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Subject: Prison camps within the area of the Higher SS and

Police Chiefs.

Ref: RF SS, Personal Staff, diary No. Top Secret/694/40 Wa/Kp. of 1.2.40.

[blocks in formation]

To the Reichsfuhrer SS and Chief of the German Police

Berlin S.W.11

Copies to:

1) S.S. Gruppenfuehrer Pohl

(with 9 enclosures)

2) S.S. Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich (no enclosures)

In the above mentioned decree, the Reichsfuehrer SS ordered that the following prison camps be inspected to determine their suitability as concentration camps:

1. Police prison in Welzheim.

2. Transit camp (Dulag) in Kislau

(both in the area of the Higher SS and Police Chief South West)

3. Frauenberg (nr. Admont) camp

(in the area of the Higher SS and Police Chief Alperland) 4. Sosnowitz (East Upper Silesia) camp.

5. Auschwitz (Upper Silesia) Camp

(Both in the area of the Higher SS and Police Chief South East)

The inspection has been carried out. The result was as follows: (1) Welzheim.

Welzheim is not a concentration camp but has since 1934 been a house prison of the Gestapo in Stuttgart, which it comes under. The designation "Concentration Camp" must have been given to it by mistake.

It is unsuitable for use, as a concentration camp.

(2) Kislau.

Kislau is a prison camp of the Reich administrator of justice, supervised by the judiciary and directed by a prison director. It can take 600 prisoners. Up to the beginning of the present war, foreign legionnaires were also sent to the camp by the Karlsruhe Gestapo (against reimbursement of costs); at the moment there are still 7 legionnaires at Kislau. As a concentration camp existed near Kislau in 1933/34, the present judicial prison camp is still erroneously described as a "concentration camp."


Gruppenfuehrer Heydrich have recommended that it be taken


I have submitted the data regarding the camps in the area of the Higher SS and Police Chiefs Warthe and Rhine, which I am not to inspect, to SS Gruppenfuehrer Pohl, with the request for his opinion as to whether he is interested in these camps. After looking through the reports, it seems to me that these camps do not come into question as concentration camps.

[Rubber stamp]

Personal Staff, RFSS Enclosures

Received: 22 Feb 1940

Diary No. 732 top secret (initials)
To: Reichsfuehrer

[Signed] Gluecks SS Oberfuehrer.


To the Reich Plenipotentiary for the Consolidation of German Folkdom, SS Himmler, Chief of the Police,


[Initialled] H.H. [H. Himmler]

I beg you to give your attention to the following statements. I have asked Professor Hoehm to hand this letter to you and have thus selected the direct path to you in order to avoid the slower official channels and to eliminate the possibility of an indiscretion, bearing in mind the enormous importance, under certain circumstances, of the idea submitted.

Prompted by the thought that the enemy must not only be conquered but exterminated, I feel obliged to submit the following to you as the Reich Plenipotentiary for the Consolidation of German Folkdom:

Dr. Madous is publishing the results of his research into sterilization by medicaments (I enclose both works). In reading this article, I was struck by the enormous importance of this medicament in the present struggle of our people. Should it be possible to produce as soon as possible, as a result of this research, a medicament which, after a comparatively brief period, would cause an unnoticed sterilization in individuals, we would have at our disposal a new and very effective weapon. The thought alone that the 3 million Bolsheviks now in German captivity could be sterilized, so that they would be available for work but precluded from propagation, opens up the most far-reaching perspectives. Madous discovered that the juice of the plant Caladium Segui


Whenever he was interested in a matter he put all the help at his command to the disposal of the physicians, and always kept in personal contact with the project. He even informed himself personally of its progress. Whenever prisoners were put at disposal for an experiment, the orders usually went to the Inspektion. However, later on, they were sent also to me. But I do not believe it impossible that orders also were given directly to the camp commanders; otherwise, I should have had knowledge about more experiments as the ones described below.

When I intervened in 1944 against the transfer of prisoners for these purposes, with the explanation that they would be a loss to the work details, Himmler appointed Grawitz as his deputy in charge of operations of the experiments. From then on, he was in charge of the supervision and the reporting on all experiments which were ordered by Himmler. But Himmler's personal participation (Teilnahame) did not decrease.


During the period of April 1942 to the end of 1944, when the Inspektion was a part of the W.V.H.A., I gained knowledge of the following experiments:

1. Schilling. These tasks are probably sufficiently known through the trial of Schilling. Schilling, whom I did not know previously, conducted me through his installations in Dachau during a visit and told me a few things about malaria and malarial mosquitos. I believe this was the biggest experiment. This also has caused my protest to Himmler, because Schilling always asked for prisoners. How many were finally transferred to him, I do not know.

2. Rascher. My attention was called to these experiments by Himmler's written orders to me. The prisoners were transferred to Dachau. There, the experiments also took place. Himmler, during a stay in Munich, took me along for a visit. We saw a cockpit [Flugzeugkanzel] in which a prisoner was seated. After this the cockpit was put under pressure. Rascher observed through a glass window. After that, the person on whom the experiment was performed was brought into Rascher's study where he asked him questions. At first these questions were answered in a dazed manner; until, after a certain period of time, full consciousness returned.

I did not see any other of Rascher's experiments. Neither did I select the prostitutes for his cooling experiments [Unterkeuhlversuche]. The prostitutes probably came from Ravensrueck. 3. Klauberg (or Glauberg). I made his acquaintance during supper at the Fuehrerheim Auschwitz. He was introduced to me

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