chief for Foreign Affairs concerning the White 351 884-PS Memorandum by Warlimont, 12 May 1941, re- 352 *1031-PS Extract from top secret notes of meeting with Funk 354 1032-PS Memorandum by Braeutigam, 10 June 1941, re- 354 *1137-PS 1201-PS 1263-PS Report on the activity of the Office of Hauptbann- 356 361 362 *1265-PS Directives, 13 and 15 October 1942, regarding 367 *1266-PS Directive by Canaris, 13 October 1942, and memo- 369 1290-PS *1296-PS 1321-PS 1342-PS Report by Sauckel, 27 July 1942, concerning em- Memorandum by Henning, 13 January 1943, con- 372 375 380 381 *1452-PS *1507-PS Memorandum of conference of Milch, Witzell, Leeb, 388 389 *1698-PS Annual Report of Germanic Scientific Mission, 17 401 1764-PS Memorandum concerning Sauckel labor projects in France 402 Memorandum of 30 June 1940, concerning contin- uation of the War against England. (GB 494) *1965-A-PS Extract from "Der Sturmer", 4 November 1943. 407 *2233-DD-PS Extract from Frank Diary, 16 October 1944. (GB 562) 412 *2263-PS Letter from Landfried, 6 June 1942, to Biehler, Testimony of Anton Pacholegg, 13 May 1945, re- garding Dr. Rascher's experiments. (GB 582) Teletype from Governor General at Cracow to District Governors, 3 May 1944, concerning trans- 413 Findings and sentence, 18 October 1945, of a Third U. S. Army Military Commission in case of Albert Treatise by von Papen, written while in custody in *3572-PS Decree of 25 April 1938 sent all diplomatic repre- 515 3765-PS Extract from "Military Training of the German by von Schirach 549 *3769-PS Extract from 1939 Yearbook of the Hitler Youth 550 *3800-PS Interrogation of Dr. Heribert von Strempel, 14, 550 3816-PS Affidavit of Gerhard Schmidt, 28 March 1946 586 *3843-PS *3845-PS Testimony of witness Karl Karwinsky, 15 October 588 (USA 795) 591 *3855-PS Circular from Kaltenbrunner, 5 April 1944, giving ers. (USA 806) 592 *3857-PS Memorandum of Reich Protector in Bohemia and 594 *3858-PS *3859-PS Report from Dr. Dennler, senior governmental 596 598 *3862-PS Order issued by von Neurath, 27 June 1941, to (GB 522) 615 *3876-PS *3877-PS Various reports from Heydrich in 1942 giving 616 624 *3881-PS Extracts from Transcript of Proceedings before August 1944. (GB 527) 625 *3886-PS *3893-PS Excerpts of minutes of Vienna City Council meet- 628 514) 629 *3894-PS Interrogation of Hans Posse, 12 April 1946. (USA 843) 629 *3914-PS Excerpts from notes on Reich Defense Committee 638 *3921-PS Letter of 27 October 1941 enclosing decree for 643 *3927-PS Letter from National Socialist German Labor 645 *3930-PS Telegram to the Reich Governor in Vienna, 10 Sep- 653 *3931-PS *3933-PS Teletype No. 85 from Schirach to Bormann, 15 654 658 *3936-PS Excerpts from notes prepared by Schacht for an 659 *3943-PS Excerpts from "Reports from Occupied Eastern 660 *3944-PS *3945-PS Affidavit by Emil Puhl, 3 May 1946, concerning *3947-PS *3948-PS Memorandum signed by Kropp, 31 March 1944, 675 Reichsmarks. (USA 847) 677 *3949-PS *3951-PS Memorandum by head cashier of Deutsche Reichs- 678 679 *3952-PS *3953-PS Extract from testimony of Walter Funk, 19 Octo- 682 683
*3954-PS Affidavit of Franz B. Wolf, 29 April 1946. (USA 877) 683 Affidavit of Captain Sam Harris, 9 May 1946, re- garding movie and still photographs taken in vaults of Reichsbank at Frankfurt. (USA 878) .. Series of letters, 1941 to 1945, between Reich Chan- cellory and office of von Neurath regarding pay- ment of air raid shelter cost and administrative Affidavit of Lloyd Louis Garnell, 13 May 1946, re- *3992-PS Excerpt from testimony of witness in case against 691 Newspaper article by Dr. Friedrich Rainer, 12 March 1939, "Hours of Historical Decision", con- cerning seizure of power in Austria. (USA 883) Speech of Dr. Friedrich Rainer, 11 March 1942, concerning National Socialism in Austria from Excerpts from "Bulletin of Reich Minister for Armament and Munition" 1942, 1943, 1944 rela- tive to labor commitment, appointment of Sauckel, distribution of raw materials and dis- cipline and transfer of workers. (USA 902) Letter from Koerbel to Rosenberg, 21 April 1938, regarding publication "Der SA-Mann". (GB 614) Letter from Der SA Mann office to Rosenberg, 13 Letter from Globocnik to Himmler, 5 January 1943, enclosing report on Action Reinhardt. (GB 550) Deposition of Karl Reif, 29 May 1946, concerning *4038-PS Decree of Dr. Fischer, Governor of Warsaw, pub- lished 7 March 1941, announcing arrest of host- ages, establishing curfew, and closing places of en- |