fuehrer Panzinger on killing of French *4051-PS Report on telephone conversation, 12 *4052-PS "Group Inland II" addressed to Foreign of French General Deboisse. (USA *4055-PS Letter from Dr. Schlegelberger to Dr. *4057-PS Confidential telegram, 25 April 1944, by Best ordering counter-terrorism in Denmark. (USA 924) *4069-PS Letter from French Director General of Justice, 18 July 1946, with attached dossier on murder of the French General. (USA 925) .... 809 810 810 814 816 832 *4071-PS Affidavit of Rudolf Schoenberg, 22 July 1946. (GB 603) 836 *D-258 Report made before a British military court, 17 September 1945, concerning treatment of Jewish women and girls, inmates of work camp in Essen from beginning of 1944, who were forced to work at Krupp factory. (USA 896) 859 *D-419 Report on Internal Situation in the Warthegau and covering letters of 2 December and 30 November 1939. (GB 552) *D-421 Memo for file and teleprint message, 14 September 1939, regarding sentencing of SS man and Military Police Sgt. Major for killing 50 Jews without reason. (GB 567) *D-547 Various communications and orders, September 1943, regarding deportation of Jews from Denmark and release of interned Danish soldiers. (GB 488) *D-578 Report on activities of the SS units in 865 869 882 *D-953 Statement by D. David Wajnapel regarding SS activities in Poland. (GB 564) *D-955 Record of examination of Mojzesz Goldberg, 29 July 1946. (GB 565) .... 1145 1154 *D-956 Extract from book, German Crimes in Poland. (GB 559) 1155 *D-959 Report by Czechoslovak Ministry of Interior about crimes committed by Allgemeine SS and Waffen SS. (GB 571) 1155 *D-964 Affidavit of Szloma Gol, 9 August 1946. (GB 597) 1165 *D-969 Affidavit of Leib Kibart, 10 August 1946. . (GB 600) 1169 *D-972 Extract from Calendar of European Historie Events, 20-22 February 1934, entitled "Eden's Conversation with German Government in Berlin". (GB 618) 1173 *D-973 Affidavit of Kurt Ehrhardt. (GB 628) 1173 1176 *EC-366-1 Report on activities as Liaison Officer of OKW with the Sudeten German Freikorps. (GB 609) 1187 *R-178 File on Russian Prisoners of War. (USA 910) 1243 *007 Letter from Himmler to Higher SS and Police Chief, 7 September 1943, regarding destruction of Ukraine. (GB 592) 1270 *008 Letter from Institute for Practical Scientific Research for Military Purposes to Pohl, 19 May 1944, regarding production of new kind of spotted fever serum. (GB 586) 1270 *009 Letter of 6 June in answer to Document 008, regarding production of new serum against spotted fever. (GB 587) *010 Letter to Himmler, 1 June 1943, regarding investigation into cause of contagious jaundice. (GB 584) *011 Letter from Himmler to Reich Doctor SS and Police approving use of prisoners 1272 1273 in research into cause of infectious jaundice. (GB 585) *015 Letter to Dr. Brandt, 11 April 1944, regarding Fuehrer's order of 1 March 1944. (GB 581) 1274 1275 *022 Letter from Himmler, 10 July 1943, regarding evacuation of Ukraine and use of laborers. (GB 593) 1276 *034 Letter from Gluecks, 21 February 1940, regarding possibility of using prison camps as concentration camps. (GB 604) *035 Letter from Dr. Pokorny to Himmler, Octo-. ber 1941, regarding research into sterilization by medicaments. (GB 588) 1276 1279 *065 Affidavit of Oswald Pohl, 23 June 1946, re-* garding medical experiments in concentration camps. (GB 583) 1280 *085 Letter to Dr. Brandt, 9 February 1942, enclosing Prof. Hirt's report on securing skulls of Jewish-Bolshevik Commissars for scientific research. (GB 574) *086 Letter from Sievers to Brandt, 2 November 1942, requesting 150 Jewish skeletons for experiments. (GB 575) *087 Letter from Sievers to Eichmann, 21 June 1943, subject: Establishment of collection of skeletons. (GB 577) *088 Letter from Sievers to Dr. Brandt, 5 September 1944, requesting instructions. on preservation of collection of Jewish skeletons. (GB 578) *089 Letter from Brandt to Eichmann, 6 November 1942, requesting cooperation in establishing collection of skeletons. (GB 576) 1283 1285 1286 1287 1287 *091 Notes by Berg, 15 and 26 October 1944, regarding destruction of skeleton collec tion. (GB 579) 1288 *092 Letter from Brandt to Sievers, 3 December 1942. (GB 580) ..... 1289 *116 Letter from Brandt to Eichmann, 6 Novem ber 1942, regarding organization of 1290 *Affidavit K Cross-affidavit of Rudolf Mildner, 9 April 1946. (USA 791) 1290 *Affidavit L Cross-affidavit of Wilhelm Hoettl, 10 April 1946. (USA 792) 1293 6. The Geheims Staatspolizei (Gestapo) and Sicherheitsdienst (SD) (Vol. II, p. 248). *2428-PS Testimony of Anton Pacholegg, 13 May 1945, regarding Dr. Rascher's experiments. (GB 582) *3843-PS Testimony of witness Karl Karwinsky, 15 October 1945, before an Austrian Court. (USA 794) *3855-PS Circular from Kaltenbrunner, 5 April 1944, giving instructions on treatment of bailed-out enemy flyers. (USA 806) *3876-PS Various reports from Heydrich in 1942 giving summary of activity of "Einsatzgruppen" of Security Police and SD in .USSR. (USA 808) *3921-PS Letter of 27 October 1941 enclosing decree for evacuation of Jews from the Old Reich and Protectorate. (USA 872) *3943-PS Excerpts from "Reports from Occupied Eastern Territories", May 1942, June 1942, January, February, March and April 1943, concerning operation of 414 588 592 616 643 *4005-PS Speech of Dr. Friedrich Rainer, 11 seizure of power 11 March 1938. (USA *4024-PS Letter from Globocnik to Himmler, 5 *4032-PS Deposition of Karl Reif, 29 May 1946, 744400-47-88 695 744 |