イ bristle preparing establishment of the Government General, basket and straw plaiting, and printing concerns, production of concrete parts for building huts. clocks) and other repairs of various kinds (7) Prepar- Factory 25,200 ing 18,000 Kienle 5,552,700 The above figures for orders include, together with the current orders for permanent orders, figures for 3 months only. Enclosure 2 Situation with Regard to Orders of the German Equipment Works— Works Dublin on the 3 Nov. 1943 Note. The above figures of orders contain, besides the current orders, figures for three months only for permanent orders. The German equipment works were the best developed works. 41 Aryan leading personnel ran 5,445 Jewish workers who worked 1,115,000 working days in the first 10 months of the year 1943 with 31,000,000 Zloty in the bank and till. Woodworking was in the foreground, 7,600 square meters [Editor's note: Cubic meters are obviously meant] of wood being dealt with. Shoemaking also rose to 337,250 pairs and was to be raised to 450,000 pairs by the repair work shop which is being newly added. 331,700 square meters of roofing felt were produced during this period. Woodworking was to have been extended considerably by the purchase of a sawmill of their own and the byproducts utilized as the production of wood for producer gas and the making of charcoal; the tar produced thus could again have been used in the production of roofing felt. Another considerable production was the manufacturing of 2,500 Finnish tents and the monthly preparation of 25,000 packing containers. 71,000 knapsacks and haversacks were also repaired. 5,000 optical instruments were taken to pieces. 1,270 motor cars were repaired. Production in 1944 is said to have been: The capacity is best shown by the fact that 312 working unions of the partisans in the government, generally, did not even have twice the turnover of the DAW alone. The orders were covered by 83% work for the Wehrmacht and 17% for the civil field. Enclosure 3 Situation with regard to orders of the textile works Poniatowa on the 3 November 1943 Note. The above figures of orders contain, besides the current orders, figures for 3 months only for permanent orders. Appendix 2 Provisional-balance sheet of the Action "Reinhardt” till, Lublin, for The following money and stocks were brought to the German Reich during the course of the Action "Reinhardt”, Lublin, during the period 1 April 1942 to 15 December 1943 inclusive: Cash in hand. . . . . Cash To the Reichsbank Berlin, Reichsmark notes and coins.. To the SS economist, Cracow... Loans for SS industrial concerns. Income from title 21/E... Income 3,979,523.50 5,000,461.00 50,416,181.37 8,218,878.35 656,062.40 Expenditure in goods (of which about 40% for J-Trans |