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He mentioned he was highly indignant about these occurrences, to the effect that the whole matter should be settled through the police and government and that from the part of the armed forces there was no reason to interfere.

signed [signature].

This report was submitted in absence of the Regimental Commander without comment. Due to the importance of this matter it seems not possible to await the return of the Regimental Commander. Report will be. made to the Regimental Commander after his return.

Munich February 22, 1935


Captain Regimental adjutant.

Division Artillery Commander VII

Received 2.22.25 No. 349135

Attachments 3 Ref Ia

To Military Area Headquarters.

The garrison commander has acted properly. Conditions in Freising should be called to the attention of the responsible civilian bureau.

Division Artillery Commander VII received: 2-23-35 No. 767 Secret

To the Reich Governor of Bavaria

Major General retired Ritter von Epp.

signed: [Signature]

District Attorney's Office

District Court Munich II

please note The Commander

signed: Adam.

Munich March 5, 1935. (Post Office 35)

To the Public Prosecutor, Court of Appeal Munich Subject: Disturbances during the Sermon of Cardinal Faulhaber at the Dom-Church Freising.


According to a denunciation made by the Regentie [?] of the clergy seminary Freising disturbances were supposed to have occurred during the sermon of Cardinal Faulhaber in the Dom Church at Freising on February 18, 1935. With the knowledge and consent of the police inspector Wagner, Freising, a cable was laid from the teachers seminary over the north side of the Dom through a window, which was shattered for this purpose, into the interior of the Dom. Close to the Altar of St. Mary, where the end of the cable was, there were seen among others the 2nd Mayor Lechner, deputy Kreisleiter (district leader) Weidinger, city councillor Anneser, Storm Troop leader Steigenberger, 2-3 plain clothes police men and police inspector Wagner. From this direction were supposed to have come during the sermon heavy sounds of clearing of throats and coughing. One student of the seminary who was on duty to keep order, tried to find the cause of the disturbance, was called a "Bazi" [Bavarian expression for "no good"] and was held by a younger man, in such a way as to make it impossible for him to look right or left, till the end of the sermon.

The Dom custodian, also was trying to locate the cable on the outside at the Northern part, was supposed to have been attacked, held and taken to police station, and he was released only upon return of the police inspector.

Also the stairway to the north entrance of the church was supposed to have been blocked at times by Storm Troopers.

On their way home some Students were supposed to have been mistreated without evident reason.

The Regentie [?] of the clerical seminary sees in above mentioned offence heavy damage of property, disturbance of domestic peace and security, deprivation of liberty and disturbance of religious services within the church. The ordinariat [?] of the Archbishoprics Munich and Freising have joined the Regentie in preferring these charges.

I shall report further after the official inquiries have been carried through.

The Chief Public-Prosecutor.

About the happenings in the Dom at Freising on
February 18th and 19th, 1935

February 18

It was on the morning when the Cardinal Faulhaber bestowed

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the last minor sacraments and the diaconate sacrament in the presence of many relatives of the 111 sacrament candidates and other worshippers. In the entrance hall candidates of the seminary were selling printed copies (5pf. apiece) of the pope-sermon which the Cardinal had delivered on Pope-Sunday (Feb. 11) in Munich. There can be no doubt about the right to sell copies of his sermon as the sermon was never forbidden or sequestrated and it was sold within the church. Police inspector Wagner had some people (it was reported to the signer of this report that some of them had already looked for it on Saturday at the first sacraments, but the sermon was not sold on this day) confiscate the numerous copies at hand, take the candidates away and put into the police station, and all that was reported to the signer, with a certainly authorized reference to the Munich Police authorities. In fact with them by one of the Munich canons, who was called by telephone, brought the result that the service was released immediately, under the condition-no doubt caused by Mr. Wagner-however, that it must not be distributed in the entrance hall of the Dom. Mr. Wagner phoned the undersigned at noon and made this announcement. The undersigned protested against this restriction declaring that the entrance hall with these two altars which are being used is just as much part of the church as the nave, and requiring the return of the confiscated copies by 2 o'clock for the afternoon service. Mr. Wagner replied that he will not accept from the undersigned and hung up. A candidate went to get the confiscated copies of the sermon at the Police station. The unjustified confiscation of the Cardinal service, in his own church, at the hour when he was bestowing sacraments not only hurt the religious feeling of the numerous present worshippers but also has grossly violated the elementary behaviour against a high dignitary of the church and the sense of justice.

February 19

On the occasion of the bible course held for the local theologians a sermon by the cardinal and solemn services were planned in the Dom for 7:15 in the evening and this was announced in the paper. During supper about 6:15 the undersigned was called from the dining room and was advised that the worshippers in the Dom were very excited because the 86th brigade in uniform has entered the Dom in close formation and members of the Storm Troop 11 in civilian clothes, as well as the members of the Nazi Party's Women's Organization were called up for this service. Threats against the Cardinal and the worshippers have been heard


which would indicate that the worst may be expected. As the Cardinal in his sermon did not give reason for his hostile demonstrations even to the malevolent attendants, the service passed without noticeable disturbance for the congregation.

However the following is certain: a cable was laid from the outside over the large stairway to the Dom, next to the so called "Hennerhaus" and through the shattered pane of the church window at the north side of the nave. An eye-witness reports as follows. "At the end of the sermon stood on the bench under the window and pushed an electric cord, if I am not mistaken, out of the window. In any event there was a string on a card". Theologian, who, upon the rumor of the installing of wire leading into the Dom, went to check up on it, found the left window next to the altar of St. Mary shattered in from the outside, the splinters laying inside. Outside of the church they found a clod of glazier's putty, in which there still could be detected the mark of a conducting wire. Also the wall still showed signs of somebody having scaled it. It also seems strange that, as quite a few visitors told us, the stairway to the north entrance was blocked by storm troops before and during the sermon. One witness recognized them in the left inner transept among others Mr. Wagner, Storm Troop leader Steingenberger, 2-3 plain clothes police-men, city counsellor Annesen, mayor Lechner, deputy district leader [Kreisleiter] Weidinger. It was also reported to the undersigned that members of the Hitler Youth and German Girls league were entrusted with the blocking of the space in the Dom where the wire was installed.

I do not have to report in detail about the very offensive songs, deeply hurting the religious feeling, which were sung by the Storm Troops on their march back (from a catholic religious service), about the mistreatments inflicted upon for instance a plainclothes policeman and Mr. Hiedl, Jr. also was lured from his house, in the night of February 19, and as a "Black" (SchwarzerRoman Catholic) was beaten up, as all these incidents have happened outside of the church. Accidentally the undersigned has learned from very reliable source that Storm Troop unit 11 has been ordered by their troop leader to sing: "Put the Black (Schwarzen Catholics) against the wall", instead of singing "Put the 'Bruzen' (Bigwigs) against the wall."

Freising, February 22, 1935.
Dr. F. Westermayr


Das Ahnenerbe

The Heritage of the Ancestors

Germanic Scientific Mission-Flanders Outpost-
[Germanischer Wissenschaftseinsatz-Aussenstelle Flandern-]
SS-unterstuf. (F) Dr. Augustin

at present Berlin 17 November 1944
Dr. A/Kg.



The Flanders and Wallonia office [Dienststelle] of the Germanic Scientific mission [Germanischer Wissenschaftseinsatz] which is under the same direction as the department for cultural policy [kulturpolitisches Referat] of the office [Dienststelle] of SS Lieutnant General [Gruppenfuehrer] and Major General of Police Jungclaus Guidance office for Germanic Volunteers in Flanders [Germanische Freiwilligenleitstelle Flandern] was established under the staff-order No. 14/42 of the SS-Main-Office [Hauptamt] A/95/GL, signed SS-General [Obergruppenfuehrer] Berger. They were given to an SS-officer of German nationality.

The work aims at deepening and widening the impact of intelligent propaganda, particularly on the intelligentsia of Flanders and Wallonia. In keeping with the Germanic ideas exclusively represented by the SS.

1. the front of a liberalistic-humanistic education must be penetrated by winning over people holding key-positions in intellectual life,

2. the Greater-Dutch [Grossdietsch] Myth must be attacked through the idea of the Greater-Germanic-Reich-community,

3. the revival of the consciousness of Germanic culture and Germanic Folkdom must be promoted by means of the political propaganda of learning, which is camouflaged as neutral. In view of the arrogant French claims of exclusive civilisation and the Flemish inferiority complex this is exceedingly effective. Accuracy of research and presentation must on principle be observed since its effects are not incompatible with the Germanic intentions.

We have thus access to strata of the intelligentsia which stand outside the official press- and ideological propaganda, but which occupy influential key-positions, so far inadequately supervised in the intellectual life of the country. This refers to university-, college and scientific matters, to the promotion of students' interests and the granting of scholarships, i.e. to the selection of

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