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TABLE 1.-Distribution of PCP admissions by severity of drug problem at time

[blocks in formation]

Source: A random sample of 121 clinics participating in the CODAP PCP study, March-May 1978 admissions, DSPI, NIDA.



[blocks in formation]

Source: A random sample of 121 clinics participating in the CODAP PCP study, March-May 1978 admissions DSPI, NIDA.


TABLE 3.-Percent distribution of PCP users by race/ethnicity, sex, and combinations of race/ethnicity and sex

[blocks in formation]

Source: A random sample of 121 clinics participating in the CODAP PCP study, March-May 1978 admissions, DSPI, NIDA.


TABLE 4.-Percent distribution of PCP users by frequency of use of PCP during month prior to admission and by most recent usual route of administration

[blocks in formation]

Source: A random sample of 121 clinics participating in the CODAP PCP study, MarchMay 1978 admissions, DSPI, NIDA.


TABLE 5.-Percent distribution of PCP users by year of first use of PCP

[blocks in formation]

Source: A random sample of 121 clinics participating in the CODAP PCP study, March-May 1978 admissions, DSPI, NIDA.


Mr. Chairman, I very much appreciate this opportunity to testify before the House Select Committee on Narcotics and Drug Abuse. Just let me say, Congressman Wolff, that I think you and your committee members have established an enviable record of competence and effectiveness in the field of drug control, and we are thankful for your efforts. I have had an opportunity to work personally with your ranking minority member, Ben Gilman, during our interparliamentary conferences with Mexico and have seen first hand his dedication and commitment to our drug control efforts along the border.

Mr. Chairman, I would like to testify very briefly this afternoon on the subject of PCP and the effort I have initiated to control the illicit manufacture and distribution of this particularly dangerous and widely abused drug.

I have been deeply concerned about PCP abuse for several reasons. I think PCP could be the harbinger of a whole new generation of entirely synthetic drugs, drugs that can be manufactured from readily available, legal chemicals. Drugs that can be manufactured cheaply, by amateurs, from materials that do not have to be grown abroad and smuggled into this country.

The problems of control inherent in the very nature of synthetic drug abuse are staggering. They open a whole new vista to our drug enforcement efforts.

I am concerned when a drug as virulent as PCP can be manufactured and peddled by dealers in dementia for a dollar a dose, the price of a school lunch. I am concerned when any casual entrepreneur with perverted instincts and $600 to spend can walk into a chemical supply house, buy all the necessary ingredients for PCP with no questions asked, return to his basement, garage, or van and brew up a batch of this cursed compound with a street value of $100,000.

And finally, Mr. Chairman, I am profoundly disturbed when 7 million Americans have used, and many continue to abuse, one of the most dangerous and insidious drugs known to mankind.

In 1977 over 100 deaths were attributed to the use of PCP, with most of the victims succumbing to the strange disassociation-disorientation effects exerted by the drug. People die from PCP not so much from overdose, but by jumping off buildings, bridges, down elevator shafts, or by drowning.

A typical case would be the case of a young man in Los Angeles who leaped from a second story window while under the influence of PCP, crashed through a wooden fence, got up, undressed, went back in the building, and dove to his death from an upstairs balcony.

While it is possible to develop relatively reliable figures on the number of deaths, it is more difficult to determine the number of young minds that have been warped beyond repair, the number of young lives that have been ruined by this easily manufactured, readily available animal tranquilizer.

The precise numbers may be in doubt, Mr. Chairman, existence of the widespread, ongoing tragedy of PCP abuse can not be questioned. Clearly, we have an urgent national requirement to devote our best efforts to the control of PCP and other synthetics.

On March 22 of this year, I introduced legislation in the Senate The PCP Criminal Laws and Procedures Act of 1978-designed to attack the achilles heel of the PCP manufacturing process.

I stated earlier that any enterprising criminal with $600 to spend could buy everything he or she needed to make PCP-and with no questions asked. With the ingredients in hand, the manufacture is no problem. Making PCP is as simple as following a cookbook recipe.

The chain of events that leads finally to a young person buying PCP for a dollar at the playground has one vulnerable link, and that is access to piperidine. You don't make illicit PCP without piperidine, and piperidine is not good for much except making PCP. As a matter of fact, about the only legitimate use for this chemical is curing rubber.

S. 2778 is based on a simple premise, Mr. Chairman: That the individual who walks into a chemical supply house to make a cash purchase of piperidine-assuming he is not in the business of curing rubber-is probably bent on the illegal manufacture of PCP. There is essentially no other reason to purchase the chemical.

The legislation I have proposed would require anyone who purchases piperidine to present positive identification at the time of purchase, with the transaction registered with DEA.

I am not suggesting a licensing procedure. I do not envision interfering with the normal flow of chemicals throughout our economy. (Piperidine, by the way accounts for only one one hundred thousandth of one percent of U.S. chemical production.) I have no intention of creating cumbersome bureaucratic procedures, and indeed we do not.

We are simply proposing that anyone who buys piperidine in person or by mail present positive identification. This should not provide a problem for legitimate purchasers; it should, however, be a significant deterrent for the casual criminal who can currently acquire the raw materials for PCP with no questions asked, with no requirement for identification.

Mr. Chairman, there is broad agreement that most of the street PCP inundating this country is manufactured and distributed by the small-time criminals who are the target of this legislation. I would like to help put them out of business.

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