed he would be able to deceive anybody by these lies, or whether he lied from habit or out of fear. But it seems to me that it must be apparent, even to the defendant himself, that his last lie will not deceive anybody and will not bring him salvation.


In carrying out a vast and complicated task the defendant, Hjalmar Schacht played an eminent part in the preparation and the realization of the criminal plans of the Nazi conspirators.

Schacht's defense position is extremely simple. If he is to be believed, purely patriotic motives drew him to Hitlerism. He was against aggressive wars but for the rearmament of Germany in order to maintain peace. He was for the return of Germany's colonies in view of establishing economic stability in Europe. Having come to the conviction that the policy of the Nazi government was directed towards an excessive armament and thereby bore the menace of another world war, Schacht went over to the opposition. He sabotaged the measures taken by the Hitlerite government and as a result he was persecuted as a participant in the plot against Hitler.

Defendant Schacht strives now to depict the enthusiastic letters, full of expressions of loyalty which he addressed to Hitler, as a method of camouflaging his real oppositional feelings towards the Hitlerite regime. Actually, Schacht's connection with the Nazi movement begins as early as 1930. Schacht was drawn to National Socialism and both Hitler and Goering sought Schacht's support. Indeed the latter, with his vast connections in Germany's industrial and financial spheres, could, like nobody else, render invaluable services to the Nazi movement. And this he did. As early as August 29, 1932, in a letter to Hitler, Schacht

assured the latter of his loyalty. These were not mere words, for more than anybody Defendant Schacht played a decisive part in Hitler's advent to power. It was he, Schacht, who organized the demand formulated by the German industrialists for Hitler to be named Reich Chancellor. As early as 1932 he, Schacht, declared to von Papen who was then Reich Chancellor of Germany: "Hand over your post to Hitler". It was again Schacht who, in 1933, on the eve of the Reichstag elections called the conference of industrialists which created an election fund of several million marks for the Nazi Party. (D-203, USA 767)

Hitler's closest follower, Goebbels, characterizes thus the part played by Schacht and his importance in the creation of Nazi Germany. On the 21st of November 1932, he wrote down in his diary: "In a talk with Dr. Schacht, I came to the conviction that he fully shares our point of view. He is one of the few who fully agrees with the position of the Fuehrer." (2409-PS, USA 262)

In his spring fair speech at Leipzig, on the 4th of March 1935, the defendant Schacht depicted himself and his part in the Nazi state: "I can assure you all that I do and all that I say is in full agreement with the Fuehrer, and that I will do and say nothing that would not be approved by the Fuehrer. That is why it is the Fuehrer and not I who is the bearer of economic reason."

As Schacht expected, Hitler appreciated his merits at their full value. After his advent to power in 1933 Hitler immediately nominated Schacht to the post of President of the Reichsbank and then to the Ministry of Economy, and finally to the post of Plenipotentiary General on matters of War Economy.

The prosecution and the proceedings have proved the extraordinary part played by Schacht in the preparation of Germany's armaments and consequently in the launching of aggressive wars. The former war minister, von Blomberg, testified that in 1937 the development plans of the armed forces were close to completion and that Schacht was informed of these plans and of their financing. (Interrogation I, USA 838)

Schacht was one of the most consistent partisans of the Nazi's criminal plans. In a talk with the United States Ambassador Fuller on the 23rd of September 1936, Schacht stated that: "Germany absolutely needs colonies. If it is possible, we will acquire them by means of negotiations. If not, we will seize them."

Speaking in Vienna in March 1938, Schacht declared: "Thank God, this could not prevent the great German people from continuing on its course, because Adolf Hitler unified German will and German thought. He strengthened it with reinforced armed forces and in the end he gave an outer shape to the inner unity of Germany and Austria."

Defendant Schacht was entrusted with extraordinary powers in the sphere of war economy. Over a period of many years Schacht cumulated the functions of Reichsbank President, Minister of Economy, and Plenipotentiary General of War Economy. Be it only as a result of these positions, the defendant Schacht played an enormous and decisive part in the creation and resurrection of Nazi Germany's war economy and armed forces. This activity of the defendant Schacht is clearly described in the numerous laudatory letters which he received from Hitler.

The defendant Schacht and no other was the creator of the adventurous method of issuing so-called "Mefo bills", by which twelve millions of Reichsmarks were signed, aside from the budget assignations, to German economy for rearmament purposes.

As was already stated above, the defendant Schacht attempted, at various periods of his activity to stress his alleged ever-increasing dissension with the Nazi regime. In reality, Schacht was carrying out a double game. On one hand, he shielded himself from the responsibility for the criminal policy of the Nazi government by flirting with persons who actually did strive to overthrow the Nazi regime, and on the other, he remained loyal to this regime. It was only in 1943, when the downfall of Nazi Germany became apparent to such a hard-boiled politician as Schacht, that he established connection with oppositional circles. However, true to himself, he took precautions for any event and he did not actually do anything personally to overthrow the Nazi regime, and that is why he was spared by Hitler.

That is the portrait of the defendant Schacht, and that is the part played by him in Hitler's conspiracy and war crimes. It is the part of the creator of Nazi Germany's war economy and of an instigator of the Second World War launched by the criminal Nazi government.


Walter Funk became a Nazi long before his official admission in 1931 into the membership of the NSDAP, and he remained a Nazi up to the end. His economic knowledge, his experience as a journalist, his extensive connections with the leaders of the German industry, trade and finance were put by him at the service of the Hitlerite conspirators.

An article published in the newspaper "Das Reich" on 13 August 1940, under the heading "Walter Funk-pioneer of the National Socialist thought", read as follows (USSR-450) “Walter Funk was true to his principles because he was, is, and always will be a true National Socialist, a champion, devoting all his labor to the victory of the Fuehrer's ideals". What was meant by

Fuehrer's ideals, we already know only too well. Funk devoted to these "ideals" 15 years of his life.

Funk declared that he had nothing in common with the SS, but it was he, Funk, who transformed the caves of the Reichsbank into depositories for the treasures, plundered by the SS men in the Eastern and other occupied territories. Funk personally gave orders, after his negotiations with Himmler, to take into the Reichsbank the golden tooth plates, the glass rims, and other valuables belonging to the victims of numerous concentration camps, tortured to death.

The Gruppenfuehrer SS Heiler was Funk's deputy. Under Funk's direction operated Ohlendorf, this murderer, who has the death of 90,000 persons on his conscience.

Funk, supplementing Schacht's measures, put the whole of Germany's economy at the service of the aggressive Hitlerite plans, and later on the economy of the territories Germans occupied as well. Already in May 1939, Funk, together with his Deputy, Landfried, elaborated plans for the financing of the war and the utilization of the economic resources of Germany and annexed Czechoslovakia for war purposes. On 23 June 1939, Funk takes part in the conference of the Reich Defense Council, which elaborated detailed plans for the reconversion of all national economy to a war footing. (3787-PS, USA 782)

Already at that epoch, Funk was not only informed of Germany's impending attack on Poland, was not only cooperating in the realization of this aggressive plan, but was also preparing economically new wars, the seizure of new territories. Such were "Fuehrer's great political aims" which were set out by Funk a few months later in his article entitled "Economic and Financial mobilization".

I shall mention one more document. On 25 August 1939, Funk wrote to Hitler (699-PS, GB 49): "Feldmarshal Goering told me that my Fuehrer yesterday evening approved the main points of the measures conceived by me for the financing of the war, stabilization of prices, fixation of wages, and the organization of subscription to obligatory donations; this news made me happy".

A long time before the treacherous attack of Germany against the USSR, Funk participated in the elaboration of plans for the spoliation of the riches of the Soviet Union. Funk attached his collaborators to Rosenberg's ministry and to the Economic Staff OST-this predatory organization. Funk's agents took part also in the plunder of Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, and other occupied countries. Funk was the president of the "Continental Oil" Company, which was created for the exploitation by Germans of the

oil fields in the occupied Eastern territories, and especially, the oil fields of Grosny and Baku.

Funk was in full agreement with the predatory aims of the war launched by Germany against the USSR. He made a speech on 17 December 1941 in Prague, to the effect that the east is the future German colony. Funk participated at the conference which took place on 6.8.1942 at Goering's office, for the discussion of the most effective measures for the economic plunder of the occupied territories of the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, France, Norway, and other countries.. At this conference, as well as at the conference of the "Central Planning Board", Funk participated in the elaboration of plans for the deportation to slavery of millions of people from the occupied territories.

Such are the fundamental stages of the criminal activity of the Hitlerite conspirator, Defendant Funk-Hitler's personal adviser on the economic questions since 1931, Reich Minister and Plenipotentiary General for Economic questions, President of the Reichsbank, and member of the Reich Defense Council, during the period of the preparations and the realization of the criminal plan (conspiracy).

The guilt of Funk, this active participant of Fascist conspiracy for the realization of crimes against individuals, in war crimes and crimes against humanity-this guilt has been fully proved and he must bear the responsibility for the evil deeds perpetrated by him.


Since 1931 and until the end of the war, the defendant Baldur von Schirach was at the head of the Nazi youth.


After the publication of 1st December 1936 of a decree concerning the Hitlerite youth, von Schirach was-in his capacity of the Reich leader of youth-directly subordinated to Hitler. his depositions before the Court, the defendant Schirach, in his efforts to avoid the responsibility for the education of the German youth in the spirit of National Socialist ideas, made frequent references to the fact that "Hitlerjugend" was a youth organization independent of the Nazi Party and the Hitlerite government.

For the purposes of his defense, the defendant Schirach deemed it possible and relevant to refer to the great Goethe, whose words "the youth itself educates young people" were utilized by Schirach with open cynicism. Goethe was, of course, right when he said that “the youth itself educates the young people". But he meant the healthy, full value, joyful youth, and not youth corrupted with the obscurantism of the Hitlerism, described clearly by the words of Hitler addressed to Rauschning (USSR-378): "We shall educate youth before which the whole world shall tremble-rough,

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