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ing in a WE camp and were then transferred to the Galician Infantry Division as future noncommissioned officers.

(k) 96 youths over 20 years of age were received by the SS Main Office to be exchanged against Germanic volunteers from the armaments industry.

(1) 81 youths less than 1.40 m. in height went to the Air Force Signal Repairs Workship 8/III at HOHENFRIED, East Prussia, for apprentice-training.

(m) 99 unfit youths were sent to the Construction Office of the HITLER youth Movement as builders of concentration


(n) 427 men over 45 years of age were sent to the Air Force. 41 youths fell so far in line of duty, 2 youths received the Iron Cross, Second Class.

Re. 2.: 500 Ukrainian and Russian girls were transferred into the Air Corps as searchlight personnel.

200 girls are now employed in building of emplacements on the Baltic Sea, under guidance of BDM leaders, and will then go to the Air Force. All posts are satisfied with the youthful workers received. The youths are enthusiastic about their enrollment, on one hand and unassuming, on the other. With the right education, anything can be done with them. My office carries on the training in the Air Force, on basis of the given general plan. In addition to these workers, others had already been channeled into the German armaments industry, to wit:

(1) 3500 youths and

500 girls to the Junkers Works;

(2) 2000 youths and

700 girls to the Todt Organization [Labor Corps].

Total: 6700

From the Occupied Eastern Territories the following workers have thus been allotted by the office functioning under the Hitler youth Movement:

18917 youths to the Air Force

5500 youths to the armaments industry
2500 girls to the Air Force

1200 girls to the armaments industry

Total: 28117

The process comprises: enlistment, transportation, here also decontamination — examination clothing -first preparatory service selection of personnel transportation to the Reich and to the main camp-preparatory education in languages until they completely possess a knowledge of the German military

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words of command close order drill, up to moving in a column on the march preparatory rifle course - physical exercises conduct in service and off duty

(basic) indoor duties duct towards superiors.

Educational and welfare care on the lines laid down.
Postal censorship and postal traffic.


The office conducts this preparatory work with its own staff, without having to follow up the first requisitions bý later ones. The first youths (2000) were transferred to the troops on 8 July 1944. Ukrainian, Russian, White Ruthenian and Lithuanian SS auxiliaries were employed in the Reich, from the very beginning, while Estonian and Lettish Air Force auxiliaries were attached to German Air Force units in their own countries.

The Estonian and Lettish Air Force auxiliaries have temporarily been withdrawn into the Reich, half of them being brought back by the troops themselves, whereas in the case of the other half the troop units had become completely dispersed. The greater part of the youths thus lost has in the meanwhile been again collected by special teams from my office and brought into the Reich; from the main camps there they will be re-distributed to the troops.

The order to enroll girls also was only received by the office on 1 July 1944.

The office carried out the command by the following organizational arrangement: In the Occupied Eastern Territories themselves there were corresponding to the three main army groups

(a) the Northern HITLER Youth Operational Command.
(b) the Ceneral HITLER Youth Operational Command.
(c) the Southern HITLER Youth Operational Command.

Over that stood the Berlin office as Unit Field Postal Number 14.298. Each one of the commands was headed by a Hitler Youth Leader. The office disposed over 16 concentration camps in the Occupied Eastern Territories, in addition to the four main camps at EGER, KREMS, PUETNITZ and LOBBE within the Reich. Furthermore: 68 armored vehicles, 14 trucks and arms and ammunition for all members of the Command. Arms consisted of pistols, carbines, light machine guns, heavy machine guns and grenade launchers.

Personnel was composed of

1. Members of the Hitler Youth: 5 leaders; 3 BDM leaders; 71 German youth leaders as translators and assistant instructors.

2. Members of the SS: 26 SS leaders; 234 noncommissioned officers and troops; drivers, and translators.

3. Air Force personnel: 37 officers; 221 noncommissioned officers and privates, in particular specialist N.C.O.'s for clothing, administration, rations, and transportation units.

4. 5 office personnel.

Of this staff there were released up to 1 October 1944

1. 12 SS leaders; 134 noncommissioned officers and troops. 2. 15 air force officers; 134 N.C.O.'s and troops.

3. 1 Hitler youth leader.

The unit lost in action 5 killed and 7 wounded. 7 motor vehicles became useless or were lost. The entire equipment, with a few exceptions, as well as uniforms and items of equipment, could be brought back.

Since in the beginning, the entire personnel has been considered as being to the Command (office) only, they are now considered as having been transferred assignment as of 1 October 1944 on.

The Office now has its own Table of Organization. One staff officer from the Air Force and one SS Leader in the office each have full powers of a regimental commander. The largest number of staff is required for personnel affairs:

1. Procurement of personnel

2. Escorts for transports

3. Administration

4. Clothing

5. Supply and kitchens.

On 1st August 1944 the office received the order to extend its activities to the emigrating Eastern population in the Reich and the Occupied Territories. The order came too late as regards the Occupied Territories. A report on this mass operation can be presented at a later date only. In addition, from that date on, the office has received orders of the most varied kinds and in numerous countries, which can only achieve partial results, or which come too late, especially in France, Belgium, Serbia and Greece. At the present time the office is functioning, after reforming the commands [units] and changing over of the whole work, in cooperation with:

(a) the Netherland Hitler Youth Operational Command

(b) the Adria Hitler Youth Operational Command

(c) the Southern Hitler Youth Operational Command in Slovakia and Hungary;

(d) the Lt. NAGEL special Command in refugee camps within the Reich

(e) the field-offices in Vienna, Posen-Litzmannstadt, Prague and Berlin for emigration of the Eastern populace;

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