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Subject: Activity of the Kreigseinsatz Command

(SS-helpers, Air Force women helpers, Heu and Air Force helper Action)

I have just now directed the following telegram to Dr. LAMMERS, Feuhrer Headquarters:

"Insert 1st telegram from '[' to ']'"

I ask (you) to acknowledge. Immediate presentation to the Reich Minister and Chief of the Reich Chancellery is desired.

[signed:] ROSENBERG Reich Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories II 1 d 971/44g

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ning, right on the first occasion, the strongest means have to be employed to ensure the authority of the occupation forces and to prevent further spreading. Here also has to be considered that a human life, in those countries affected, often doesn't mean anything, and a deterrent effect can only be achieved by extraordinary strength. As atonement for the life of one German soldier a death-penalty for 50-100 communists must be generally considered as proper. The manner of execution of the death penalty must be such so that it will have a deterrent effect. The reverse method, to proceed first with relatively mild punishment and threaten with stronger measures, is in this case not warranted, and will therefore not be applied.

(c) The political relations between Germany and the country concerned are not decisive for the attitude of the military occupational government. Rather it has to be thought about and presented through propaganda, that strict measures free the native population from those communistic criminals, and therefore they will profit by them.

A clever campaign of propaganda of this sort will not have as a result unforeseen reactions on the liberal [gutgesinnt] portions of the populace due to the harsh measures employed against the communists.

(d) Forces indigenous to the areas will in general be opposed to the execution of such violent measures. Their augmentation brings as a consequence increased danger for the various troops with them, and consequently must be discontinued.

On the contrary, by the utilization of a system of premiums and rewards for the populace, their assistance can be secured in a suitable form.

(e) In so far as exceptional court-martial procedures should have to be introduced in connection with the communist insurrection or with other offenses against the German Occupational Force, the severest penalties are requested.

A practicable means of intimidation in this matter can be only the death penalty. In particular acts of espionage, sabotage, and attempts to join the forces of hostile powers must of necessity be punishable by death. For illegal possession of weapons the death penalty in general is to be decreed.

4. The Commanders in the Occupied Territories are to be re-. sponsible for the immediate dissemination of these policies to all military units concerned with the treatment of communistic acts of rebellion.


[Signed:] KEITEL.

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