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down. But we know all the more certainly that the sun will go down for the Jews. Eternal night must come over the born criminal race of the Jews, so that eternal day may make the awakening non-Jewish mankind happy.



No. 21, 25th May 1944.


[Extract from an article signed Ernst Hiemer]

Whose fault is it that millions of men are separated from their wives and children? The Jews! Who is responsible for the people having to go without so many of life's comforts and having to do the hardest work? The Jews! Whose fault is it that our towns and villages are being destroyed by enemy bombers? The Jews! Who is responsible for the heroic death of the best of our people and for the murder of countless women and children? The Jew! Yes, the Jew is the germ that has thrown the world into a disease which irrevocably leads to death unless humanity rises at the last moment after all.

But how can we overcome this danger and restore humanity to health? Just as the individual human being is able to defend himself against contagious diseases only if he proclaims war against the cause of the disease, the germs, so the world can be restored to health only when the most terrible germ of all times, the Jew, has been removed. It is of no avail to battle against the outward symptoms of the world disease without rendering the actual cause of the disease innocuous. The disease will nevertheless break out again sooner or later. The cause and bearer of the disease sees to this itself the germ. But if the nations are to be restored to health and are to remain healthy in the future, then the germ of the Jewish world plague must be destroyed root and branch.



No. 32, 10th August 1944.

[Extract from an article by Ernst Hiemer.]

Today it is a question of the existence or non-existence of the entire Jewish race. If Judaism wins, then it gains the domination

over the entire world, which it has striven for from the very beginning. But if it loses this struggle, then Judaism will be ruined. Then the Jew will be extinguished! Then Judaism will be annihilated down to the last man!



No. 37, 14th September 1944.

[Extract from an article by Franz Axmann]

Bolshevism cannot be defeated, it must be destroyed. And neither can Judaism be defeated, disarmed or made defenseless. It must be exterminated.


The Reich Foreign Secretary,

[Initialled] 'L' [Lammers]

"Tho' [Thomsen]

Berlin, 2nd April, 1933.

[In handwriting] Submitted to the Reich Chancellor

Dear Reich Chancellor,

The Italian Ambassador telephoned me last night and informed me that Mussolini had declared himself prepared to deny, through the Italian delegations abroad, all news about the persecution of the Jews in Germany that had been distorted by propaganda, if we should consider this course useful. I thanked Herr Cerrati, also on your behalf, and told him that we should be glad to accept his offer.

I regard this friendly gesture of Mussolini's as important enough to bring it to your notice.

As I am unfortunately so hoarse, that I can only make myself understood with difficulty on the telephone, I am having to recourse to this written channel.

With best greetings I remain, dear Reich Chancellor,

Yours faithfully,

[Signed] NEURATH

To the Reich Chancellor,

Herr Adolf Hitler,

Reich Chancellery.



No. 12, March 1938.

Greater Germany.

The Jewish domination is broken!

Our God makes sure that the power of the Jews does not grow up to heaven itself. What was only a dream up to a few days ago, has now become reality. The sister nation of Austria has returned home to the Reich. The world Jew has lost yet another battle. He still lives in the Reich in the midst of Germans and he still lives in the midst of the German and Austrian people. The power he had has, however, been taken from him-his domination is broken. We are approaching wonderful times-a Greater Germany without Jews.


[Extract from Skl.File. "Fall Athenia"]

1st Naval Operational Staff.


1. To M. Naval Attache.

The Foreign Office has had a report of the meeting between the Commander in Chief of the German Navy and the American Naval Attache on the 13.9.39 passed on to it by telephone; it is worded as follows:

"On the 16.9 at about 1300 hours, the Commander in Chief of the Navy received the American Naval Attache on the advice of the Reich Foreign Minister, and told him more or less the following: He had intended for some days already-as he knewto write him to visit him, in order to tell him clearly his opinion about the sinking of the "Athenia", in view of the continued baiting about it. However he had waited for the return of these of the submarines that had been employed in waging war against merchant ships, at the time in question which might possibly be concerned, in order to receive reports about their activity personally. He repeated most emphatically that the sinking of the "Athenia" was not caused by a German submarine. The ship nearest to the place of the incident was at the time actually situated about 170 sea miles away from the place of the sinking. Besides this, the instructions according to which the commanders

had to wage war against merchant shipping had after all been published. Up to date, in no case had these instructions been even slightly disregarded. On the contrary, an American captain reported a short time before about the particularly courteous and chivalrous behavior of the submarine commanders.

He authorized him to make official use of his statements through his embassy. It is left to the Naval Attache to report this to the Naval Attache in Washington.

[blocks in formation]

3rd Dept.Naval Operational Staff. 1st Dept.Naval Operational Staff.

American Naval Attache Berlin to Washington:

Grand Admiral Raeder told me today the 16.9 that he had now received the reports from all submarines, as a result of which it has definitely been ascertained that the steamer "Athenia" was not sunk by a German submarine. He emphatically stressed the marvellous discipline of his submarine commanders; he had nevertheless delayed notifying me until the reports of all submarines which could possibly have been involved in the "Athenia" incident had been received. Grand Admiral Raeder added that the chivalrous conduct over and above the demands of the laws concerning prizes which is so much praised by the neutrals will be difficult to carry out, in view of the arming of merchant ships by the British. 3rd Dept. Naval Operational Staff B. (B-Command)

Distribution: Ic 1st Naval Operational Staff, Ia, Iu.

Naval Operational Staff 7244 secret.




[Extract from Anlagen Skl Ib]

[blocks in formation]

1. Subject: U-Boat Construction Program.

On the 27th October 1936 I made my decision on how to make use of the U-boat tonnage that was for the time being still at our disposal in accordance with the London Naval Treaty of 1935, and on orders to be placed for the immediate construction of the new U-boats U 41 to U 51.

The military and political situation urgently demands that the extension of our U-boat fleet should be taken in hand immediately and completed with the greatest energy and dispatch, as it is a particularly valuable part of our armament at sea and possesses special striking powers.

I therefore impose the obligation on all naval departments concerned to do everything to make sure that the U-boat fleet is entirely completed, taken into commission and prepared for action in the shortest possible space of time, and to remove all obstacles and difficulties in the way of this aim by the strongest pressure on the armament industries participating in the construction and by the employment of all other suitable measures.

I order in particular that the requirements of the extension of the U-boat fleet are in every case to be given absolute priority over export orders.

[Pencil note]: It is to be reported to me after renewed negotiations with the firms and after exerting the strongest pressure when the seven 500 ton boats and the eight 740 ton boats will be completed.

2. Send copy of 1 to:


Chief of the U-boats

Stat O.

A (4 copies)

B (4 copies)

M Wa (4 copies)


Stat. N.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


Naval Adjutant at War Office Arsenal

E.A, U-boats,

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