Nazi Conspiracy and AggressionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1946 |
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Стр. iv
... Anschluss may speedily be located by consult- ing the index following the brief on " Aggression Against Austria " Vol . I ( p . 505 ) , and by reference to the same topic in the cross - index at the end of the present volume ( p . 1333 ) ...
... Anschluss may speedily be located by consult- ing the index following the brief on " Aggression Against Austria " Vol . I ( p . 505 ) , and by reference to the same topic in the cross - index at the end of the present volume ( p . 1333 ) ...
Стр. vii
... Anschluss 426 * 3309 - PS Affidavit of Otto Meissner , 28 November 1945. ( GB 495 ) 506 * 3546 - PS Extracts from 1944 Diary " Das Ahnenerbe " , re- garding medical experiments in concentration camps . ( GB 551 ) 513 * 3572 - PS Decree ...
... Anschluss 426 * 3309 - PS Affidavit of Otto Meissner , 28 November 1945. ( GB 495 ) 506 * 3546 - PS Extracts from 1944 Diary " Das Ahnenerbe " , re- garding medical experiments in concentration camps . ( GB 551 ) 513 * 3572 - PS Decree ...
Стр. 21
... Anschluss , after Munich , and after the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia , that German ambitions were realized and that Hitler had “ No further territorial demands to make in Europe . " 87 . The record of this trial shows that those ...
... Anschluss , after Munich , and after the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia , that German ambitions were realized and that Hitler had “ No further territorial demands to make in Europe . " 87 . The record of this trial shows that those ...
Стр. 32
... Anschluss , the threats which preceded Munich , and Goering's threat to bomb the beautiful city of Prague if the President of Czechoslovakia did not consent to the Protectorate , 133 are exam- ples of what the defendants have in mind ...
... Anschluss , the threats which preceded Munich , and Goering's threat to bomb the beautiful city of Prague if the President of Czechoslovakia did not consent to the Protectorate , 133 are exam- ples of what the defendants have in mind ...
Стр. 43
... Anschluss , and in so doing only marshaled him the way he was going.162 Goering gave his word of honor to the Czechs and pro- ceeded to break it.163 Even Speer proposed to deceive the French into revealing the specially trained among ...
... Anschluss , and in so doing only marshaled him the way he was going.162 Goering gave his word of honor to the Czechs and pro- ceeded to break it.163 Even Speer proposed to deceive the French into revealing the specially trained among ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
activity aggressive Anschluss armament Armed Forces Army Article from Israelitisches attack Austrian Berlin Cabinet carried Chancellor Chief clemency Command Commissar concentration camps concerning copy crimes criminal Czech decree defendants Der Sturmer district economic enemy executed extermination Foreign Office Fuehrer Funk Gauleiter Gestapo Goering Herr Himmler Hitler Youth Israelitisches Wochenblatt Jewish Jews Jodl Kaltenbrunner Keitel Labor Commitment leaders March ment military Ministry Moravia murder National Socialist Naval Nazi Nazi Party Neurath NSDAP Occupied Eastern Territories organizations Papen Party persons Plenipotentiary Poland political population possible President prisoners prisoners of war propaganda question Raeder regarding Reich Chancellery Reich Defense Reich Minister Reichsbank Reichsfuehrer Ribbentrop Rosenberg Sauckel Schacht Schirach Schuschnigg Security Police Seyss Seyss-Inquart ships shot soldiers Soviet Staff Sturmer tion Transcript TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT Tribunal troops U-boat Vienna Viereck Warsaw Wehrmacht Witness workers