Extract from "DER STURMER", 4 November 1943. "What the Jews demand for themselves" The Jews also used the beginning of the 5th year of the war as an occasion for reflection and contemplation. Since they have hardly any chance to give voice to their opinions in public through newspapers in fighting Europe, they do so in "neutral" countries, in Switzerland and in Sweden. In Switzerland the "Israelitisches Wochenblatt" published in its issue of the 27th August 1943 at the completion of the 4th year of war, an article, reading between the lines of which could be seen the Jewish idea of the new world order. The Jewish reflections begin with the remark that "a silver lining" is slowly appearing on the horizon and people have therefore started to think about post-war problems. The post-war problems are for the Jews, of course, a concern in which everything revolves round them-the "chosen people." The Swiss Jewish newspaper goes on to say: "The Jews of Europe, with the exception of those in England and of the lesser Jewish communities in a few neutral countries have, so to speak, disappeared. The Jewish reservoir of the East, which was able to counterbalance the source of apparent assimilation of the West, no longer exists." This is not a Jewish lie. It is really true that the Jews have "so to speak" disappeared from Europe, and that the Jewish "reservoir of the East", from which the Jewish pestilence spread for centuries among the European nations, has ceased to exist. If the Swiss Jewish paper wishes to affirm that the Jews did not expect this kind of development when they plunged the nations into the second world war, this is to be believed. But already at the beginning of the war the German nation's Fuehrer prophesied the events that have taken place. He said that the second world war would devour those who had wished it. The Jew, J. Kreppel, says in his book "The Jew and the Judaism of Today", Vienna 1925, page 490: "The hatred against the Jews is as old as the Jewish people themselves. Already at the cradle of their history, when they first entered into world history, the sons of Abraham met with the hatred of their neighbours and those around them." Even the great Jewish leader Theodor Herzl himself cannot deny this truth. In his book "The Jewish State", Leipzig 1896, First Edition, page 11, he writes: "The Jewish question exists, it would be foolish to deny this. The Jewish question exists everywhere, wherever Jews live in noticeable numbers. Where it does not exist, it is brought in by the immigrating Jews." This is the position with regard to the "inferior races" and their hatred against the Jews. It is truly painful when these "inferior races" find justification for their hatred against the Jews out of the mouths of the Jews themselves. Now, since prominent Jews themselves confessed that the hatred against the Jews is to be found everywhere where Jews live and that they themselves introduced it amongst nations, then it follows that the very existence of the Jew himself is the cause of the "antisemitism". If therefore the cause, i.e. the Jew, is destroyed, the world will be freed from the hatred against the Jews. * * * [Signed] Julius Streicher. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT 1975-PS [P. 6.] III Ba 5 Wirtschaft Arbeitseinsatz Das Recht des besetzen Ostgebiete Order concerning the introduction of compulsory work in the occupied Eastern Territories dated 19th December 1941 (Official Gazette, Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories p. 5) in terms of the revised Order dated 27th August 1942 (Official Gazette, Reich Ministry for the occupied Eastern Territories p. 72). Introduction As in the Reich, a development in the employment situation occurred in the occupied Eastern Territories, even in a comparatively short time, from widespread unemployment at first, to today's high figures of employment. It is therefore possible to make the legal status similar to the legislation of the Reich with due regard to local conditions at the time. In order that work in the war-industry of the Reich may not be impeded by a lack of labour, first, compulsory work itself was brought in by the Order set out below, which at the same time made a framework for further measures to be taken by the Reich commissars. The order read as follows: By virtue of section 8 of the Fuehrer Edict on the administra work, dated 28.7.42 (U. III ba 1'd. Slg.), 11.5.42 (U III Ba 1❜d. Slg.) and 16.11.42 (U III Ba 13d. Slg.) Berlin 19th December 1941. Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories (RR Dr. Schuenicke) [P. 7.] Arbeitseinsatz. Wirtschaft III Ba 51 First Order for the execution of the Order concerning the introduction of compulsory work in the Occupied Eastern Territories dated 25th January 1943 (Official Gazette, Reich Commisseriat of the Eastern Territories p. 3) By virtue of section 4 of the Order issued by the Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories concerning the introduction of compulsory work in the Occupied Eastern Territories, dated 19th December 1941 (Official Gazette, Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories 1942 p. 5) I decree: 1. (1) All work in the public interest comes under the heading of public compulsory work, especially work in the armament industry, in agriculture, in public building-work above and below ground and hydraulic construction work, erection and maintenance of public buildings, construction and maintenance of roads, waterways and railways, maintenance of drains and work on the development of the country [Landeskultur]. (2) Those liable for compulsory work must be reinstructed, undergo training or attend courses, when required to by the Area Commissar-Labour department. (3) Even work undertaken outside the Reich Commissariat of the Occupied Eastern Territories can be included as compulsory work. The legal basis, justifying the conscription for native labor outside the Occupied Eastern Territories, is given in the Order concerning the conscription of labor for the areas outside the Occupied Eastern Territories, dated 12.12.41 (O III Ba 4 d. Slg). 2. (1) Those liable for compulsory work are to be employed in work most suited to their knowledge and capabilities. work. (2) Anyone capable of working is liable for compulsory (3) Anyone not fully capable of working is subject to the liability for compulsory work to the extent of his capability. 3. (1) Those liable for compulsory work are directed into employment by the competent Area Commissar (Labour department) of the permanent or temporary place of residence. (2) The Area Commissar (Labour department) can make district and municipal leaders responsible for seeing that compulsory workers take up compulsory employment. (3) When the compulsory worker is directed to start work, he is to be given-a certificate of obligation by the competent Area Commissar (Labour department). 4. Those liable for compulsory work are paid according to the local pay regulations applicable to the conditions of work which are in force. 5. (1) The duration of liability for compulsory work will be determined by the Area Commissar (Labour department). It can be limited, from the start to a specific period. Liability for compulsory work of an indefinite period can cease only with the permission of the competent Area Commissar (Labour department) of the place of work. (2) In so far as work is undertaken outside the Reich Commissariat of the Eastern Territories, the instructions applicable to that place of work, are valid. With reference to the terms of employment and treatment within the Reich, however, differentiation must be made between subjects of the former three Baltic States, Esthonia, Latvia and Lithuania and inhabitants of the General district of White Russia. So far as there are no special regulations for foreign workers, the terms of employment for comparable racial Germans apply also to the subjects of the foreign three Baltic states, as from 1.1.43, after the discontinuation of the 15% pay levelling duty [Lohnausgleichabgabe]. There are no essential restrictions in accommodation and treatment. On the other hand, the so-called Eastern workers including also the White Russians, have conditions of employment of a special kind to which the German regulations of employment rights and employment protection rights apply only in so far as this is specifically decreed. As payment for their labour, they receive according to their capability a graduated rate of pay in accordance with the Order concerning the conditions of employment for Eastern workers dated 30.6.42 (RGB1. I pp. 419/24). In addition the heads of factories must pay an Eastern worker's tax according to a legally established table of rates; owing to this, however, the payment of income tax within the German Reich ceases. Accommodation and food is arranged for by the heads of the factories who also make the appropriate charges according to the established rates. 6. (1) The compulsory worker must comply with all measures necessary to the commencement of his work. |