Nazi Conspiracy and AggressionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1947 |
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Стр. 50
... Berlin , 24 August 1934 , concerning National mourning on occasion of death of von Hindenburg ( 1521 - PS , USA - 740 , Tr . p . 255 ) . Letter from Kerrl to Minister of State , 23 July 1938 , with enclosures dealing with persecution of ...
... Berlin , 24 August 1934 , concerning National mourning on occasion of death of von Hindenburg ( 1521 - PS , USA - 740 , Tr . p . 255 ) . Letter from Kerrl to Minister of State , 23 July 1938 , with enclosures dealing with persecution of ...
Стр. 54
... Berlin , May 21 , 1935 , Voelkischer Beobachter , May 22 , 1935. " Immediately after the Anschluss , I informed Yugoslavia that the frontier in common with that country would henceforth be regarded as unalterable by Germany and that we ...
... Berlin , May 21 , 1935 , Voelkischer Beobachter , May 22 , 1935. " Immediately after the Anschluss , I informed Yugoslavia that the frontier in common with that country would henceforth be regarded as unalterable by Germany and that we ...
Стр. 72
... Berlin on March 6th , 1933 ( 1759 - PS , USA 420 ) : " Wholesale attacks on the Communists , Jews , and those who were suspected of being either , mobs of SA men roamed the streets , beating up , looting , and even killing persons ...
... Berlin on March 6th , 1933 ( 1759 - PS , USA 420 ) : " Wholesale attacks on the Communists , Jews , and those who were suspected of being either , mobs of SA men roamed the streets , beating up , looting , and even killing persons ...
Стр. 81
... Berlin and arranged by Habicht and Hitler some six weeks before . The failure of that putsch made it necessary to temporize , and accordingly in May 1935 Hitler gave a complete assurance to Austria . At the same time the defendant Papen ...
... Berlin and arranged by Habicht and Hitler some six weeks before . The failure of that putsch made it necessary to temporize , and accordingly in May 1935 Hitler gave a complete assurance to Austria . At the same time the defendant Papen ...
Стр. 331
... Berlin SW11 Prince - Albrecht Street 8 Dear Party Comrade Himmler ! By and large you have been informed by SS Gruppenfuehrer [ U. S. Army equivalent , Major - General ] Berger about my conflict with Reich Commissar for Ukraine Koch ...
... Berlin SW11 Prince - Albrecht Street 8 Dear Party Comrade Himmler ! By and large you have been informed by SS Gruppenfuehrer [ U. S. Army equivalent , Major - General ] Berger about my conflict with Reich Commissar for Ukraine Koch ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
administration aggressive Anschluss armament Armed Forces Army Article from Israelitisches attack Austrian Berlin Cabinet carried Chancellor Chief clemency Command Commissar concentration camps concerning copy crimes criminal Czech decree defendants DER STURMER district economic enemy executed extermination Foreign Office Fuehrer Funk Gauleiter Gestapo Goering Herr Himmler Hitler Youth Israelitisches Wochenblatt Jewish Jews Jodl Kaltenbrunner Keitel Labor Commitment leaders March ment military Ministry Moravia murder National Socialist Naval Nazi Nazi Party Neurath NSDAP Occupied Eastern Territories organizations Papen Party persons Plenipotentiary Poland political population possible President prisoners prisoners of war propaganda question Raeder regarding Reich Chancellery Reich Defense Reich Minister Reichsbank Reichsfuehrer Ribbentrop Rosenberg Sauckel Schacht Schirach Schuschnigg Security Police Seyss Seyss-Inquart ships shot soldiers Soviet Staff tion Transcript TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT Tribunal troops U-boat Vienna Viereck Warsaw Wehrmacht Witness workers