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Berlin 8w, April 14, 1943

17 April 1943 RK 4944 C/st Enclosure
The deputy for the four year plan
The deputy for the mobilization of
labour Dep'ty Gn'l SAUCKEL/we

To the Chief of the Reich Chancellery
Mr. Reich Minister Dr. Lammers,
Berlin 8 W, 78 Wilhemstrasse

HONORABLE Mr. Reichminister
Dear party comrade Dr. Lammers!

65 Mohrenstrasse (Thuringia house) Telephone 126571 Next laid before Mr. States Secretary 17/4

I ask you to take notice of the attached report which I have rendered to the Fuehrer, before my journey to Russia.

War 21



Signed: FRITZ SAUCKEL [In ink]


The Deputy for the four-year plan, The Deputy General for the mobilization of Labor.-Sckl./We.

To the Fuehrer

April 14th, 1943


My Fuehrer:

As we have been told by Lt. General [Gruppenfuehrer] Bormann already, I am going to the Eastern territories on April 15th, in order to secure in the coming months one million workers from the East.

The result of my last trip to France is that after exact fulfillment of the last program another 450,000 workers from the Western territories will come into the Reich, by the beginning of summer. With the probable use of about 150,000 workers from Poland and from the other territories it will then be possible, to put 5-600,000 workers at the disposal of the German

agriculture again and 1,000,000 workers at the disposal of the armament and other war industries; this will be done by sum


I ask for your approval to have the new French workers come into the Reich under conditions similar to those of the last group. I have negotiated with the High Command of the army.

Since the big majority of the Belgian civilian workers and of the prisoners of war is doing a very satisfactory job, I ask you to approve a statute for about 20,000 Belgian prisoners of war similar to the one you have granted to the French. That great concession of yours has made a big impression upon Laval and the French ministers. Laval asked me again and again to give you, my Fuehrer his sincerest thanks for that.

(1) After having been active as plenipotentiary for the Arbeitseinsatz for one year, I have the honor to report to you that 5,638,056 [figure is not clear] now foreign workers have been added to the German war economy between April 1st of the last year and March 31st of this year.

Generally speaking these workers have done a satisfactory job. Their feeding and housing is settled and their treatment regulated in an undisputable way. In that respect, too, our national socialist Reich presents a shining example compared with the methods of the capitalist and bolshevik world. Of course, occasional mistakes and blunders cannot be avoided. I shall always try with the greatest energy to keep them at a minimum.

Besides the foreign civilian workers, another 1,622,829 prisoners of war are employed in the German economy.

(2) The 3,638,056 [?] workers come under the following branches of the German war economy:

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Besides the foreign workers 5 millions male and female German workers were added to the German war economy proper. They were taken from factories unimportant for the war production, and were put into plants important for the war production by means of retraining etc.

All the efforts were necessary to take care of natural fluctua

tions; such changes are caused by death, illness, termination of contracts, violation of contracts, but especially by draft into the armed forces and by the moving of plants into other districts. Furthermore, these efforts were necessary to make possible the enlargement of armament plants, the starting of new factories, and the fulfillment of new programs.

(3) The results of the general registration for both men and women were as follows by April 7.

As a result of the ordinance of January 27th 1943 3,249,743 men and women registered.

This is not the final result.

The number of men is

The number of women is.

553,415 2,696,326

About 52% (which means 1,851,771) of these registrations have been processed by the workers offices [Arbeitsaemter] up till now.

Only 32.5% of the men processed at this point can be used in the Arbeitseinsatz, as most of them do not come up to the set standards, due to old age or illness.

Up to the present time have been used.. 66,006 men
Up to April 7th were employed...
732,489 women.

This result must be called outstanding, however, 44% of these women work less than 48 hours weekly, due to conditions at their homes. Of these laborers the armament industry proper got 20,670 men and 341,100 women.

Some 130,000 could be put at the disposal of agriculture and the others at the disposal of the armed forces, postal system; railroads etc.

(4) The measures of the Minister for Economy in the Reich to stop certain work concerns 76,644 persons-27,218 of them are men and 47,426 women-most of them overage. Therefore, only one third could be put at the disposal of the economy; namely, 10,108 men and 17,929 women.

Of these the armament industry received 5,258 men and 8,621


The rest were distributed to the other branches of war work and to the armed forces.

(5) The requests of the armament industry for male and female workers and 'the allotments which that industry got between December 1942 and the end of March show the following results:

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The figures for March contain 320,000 men and women from the obligatory registration action.

Since I will be in the Eastern territories on April 20th, I ask you, my Fuehrer, to accept in advance by personal congratulations along with those of my family and my district.

Let me assure that the district [Gau] of Thuringia and I will serve you and our dear people with all our strength.

It is my sincerest desire that you, my Fuehrer, will always enjoy the best of health and that we ourselves can serve you to your full satisfaction.

Your faithful and obedient

signed Fritz Sauckel


The Commissioner for the Four Year Plan.
The Plenipotentiary General for Manpower.

Berlin W 8, 29th July, 1942.
Mohrenstr. 65.

To the Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery,

Party member Lammers,

'Berlin W 8.

Dear Reich Minister,

I am taking the liberty of sending you the enclosed copy of a report to the Fuehrer and to the Reich Marshal of the Greater German Reich for your information.

Heil Hitler.

Yours faithfully, [Signed] Fritz Sauckel.

The Plenipotentiary General for Manpower.

G.Z Va 5780/1644

Strictly. confidential.

Berlin, 27th July, 1942

Employment of Foreign Labour in Germany

POSITION AS AT 27. 7. 1942

I was commissioned as Plenipotentiary General for Manpower on the 21.3.1942. I immediately drew up the program for carrying out this commission. As, in the negotiations with all the authorities concerned, the necessity for putting to work some 1,600,000 workers to cover the urgent requirements of the armament and food industries was shown, I made the putting to work of this number of labourers within the shortest possible time my target, as being an essential point of my program. On the 24.7.1942, this figure of 1,600,000, which was demanded of me at the commencement of my task, was exceeded. I therefore give below a short review of the numerical development of this putting to work process and the difficulties overcome in the course of it.

I. Numerical review of the putting to work of foreign labourers since 1.4.1942.

Since I received my special commission, a total of 1,639,794 foreign workers have been obtained for employment in the armaments and food industries in the Reich. These numbers are made up as follows:

(a) From the newly occupied Eastern Territories:

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The figure for July contains approximately 147,000 workers who have already been despatched to the Reich and are currently being put to work.


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