Total Currency in gold coins: USA Dollars... 249,771.50 @ RM 4.20 20.40 189,053.00 73,230.00 38,870.00 Portguese Reis. 20,000.00 200 Esc 1.00 10.00 Currency delivered, Zlotys and RM-Notes.... Precious metals Foreign currency in notes... Foreign currency in gold coins. Jewelry and other valuables. 73,852,080.74 8,973,651.60 4,521,224.13 1,736,554.12 43,662,450.00 Textiles 46,000,000.00 178,745,960.59 Total. [signed] Rzepa SS Oberscharfuehrer and Chief of Cash Office SS Sturmbannfuehrer and Chief of Administration [sgd] Globocnik [Rubber Stamp:] Personal Staff Reichsfuehrer SS, Ref. No. Secret/115 [initialled] H. H. [Himmler] Measures for Pacifying Foreign Nationals During Transfer of Populations Z-Villages 1. Poles who are fit for work have already been resettled during previous expulsions on so-called z-farms within the colonization area, with an increase of their former property. These z-farms form the nucleus of the z-village, where the German settlers and Polish workers are lodged. Not only do these Polish workers receive a guaranteed wage and an employment book, but their food supply is also cared for through the SWG. Security Questions. 2. Only elements with a bad record will be expelled for security reasons. For this reason the security police are at present carrying out the following: a. Villages which lie within that part of the district of z-areas which is to be colonized will be combed for elements who are a danger to security, so that only the reliable part of the population will remain. b. Villages which lie outside the colonization area and are considered to be bandit infested are subject to same action. The population mentioned under paragraph a will then be invited to emigrate voluntarily to the uninhabited farms mentioned under paragraph b. By this action the colonization area will be free and can be colonized by Germans. Security measures are always looked upon with understanding by the peaceful part of the population; this will therefore be a way to pacify the population. The Question of Expropriation. 3. All Poles, including those who are being brought into the labor cycle in the Reich, are to be given certificates confirming what property they have left behind. They will be informed that they will receive a suitable compensation some time in the form of goods or cash. This applies also to those who have already been expelled to date. The certificates are to be issued by the DUT. I request the Reichsfuehrer SS to give his approval to this. State Property. 4. Admission of the whole of the expelled population into State property is not possible because of the overcrowding of the space. Time for Colonization. 5. Owing to the favorable weather, spring tilling can take place five weeks earlier than usual this season. Owing to this shift in time, colonization will be carried out after the completion of spring tilling. This has the advantage on the one hand that the Poles can till their fields normally and production will not be upset, while on the other hand the settlers will not run the risk of not being able, in view of the shortness of the time, to carry out their spring tilling, owing to ignorance of local conditions. The settlers will, therefore, have the benefit of the harvest, and their reconstruction work can be carried out without any hurry. 6. The classification into four groups could take place without any further ado, owing to the fact that Groups I and II, as racially valuable, have no objection to being transferred to the Reich anyhow; Group III, for the greater part, will remain here in any case, whereas Group IV will be sent for employment as laborers. The communications from persons previously sent to the Reich, reporting that they are getting on well there, and the people's realization of the fact that up to now nobody has been treated like the Jews have already taken away the frightening atmosphere surrounding this system of grouping. It is precisely in such cases that one has to await the results of measures; only then does the realization prevail. The rumor mongers are then proved to be liars without any further ado. 7. Again I request you to consider whether my former proposal to lodge the expelled Poles, and especially also the Ukrainians in the Eastern territories, especially the Ukraine, may not be feasible after all. I believe that there is not only sufficient space today because of the events of the war, but also that this form of transferring population with new allocations of land would have the best results and that it facilitates the expulsion. For the Ukrainians this would mean a return to their own area. A tendency in this direction exists already, and for the Poles it is a fact with which they have reckoned for a long time. I therefore request the Reichsfuehrer SS to leave the hitherto existing measures as they are. The above-mentioned facts may not have been known to governor Waechter when the report was made. [signed] Globocnik SS Gruppenfuehrer and Lieut. General of Police [Rubber Stamp] Personal Staff, Reichsfuehrer SS Correspondence administration File No. Secret/115 Measures for the further transfer As many quarters express themselves against the transfer of populations on the grounds that it causes too much unrest among the foreigners, thus disturbing production, the following measures have been decided upon: 1. Verbal propaganda will spread news about the discontinuation of these transfers. 2. No authority will announce anything before the actual moment when the transfer of populations is to be carried out. Planning will be done secretly. 3. The time for immigration will be fixed for after the spring tilling of the fields, so that the foreigners will carry out the culti |