Extract from top secret notes of meeting with Funk regarding establishment of currency for countries Memorandum by Braeutigam, 10 June 1941, re- garding the position of Chief Commissars in the Report on the activity of the Office of Hauptbann- fuehrer Nickel in the Reich Ministry for Occupied Eastern Territories, 19 October 1944. (USA 870) Memorandum 20 February 1942 on Lecture of Ministerial Director Dr. Mansfeld, Deputy General for Mobilization of Labor on general questions re- garding the mobilization of labor commitment Memorandum by Warlimont 15 October 1942, with appendices, regarding Treatment of enemy sabo- Directives, 13 and 15 October 1942, regarding treatment of prisoners of war with particular ref- erence to reprisals, shackling and sabotage units. Directive by Canaris, 13 October 1942, and memo- randum by Lehman 15 October 1942, on treatment of prisoners of war with particular reference to reprisals, shackling and sabotage units. (GB 486) Report by Sauckel to Hitler regarding Slave Labor program for year ending 31 March 1943 Report by Sauckel, 27 July 1942, concerning em- ployment of foreign labor in Germany from 21 March 1942 to 27 July 1942. (GB 325) Directive from the High Command concerning con- fiscation of raw materials, half finished and fin- ished manufactured goods not in possession or Memorandum by Henning, 13 January 1943, con- cerning the second Sauckel project and a directive by Weigand, 16 January 1943 regarding establish- ment of screening commissions for Sauckel project Memorandum of conference of Milch, Witzell, Leeb, 23 March 1942, in Speer's office. (USA 903) Memorandum on Political Police of Bavaria, 27 2931-PS 3300-PS Letter from Landfried, 6 June 1942, to Biehler, OKW, concerning use of Occupation Cost Fund (France) for purchase of materials. (USA 849) . . Testimony of Anton Pacholegg, 13 May 1945, re- garding Dr. Rascher's experiments. (GB 582) Teletype from Governor General at Cracow to District Governors, 3 May 1944, concerning trans- fer of personal property of Jews to the government Findings and sentence, 18 October 1945, of a Third Treatise by von Papen, written while in custody in 424 426 3816-PS Extract from "Military Training of the German Youth", a book by Helmut Stellrecht; introduction Extract from 1939 Yearbook of the Hitler Youth regarding marksmanship and shooting ranges. Interrogation of Dr. Heribert von Strempel, 14, 15 and 16 February 1946 regarding German propa- ganda activities in the USA. (USA 880) Affidavit of Gerhard Schmidt, 28 March 1946. Testimony of witness Karl Karwinsky, 15 October 1945, before an Austrian Court. (USA 794) Excerpt of interrogation of Albert Tiefenbacher. Memorandum of Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia, 25 November 1939, concerning employ- ment for students from closed Czech universities and use of Czech workers who entered Reich volun- Report from Dr. Dennler, senior governmental counsellor in Prague, 21 November 1939, to Under Secretary of State concerning employment of stu- dents from closed Czech universities. (GB 523) Letter from von Neurath to Lammers, 31 August 1940, with memoranda prepared by himself and Karl H. Frank on future organization of Bohemi- an-Moravian territory. (GB 520) Order issued by von Neurath, 27 June 1941, to various governmental officials and agencies giving instructions on handling German Czech problem. Various reports from Heydrich in 1942 giving summary of activity of "Einsatzgruppen" of Secur- ity Police and SD in USSR. (USA 808) Teleprint letter from von Schirach to Bormann, 28 May 1942, concerning assassination of Heydrich 586 *3931-PS *3933-PS *3936-PS *3943-PS *3944-PS *3945-PS *3947-PS Teletype No. 85 from Schirach to Bormann, 15 Excerpts from notes prepared by Schacht for an Excerpts from "Reports from Occupied Eastern Affidavit by Emil Puhl, 3 May 1946, concerning Memorandum signed by Kropp, 31 March 1944, Memorandum by head cashier of Deutsche Reichs- Extract from testimony of Walter Funk, 19 Octo- 654 658 659 660 670 672 *3954-PS Affidavit of Franz B. Wolf, 29 April 1946. (USA 683 *3956-PS *3958-PS *3976-PS *3992-PS *3993-PS *4004-PS *4005-PS *4006-PS Affidavit of Captain Sam Harris, 9 May 1946, re- Affidavit of Lloyd Louis Garnell, 13 May 1946, re- Excerpt from testimony of witness in case against Newspaper article by Dr. Friedrich Rainer, 12 Excerpts from "Bulletin of Reich Minister for 686 687 690 691 692 693 695 715 |