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considered for clemency, 100 members of the P. Z. P. have been
executed in public in Warsaw on 2 February, 1944.


Warsaw, 2 February 1944



During the past weeks frequent attacks have been made on Germans and on foreign nationals in German service by members of the so-called national resistance movement in the pay of England. Only in rare cases the Polish population actively participated in the seizure of these assassins. Through my proclamation of 10 February 1943 the entire population has been obliged to participate in the fight against criminal elements. The population has not fulfilled this obligation.


Therefore I hereby order:

1. According to the order of the Governor of the district of Warsaw payment of a fine of 100 million Zloty shall be imposed upon the Polish population residing in the city of Warsaw and vicinity. Payment of the fine shall be made by 1 March 1944 to the District Chief ["stadthauptmann"] in Warsaw. In the city of Warsaw the commissioned mayor, in the other communities the mayors are responsible for the collection of the fine. Exempted from payment of the fine are those persons who are directly in German employment or are working in the armament industry.

2. In the city of Warsaw all Polish performances in theatres, movie houses, variety theatres, and other places of entertainment are forbidden as of 2 February 1944 until further notice. All non-German restaurants in the city of Warsaw shall be closed until further notice.

3. For the city of Warsaw a curfew for the non-German population shall be instituted for the hours from 19 to 5 o'clock beginning 2 February 1944 until further notice. Night passes issued up to date remain valid.

4. Premeditated violation of this announcement will be punished according to the decree for the defense against attacks on German reconstruction work in the Government General of 2 October 1943.

Warsaw, 2 February 1944

The SS and Police Chief [SS- und Polizeifuehrer] in the
District of Warsaw.




27 Polish murderers, members of the P.Z.P. and the P.P.R. have been sentenced to death by the summary court of the Security Police. The criminals have carried out malicious and treacherous attacks against Germans or persons in the German service or have been found to be in the possession of firearms or other murder tools. These criminals have been hanged today in public for their treachery and detestable attitude.

Warsaw, 11 February 1944

The Commander of the Security Police and of the SD for the District Warsaw



During the period from 29 January to 6 February 1944, 11 treacherous attacks against Germans and persons serving with the Germans were again perpetrated by cowardly Polish criminals in the city of Warsaw and in the District Captaincy [Kreishauptmannschaft] Warsaw - Land. Thereby 5 Germans were killed, 7 Germans injured or robbed and 2 Poles serving with the Germans were injured or robbed. Thereupon 140 Polish criminals among the persons sentenced by the court martial of the Security Police [Sicherheitspolizei] for whom an act of clemency was at first contemplated and who as members of the PZP and PPR organizations were in the pay of England and Moscow, were publicly executed on 10 February 1944.

The population of Warsaw - Land is hereby again requested to do everything in their power to prevent further attacks directed against Germans or against Poles serving with the Germans, and to cooperate in the capture of the perpetrators, so that further executions will not take place and that the persons sentenced to death may be proposed for clemency.

Warsaw, 11 February 1944

The Commander of the Security Police and of the SD for the Warsaw - district.



During the time from 7 to 13 February 1944 six treacherous attacks on Germans and Poles employed by the German Government were again perpetrated in Warsaw by cowardly Polish criminals. There two Germans were killed, one German injured, two German employed Poles shot and two injured or robbed. consequence thereof, on 15 February 1944, sixty Polish criminals who as members of PZP and PPR were hirelings of England and Moscow, were selected from a number of persons under death sentence by the court martial of the security police but previously designated for an act of mercy, and publicly executed.

Furthermore, in accordance with Art. 1 and 2 of the decree concerning the checking of attacks on the German reconstruction work in the Government General of 2 February 1943 the following persons were sentenced to death by the Court martial of the security police for membership in illegal organizations and carrying of weapons:

[Here follow the 100 names of the condemned]

It is intended to pardon the condemned. The population of Warsaw and of the district Warsaw Land is therefore called upon to do everything to prevent further attacks on German or German employed Poles or to assist in the apprehension of the culprits so that no further executions will take place and the condemned persons may be proposed for a pardon. Warsaw, 19 February 1944

The Commander of the Security Police and the Security Service for the district of Warsaw.



On 16 February 1944 the rails were blown up by cowardly Polish criminals on the Section Kutno - Warsaw near the Blonie railway station, District Captaincy Sochaczew. The locomotive and 10 cars of a freight train were derailed thereby and the station was closed for several hours. Thereupon 30 Polish Criminals among the persons sentenced by the court martial of the Security Police [Sicherheitspolizei] for whom an act of clemency was at first contemplated and who as members of the PZP and PPR organizations were in the pay of England and Moscow, were publicly executed on 22 February 1944.


The population of the District-Captaincy Sochaczew-Blonie is again requested to do everything in their power in order to prevent further attacks and acts of sabotage and to cooperate in the capture of the perpetrators, so that further executions will not take place and that the persons sentenced to death may be proposed for clemency.

Warsaw 26 February 1944.

The commander of the Security Police and of the SD for the Warsaw - District.



During the period of January 13th to January 21st 1944 in the city of Warsaw seven malicious attacks on Germans and on Poles in their service have been perpetrated by cowardly Polish criminals. One German was injured, three Poles in German employ were shot, and one Polish police-agent was seriously wounded. Therefore, on February 22nd 1944, ninety Polish criminals from among the persons sentenced to death by the court-martial of the Security Police and considered originally for reprieve, who were members of the PZP and the PPR and paid by England and Moscow, were publicly executed.

Furthermore have been sentenced to death by the court-martial of the Security Police, for adherence to forbidden organizations and for other political aims according to paragraph 1 and 2 of the Ordinance of October 2nd 1943, concerning the suppression of attacks against the German construction work in the General Government:

[Follow the names of the 50 condemned persons]

The condemned persons have been considered for a reprieve. The population of Warsaw and of the prefectorial district of Warsaw - Land is therefore exhorted to do everything in order to prevent further attacks on Germans or Poles in their employ, or to collaborate in the arrest of the criminals in order that fur. ther executions may be avoided and the persons sentenced to death be nominated for reprieve.


Warsaw, 26 February 1944.

The Commander of the Security Police and of the
Security Service for the District of Warsaw



On 21 and 22 February 1944, in the city of Warsaw three treacherous attacks against Germans and Poles in German service have again been perpetrated by cowardly Polish criminals.

In these attacks four Germans were seriously injured, one Pole in German service was shot and two more Poles in German service were seriously injured. In addition a Polish woman who had absolutely nothing to do with the affair was so seriously injured by a bomb thrown by the Polish criminals that her death must be expected, and moreover an eleven year old Polish girl was killed. Consequently, 80 Polish criminals from among those persons who as members of the PZP and of the PPR were in the pay of England and Moscow and were sentenced to death by the court-martial of the security police, and who at first were considered for clemency, were publicly executed on 28 February 1944.

The population of Warsaw as well as of the district captaincy [Kreishauptmannschaft] of Warsaw county is again requested to do everything to prevent further attacks against Germans, or Poles in German service, or to cooperate in the capture of the perpetrators so that further executions may be prevented and that persons subsequently sentenced to death may be proposed for clemency.

Warsaw 28 February 1944

The Commander of the Security Police and of the SD For the Warsaw District.



On 23 February 1944 an express-train was derailed and fired upon by Polish bandits in the neighborhood of the Skruda railway station, District Captaincy Warsaw-Land. Thereby 12 passengers were injured. During further treacherous attacks perpetrated by cowardly Polish criminals on 24, 25 and 29 February 1944 in the city of Warsaw, two Poles serving with the Germans were shot and robbed and another Pole serving with the Germans was severely injured through shots in the head. Thereupon 80

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