which is going to prepare a grave for the world's criminal Judah -from which there will be no resurrection. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-820 "DER STURMER" No. 9, p.2. February 1940. At the end of this Jewish war the extermination of the Jewish people will have been brought about. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-821 "DER STURMER" No. 13, p.5. March 1940. The Jew is a devil in human form. It is fitting that he be exterminated root and branch. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-822 "DER STURMER". No.27, p.3. 4th July 1940 [Article "The truth about the Pogroms."] So, thus pogroms originate. And what right feeling and right thinking person could fail to understand this mob which defends itself against murderers. Who can, looking back, reproach all those who, in the course of centuries, slew Jews who could be convicted of desecration of churches, of usury, of ritual murders etc. Pogroms were at all times demonstrations of the will of the people which sought the good and shunned the bad. Pogroms at all times were the exactment of an atonement which followed upon Jewish outrages, and therefore were right and lawful. The last and biggest pogrom will bring salvation to the world, the salvation from Satan. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-823 "DER STURMER" No. 29, p.6. 18 July 1940. Ahasver, the eternal Jew, wandering from country to country— when will finally this tormentor of people be finished off? "DER STURMER" No. 37, p.5. 12 September 40. ["The warning of the Talmudists. Can one destroy the Jewish Religion?"] The Centralblaad voor Israelitien appearing in Amsterdam says in No. 3 of 21 March 1940, in Russia "despite 22 years of unceasing effort it has not been possible to successfully combat the Jewish religion." It had been impossible because the Jewish religion was the bearer of high ethical and universal ideas. So says the Jew. We, however, say "The Jewish religion" can only be exterminated if one kills the Jew. For the Jewish religion is the Jew himself. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-825 "DER STURMER" No.37, p.9. 12 September 40. Not for nothing did the Fuehrer say: "A war in Europe will bring about the complete extermination of the Jews in this part of the world." TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-826 "DER STURMER" No. 45, p.10. 7 November 1940 [Article by E. Jelinek "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."] This Germany will, however, not be soft when again setting in order its spheres of interest. The Jewish rabble will be exterminated like weeds and vermin so that it can never again disturb the bloodily fought for peace of the European peoples. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-827 "DER STURMER" No. 2, p.7. 9 January 1941 Those were the Jewish "Sacred relics" which the Jews are now moaning for. Now judgment has begun and it will reach its conclusion only when knowledge of the Jews has been erased from the earth. “DER STURMER" No. 31, p.2. 31 July 1941. [Leading article by Streicher.] The Jew in the Bolshevic-Russian Reich tortured on as before, drew the skin of the victim from his body and celebrated blood orgies until that day that has now come. The end of this day, however, will bring the annihilation of these murderers of humanity. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-829 “DER STURMER" No. 33, p.1. 14 August 1941 [Leading article by Streicher.] The cemeteries in which people are buried who were destroyed by Jews will only have become places of rest when the last trace of the eternal Jew has been obliterated from this earth. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-830 "DER STURMER" No. 33, p.2. 14 Aug 1941. [Article "The Devil in the Soviet Hell."] Behind the German Wehrmacht, however, a new, awakened Europe is marching. And this new Europe will see to it that the Jewish devils of the Soviet hell are annihilated for all time. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-831 DER STURMER No.36, p.2. 4 Sept 1941 [Leading Article by Streicher] The source of the world's disaster will be done away with for ever only when Jewry in its entirety has been annihilated. DER STURMER No.52, p.2. 25 December 41 [Leading Article by Streicher] If the danger of the reproduction of that curse of God in the Jewish blood is to finally come to its end, then there is only one way: the extermination of that people whose father is the devil. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT D-841 Deposition of WALTER KURT DIETMANN Deposition on oath of WALTER KURT DIETMANN, male, of Nauen, Berlin, Graf Arco-Str 19, sworn before me, Frederick Michael Warner, Captain, Gen. List, of War Crimes Investigation Unit, at Kiel, on 3rd May 1946. I was Naval-Administration-Inspector (Mar.-Verw.Inspector) and O i/c of the Naval Quartermaster Stores in Libau in Latvia. I held this position from beginning of August 1941 to the end of March 1942. The Jewish population of Libau at that time was supposed to be about 7,000 people. Up to the end of March 1942 many thousands of those had already been "evacuated” by the Gestapo and the Latvian Police. Evacuated was the local expression for the annihilation of these people. All Jews were registered. When a new lot was evacuated it happened in the following way: The Latvian Police fetched the Jews out of their houses, put them on lorries and drove them to the Naval Port about 6-7klm. outside the town. Later on these people had to march and were not taken anymore in lorries to that place. In the Naval Port these people were then shot with machineguns. This was done by the Gestapo and the Latvian Police. The people of course got their orders from the German Gestapo. I personally didn't witness these incidents but comrades told me all about them. Some of the Jews before they were shot worked for the Navy. About 80,100 people worked in the Quartermaster Stores every day. About 100,150 people worked in the Town Major's Office every day. About 50 people worked at the Local Naval Building Office every day. Through these contacts and through personal visits of Jews in their houses I heard a lot regarding these terrible happenings in Libau during these months. I personally went to my superior, Festungs-Intendant Dr. Lancelle, and before that I also went to another superior, the O i/c of the Hospital Administration (Lazarett-Verwaltungs-Vorsteher) Nuetler, both were Naval Administration officials. I pointed out to them these already mentioned awful happenings. The answer I got was that they couldn't do anything and that things like that were best overlooked. The Assistant Naval Administration Officer (Marine-Verwaltungs-Assistant) Kurt Traunecker accompanied a transport of clothing from Kiel to Libau. He stayed a few weeks in Libau and he definitely disapproved of the conditions there regarding the annihilation of the Jews. He then went back to Kiel to the Local Quartermaster Stores. There again he showed his disapproval of what he had seen and thereupon was ordered to appear at the Naval Administration H.Q. (Marine-Intendantur). Whom he saw there, I don't know, but it was made clear to him that these occurrences were not true and therefore he should not talk about them anymore, otherwise he would get into serious trouble. My personal opinion is that the higher formations of the Navy in Kiel and in other places in Germany must have had knowledge of these terrible conditions. In my opinion directly responsible for the incidents in Libau were The Oi/c of the Police, Obersturmbannfuehrer of the SS Dr. Police-Lieutenant and Adjutant Graf. Police-Lieutenant Seiffert. Untersturmfuehrer of the SS and leader of the Department Gestapo-Official and SS Oberscharfuehrer Handke. Witnesses for these occurrences are the following: Naval-Administration-Inspector (Mar. Verw. Insp) Paul Roep storf. Naval-Administration-Assistant (Mar.Verw.Asst) Josef Gla ser. Naval-Administration-Assistant (Mar.Verw.Asst) Max Gohr. Traunecker. |