Nazi Conspiracy and AggressionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1947 |
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Стр. 20
... Fuehrer had stated his final decision to destroy Czechoslovakia soon and had initiated military preparations all along the line.84 By April the plan had been perfected to attack Czechoslovakia " with lightning swift action as the result ...
... Fuehrer had stated his final decision to destroy Czechoslovakia soon and had initiated military preparations all along the line.84 By April the plan had been perfected to attack Czechoslovakia " with lightning swift action as the result ...
Стр. 63
... Fuehrer , no excessively strong and unneces- sary centralization of administration in the hands of the Fuehrer results in the governmental administration * directed downwards , forbids interference with every individual order he may ...
... Fuehrer , no excessively strong and unneces- sary centralization of administration in the hands of the Fuehrer results in the governmental administration * directed downwards , forbids interference with every individual order he may ...
Стр. 111
... Fuehrer order issued by him on 16th December 1942 on the combatting of partisans states ( UK - 66 , GB 274 ) : " If the fight against the partisans in the east as well as in the Balkans is not waged with the most brutal means , we will ...
... Fuehrer order issued by him on 16th December 1942 on the combatting of partisans states ( UK - 66 , GB 274 ) : " If the fight against the partisans in the east as well as in the Balkans is not waged with the most brutal means , we will ...
Стр. 148
... Fuehrer and the Reich . The German future lies in the hands of our Fuehrer . ” The mercy killings ; the persecution of the Jews . These things must have been known at that time . Were his hands so clean ? In the light of these ...
... Fuehrer and the Reich . The German future lies in the hands of our Fuehrer . ” The mercy killings ; the persecution of the Jews . These things must have been known at that time . Were his hands so clean ? In the light of these ...
Стр. 179
... Fuehrer . They belonged to the movement from the beginning . Hess took the responsibility for the racial laws . Both contributed to the government's political ideas of which in the eyes of the masses they were the living representatives ...
... Fuehrer . They belonged to the movement from the beginning . Hess took the responsibility for the racial laws . Both contributed to the government's political ideas of which in the eyes of the masses they were the living representatives ...
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administration aggressive Anschluss armament Armed Forces Army Article from Israelitisches attack Austrian Berlin Cabinet carried Chancellor Chief clemency Command Commissar concentration camps concerning copy crimes criminal Czech decree defendants DER STURMER district economic enemy executed extermination Foreign Office Fuehrer Funk Gauleiter Gestapo Goering Herr Himmler Hitler Youth Israelitisches Wochenblatt Jewish Jews Jodl Kaltenbrunner Keitel Labor Commitment leaders March ment military Ministry Moravia murder National Socialist Naval Nazi Nazi Party Neurath NSDAP Occupied Eastern Territories organizations Papen Party persons Plenipotentiary Poland political population possible President prisoners prisoners of war propaganda question Raeder regarding Reich Chancellery Reich Defense Reich Minister Reichsbank Reichsfuehrer Ribbentrop Rosenberg Sauckel Schacht Schirach Schuschnigg Security Police Seyss Seyss-Inquart ships shot soldiers Soviet Staff tion Transcript TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT Tribunal troops U-boat Vienna Viereck Warsaw Wehrmacht Witness workers