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of the Fuehrer down to the last consequence. For should we forget during this life and death struggle to banish the Jewish danger forever, even the heroes' deaths at the front of our best people would be in vain.

[Initialled] H.



No. 13. 25 March 1943

The time for yielding and irresolution is past. Europe has made a beginning. The bloodshed in this war is coming over the Jews, their children and grandchildren. The hyena of the battlefield is on the way to its destruction.

[Unsigned Leading Article]


Extracts from "DER STURMER❞
No. 19. 6 May 1943

"The salvation of the world will come through the Jews." Our times, however, know what to think of this "salvation" through Jewry. They now put an end to the machinations of Jewry and declare: "There will be no salvation through the Jews, but only salvation from the Jews." This salvation is being carried out today step by step.

[Signed] Ernst Hiemer

Children of the Devil

"Der Sturmer" paid a visit to ghettos in the East

"Der Sturmer" sent its photographer to various ghettos in the East. A member of the "Sturmer" staff is well acquainted with the Jews; nothing can surprise him easily. But what our contributor saw in these ghettos was a unique experience even for him. He wrote:

* * *

"What my eyes and my Leica camera saw here convinced me that the Jews are not human beings but children of the devil and the spawn of crime It is hard to see how it was possible that this scum of humanity was for centuries looked upon as God's chosen people by the non-Jews race really has no right to exist



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This Satanic


No. 22. 27 May 1943

But a people which, like the Jews, has included murder in its rites and which has for thousands of years indulged in ritual murder, is a community of murderers. It no longer has a right to exist.

[Signed] M. Froehling



No. 24. 10 June 1943

There was a time when only a few people among the German nation recognized the Jewish danger. In the meantime, National Socialism has enlightened millions as to the Jewish question. But even among these millions there are still some who have not yet struggled through to the last consequences. These last consequences are: A people who are mass murderers in accordance with their law, who are murderers of children and old people in accordance with their law, have no longer a right to exist. Their destiny must and will be fulfilled. Thus we know: the more terror raids against our civilian population, the greater the number of fanatical fighters against Pan-Juda. Every murdered old man, every murdered child, summons thousands and thousands to avenge him. The day will come when a great act of expiation will free the word from the Jewish devil.

[Signed] Ernst Hiemer



No. 33. 12 August 1943

Therefore in all schools, in all influential offices of the Party, of the Armed Forces and of the authorities, only one sentence should be written on the walls like a Mene Tekel: Hate the Jew and his brood! But also hate everybody and everything connected and allied with the Jews-with sacred, burning hatred! And when the hour of revenge strikes, we shall not let ourselves be softened by sentimentality! Let us not forget what the Jew has done to humanity for thousands of years! Let us not forget that the Jew has to pay for all the misdeeds he has committed against humanity during thousands of years! Let us remember


that the Jew himself has passed sentence upon himself in his own laws: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! Let us oppose his criminal hatred with our great, sacred hatred! Let us remember that all the victims of Jewish hatred in German towns, in the graves of Katyn and Vinniza and all those mass graves which are still unknown today, the victims of the world war launched by the Jews, are crying out for revenge. When the hour of retribution strikes, our hearts must be and remain hard and must know no other sentiment and no other emotion. Juda must feel and realise that the hour of retribution and settlement has come, and that nothing will be forgotten and forgiven. Juda will then reap the hatred it has sown for centuries. Through this hatred Juda must perish.

[Signed] Martin Froehling




No. 27. 1 July 1943

It is the demand of the hour to eliminate this crazy vermin and to eliminate it so thoroughly that it will never again be in a position to disturb the peace of the nations.


From a letter in "DER STURMER"

No. 5. February 1940.

The Jews were for Poland, in the literal sense of the word, a Pest; swarms of locusts, as described in the Old Testament, couldn't have ravaged the country more terribly than these parasites from the banks of the Jordan. Yet, just as there exists only one effective way of dealing with swarms of locusts-namely, by exterminating them completely-there only exists one way of combatting the Jewish pest, too: ruthless destruction. Heil Hitler. [Signed] Uffz. Recknagel.



No. 7. February 1940

Judaism is criminality! This criminality can, however, be countered successfully only if it is exterminated root and branch. [Signed] Jk.


No. 2. January 1940

The war which is raging over Europe today is a Jewish war. Poland, the first bulwark of world Jewry, has fallen. But the final victory of German arms will destroy world Jewry completely. [Signed] Jk.



No. 4. January 1940

For thousands of years the Jewish criminal nation has been roaming from country to country. The curse laid upon it by God does not allow it to rest anywhere. Only when all Jewry has been destroyed will peace reign in the world.



No. 1. January 1940

The Jews are waiting for a particle of dust from Hitler's grave. The infernal machine of November 8th 1939 was intended to dig the longed for grave for the Fuehrer of the German Reich. But things happened otherwise. The time is approaching when a machine will go off which will prepare a grave for the world criminal, Pan-Juda—a grave from which there can be no resurrection.



No. 44. November 1939

The Sturmer will regard it as its duty to continue with its work of "enlightenment" until at last all mankind has been aroused. This awakening of mankind entails the destruction of the world criminal, Jewry.


No. 1. 6 January 1944

After the National Socialist uprising in Germany, a development began in Europe, too, from which one can expect that it will free this continent, once and for all, of the Jewish disintegrator of nations and exploiter, and-over and above this—that the German example will-after a victorious termination of the second World War-bring about the destruction of the Jewish world tormentor in the other continents as well.

[blocks in formation]

The measures which are at present being applied to mental patients of all kinds have led to the rise of a feeling of absolute legal insecurity among wide circles of the population. Such patients are transferred from the institutions, without obtaining the consent of their relations or guardians, to other institutions from which after a short time the notification follows that the persons concerned have died of some kind of disease. In view of the multitude of death notifications, the people are convinced that these patients are done away with. Since on the 10.9 and the 13.9, 75 of the patients entrusted to me were transferred on each of these days from the institution under my charge to such an institution, I take the liberty of asking this question: is it possible that such a measure can be carried out without a law referring to this being published? Is it not the duty of every citizen to oppose under all circumstances all acts not covered by the laws-in fact acts prohibited by the law-even if they are carried out by state organs?

Because of the absolute secrecy and impenetrability in which these measures are carried out, not only the wildest rumours arise among the people (for instance, that people who cannot work because of old age or wounds received in the Great War, have been

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