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Berlin, W.8 Vossstrasse 6, 20 April, 1941

The Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery.

RK 204 B Secret

Please quote this Ref. No. in further letters.


At present Fuehrer's H.Q. Mail to be sent exclusively to the Berlin address.


The President of the Secret Cabinet Council. Received 23 April, 1941.. enclosures.

To: The President of the Secret Cabinet Council Reich Minister Freiherr von Neurath.

Subject: Air raid shelters for the official residences of Reichministers.

Reference: Letter of the Reich Minister for Finance of 10 April of this year. LU-4760-490- I Secret.

In order to be able to arrange for the appearance in the budget for the financial year 1941-Single Plan I-of the means required by the Reich Minister for Finance for the purpose of building a shelter on the property in Berlin occupied by you, I request you to communicate to me as soon as possible the expected amount of the expenses when doing so. Please indicate the street and house number of the property in question.

[signed] Dr. Lammers.

Berlin W 8 Vossstrasse 6, 8 April, 1942

The Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery.

RK 4768 B

Please quote this Ref. No. in further letters.


The President of the Secret Cabinet Council. Received 11 April, 1942. enclosures.

To: The President of the Secret Cabinet Council, Berlin W 8, Vossstrasse 6.

Subject: Budgetary material for the financial year 1942.
Reference: Letter of 29th December, 1941.

The Reich Minister for Finance has agreed that the budgetary

needs announced by you for the financial year 1942 be shown in Single Plan I.

I therefore have no objections to having the necessary expenditure granted-even before the establishment of Single Plan I— within the limits of those amounts, namely:

For personal administrative expenditure up to 28,500 RM
For official administrative expenditure up to 25,500 RM

Total 54,000 RM

By order

[signature illegible]

Berlin, W.8. Vossstrasse 6, 30 September 1942

The Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery.

RK 13666B

Letter of Authorization

The President of the Secret Cabinet Council is hereby authorized to issue orders of payment in October 1942 within his administrative sphere of jurisdiction to the debit of the financial year 1942 up to 2700 Reichsmarks.

By order

[Stamp] Reich Chancellery.

[signature illegible]

Berlin, 8 January, 1943

Office of the President of the Secret Cabinet Council.
To: The Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery,
Berlin W 8, Vossstrasse 6.

As a result of the terror raid of the 23rd August, 1943, the official residence of the President of the Secret Cabinet Council, Reich Minister Freiherr von Neurath, in Berlin-Dahlem, Rheinbabenallee 23, has been damaged and become uninhabitable. A thorough repair of the rooms has proved to be impossible at present. The Reich Minister is therefore living until further notice in Leinfelden on the Enz, post office Enzweihingen (Wurttemburg), from where he continues to conduct his official business via his office in Berlin, Vossstrasse 6.

The drawing of the contributions for heating, hot water, and electric current consumption has been discontinued as from October, 1943.

For the restitution of the contributions still paid for the month of September 1943 under Chap I, Par. 2, 1.1 for hot water

and electric current, a total of 28 Marks, an advice note will be sent to the Reich Treasury.

The three servants' quarters in the basement and the garage have remained habitable, so that there will be no change there. [signed] Koeppen

Berlin W 8, Vossstrasse 6, 4 March, 1943 The Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery.

RK 2657C

[Stamp] The President of the Secret Cabinet Council Received 8 March 1943.

To: The President of the Secret Cabinet Council, Berlin W 8, Vossstrasse 6.

In reply to your letter of the 12 February 1943, I beg to inclose herewith the letter of authorization for the month of March 1943 -Financial year 1942-and would add that the Reich Treasury [Reichhauptkasse] has been advised accordingly. Of this sum is intended:

For personal administration expenses 600 RM For official administration expenses 2,000 RM By order

[Marginal Notes:]

1. Entered on the list 2. Zdk.

[signature illegible]

Berlin, 20 April, 1945

The President of the Secret Cabinet Council.

In accordance with the comparative scale drawn up by the Reich Building Office, Reich Minister Freiherr von Neurath has to make a monthly contribution of 16 RM for the electric current used in his official residence at Rheinbabenallee 23, Berlin-Dahlem. A total of 48 RM is therefore due for the months of January, February, and March 1945.

In agreement with the Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Chancellery, the Reich Treasury is hereby advised to accept the sum of 48 RM and to enter it as a credit under Chap I, Par. 2, 1.1 of the Administration receipts of the ordinary Budget for 1944. By order

To the Reich Treasury.

[blocks in formation]


Lloyd Louis Garnell (formerly Lloyd Louis Goldstein) being first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says:

By court order of the District Court of Los Angeles County, California, No. 508070, dated 8 February 1946, before Judge Samuel R. Blake, my name was changed from Lloyd Louis Goldstein to Lloyd Louis Garnell. At the present time I reside at Hotel Gilbert, 1550 N. Wilcox, Hollywood, California.

From 24 November 1941 to 13 December 1945 I was assigned to the Office of Strategic Services, Field Photographic Branch, from the U.S. Navy, holding the rank of Chief Photographer, USNR, serial number 316-350.

From June 1945 to 22 September 1945 I was assigned to the Office U. S. Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Nurnberg, Germany. During that period it was my responsibility to take official photographs for the Office U.S. Chief of Counsel to be used in the prosecution of Axis war criminals. On assignments for the Office U.S. Chief of Counsel it was customary for me to work in conjunction with Lt. Robert M. Braggins, Jr., USNR, also assigned to the Office U.S. Chief of Counsel from the Field Photographic Branch of the Office of Strategic Services.

On 21 August 1945 Lt. Braggins and I were requested by Captain Sam Harris, JAGD of the Office U.S. Chief of Counsel to take both still and moving pictures of certain materials in the Reichsbank vaults in Frankfurt, Germany. These vaults were located in the cellar of the Reichsbank building and had to be reached by passing through a series of seven vault doors. On entering the final vault we found materials consisting of boxes, suit cases, and trunks which I saw contained such articles as bracelets, eye glass frames, cigarette cases, rings, gold teeth, foreign currency, stamp albums, diamonds, rubies, other precious gems, and gold bouillion bars.

In accordance with Captain Harris' request Lt. Braggins and I took two sets of pictures of these items, one consisting of stills and the other of motion pictures showing Lt. Braggins handling the items described above. I took approximately two dozen still pictures with a 4x5 Speedgraphic camera with a flash gun attachment. The moving pictures were taken with a Mitchell camera and I used approximately 400 feet of Plux X film. Included among the objects photographed were certain sequence markers bearing the legend "SPX War Crimes, OSS take, Reichs


bank Frankfurt, 21 August 1945, Braggins and Goldstein". After these pictures were taken the films were delivered to Commander James B. Donovan of the Office U.S. Chief of Counsel for processing.

After the still pictures were printed and the motion pictures developed I saw samples of both and I recognized these prints and movies to be the pictures we had taken.

[signed] Lloyd Louis Garnell Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of May, 1946. [signed] Fred Steele

[blocks in formation]

Judge: Oberlandesgerichtsrat Dr. SUCHER

Court Reporter: Dr. OTTAHAL


The witness is admonished that he answer questions put to him to the best of his knowledge and belief, and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. He is further admonished to make such statements as he may confirm under oath if necessary.

Concerning personal data he states:

1. First and last name: Dr. Andreas MORSEY


2. Seyss-Inquart?

I see from press reports concerning the Nurnberg trial that Seyss-Inquart claims he was never "illegal." I call that perfidious hair-splitting and I am going to prove it as follows: The generally used expression "illegal" is always identified with membership in the NSDAP (Nazi Party) during the years from 1933 to 1938. In so doing, one forgets completely that there existed another illegal organization which was outlawed, namely, the Styrian Heimatschutz Group Kammerhofer. I belonged to this organization until 1932 and then withdrew and resigned my office in Kammerhofer's presence because Kammerhofer, at a district meeting in my district, had said: "We are Germans and fight for the Fuehrer of all Germans, Adolf Hitler." Thus, the leader of the Styrian Heimatschutz Kammerhofer designated arbitrarily the Styrian Heimatschutz as a combat group of Adolf Hitler.

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