Commander of the Security Police and the SD SS- Higher SS and Police Chief SS-O'Gruf. [Maj. Gen.] Jeckeln, Riga v. d. Bach Mogilew SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] SS-O'Gruf. [Lieut. Gen.] Krueger, Cracow v. Woyrsch, Dresden Mazuw, Stettin SS-Gruf. [Maj. Gen.] SS-Gruf. [Maj. Gen.] SS and Police Chief SS-Brif [Brig. Gen.] Schroeder, Riga SS--Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Wysocki, Kovno SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Moeller, Reval SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Zenner, SS-O'Stubaf. [Lieut. Col.] Hell- SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Scherner, SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Wigand, SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Oberg, SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Katzmann, SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Halter mann, Kiew Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" I c.o. Reg. Dir. Koehler, Koenigsberg, Prussia. Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" II c.o. Reg. Dir. Buchholz, Stettin. Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" VIII c.o. ORR. Dr. Frhr. v. Wrangel, Breslau. Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" XVII c.o. RR Dr. Fischer, Vienna. Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" XX c.o. ORR. Brien, Danzig. Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" XXI Reich Defense Commissioner for the occupied Polish SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Harm, Stettin (SS-Oberabschnitt * [page 20] Report No. 9 of the activities of the "Einsatzgruppen" of the Security Police. (For the period from 1 Jan. to 31 Jan. 1942) I 1 I. Garrisons. II. Activities: A. Partisans. B. Fight against communists, functionaries, and criminal elements. C. Jews. D. Propaganda activity. III. Feeling and attitude of the population: A. Latvia. B. Esthonia. C. White Ruthenia. IV. Polish Resistance Movements V. Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) Now as ever the attitude of the Jews is unequivocally antiGerman and criminal. It is attempted to purge East Land [Ostland] as completely as possible of Jews. Executions by shooting are carried out everywhere in such a manner as not to attract public attention. The public and even the remaining Jews are mostly of the opinion that the Jews have only been transferred to a different domicile. Esthonia is already free of Jews. In Latvia the number of 29,500 Jews remaining in Riga was reduced to 2,500. Nine hundred sixty-two Jews still living in Dvinsk are urgently needed as workers. In Lithuania the country and the smaller towns have been completely purged of Jews. Aside from basic considerations this was particularly urgent because Communist elements, especially terror groups and circles of the Polish resistance movement were establishing connections with the Jews. The Jews, on the other hand, often tried to arouse anti-German feeling among Lithuanian circles by themselves willing to participate in the reconstruction. The Jews in Zagare were particularly active. There, 50 Jews escaped from the Ghetto but could be caught again and shot. During the shooting of all Jews in Zagare, organized as a result of the above mentioned incident, the Jews attacked the guards while shouting "Long live Stalin" and "Down with Hitler". Resistance was crushed immediately. In Lithuania there are still 15,000 Jews in Kaunas [Kovno] 4,500 in Shavli, and an additional 15,000 in Vilna who are also needed as workers. In White Ruthenia the purge of Jews is under way. The number of Jews in the part up to now handed over to the civil administration amounts to 139,000. In the meantime, 33,210 Jews were shot by the special unit [Einsatzgruppe] of the Security Police and the Security Service [SD]. Berlin, 23 April 1942 The Chief of the Security Police and the SD SECRET [rubber stamp] Re: Report No. 11 concerning the activity of the "Einsatzgruppen" of the Security Police and the SD in the USSR. Encl: 1 At the request of the Chief of the Security Police and the SD I herewith enclose the eleventh summary report concerning the activity of the "Einsatzgruppen" of the Security Police and the SD in the USSR. signed: Heydrich. Filed 4 May 42 [Office rubber stamp] Distribution: Certified: Signed: Gotschlich To the Chiefs of the "Einsatzgruppen" A, B, C and D (with extra copies for the "Einsatzkommandos" and commanders of the Security Police and the SD). Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Government General SS-Oberfuehrer [Brig. Gen.] Dr. Schoengarth, Cracow. Inspector of the border I-East-SS-Oberf. [Brig. SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Krueger, Cracow v. Woyrsch, Dresden Mazuw, Stettin SS-Gruf. [Maj. Gen.] Kaltenbrunner, Vienna SS-Gruf. [Maj. Gen.] Koppe, Posznan State Frank, Prague SS and Police Chief SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Schroeder, Riga SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Wysocki, SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Moeller, Reval SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Zenner, SS-O'Stubaf [Lieut. Col.] Hell- SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Scherner, SS-Oberf. [Brig. Gen.] Wigand, Warsaw SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Oberg, Radom SS-Brif. [Brig. Gen.] Katzmann, SS-Brif. [Brig. mann, Kiew Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" I c.o. RR. Witte oViA., Koenigsberg/Prussia Reich Defense Commissioner for the "Wehrkreis" II c.o. RD. Buchholz oViA., Stettin |