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winter as when birds die in the deep forests. I cannot give what men call love. The world is full of woodmen who expel Love's gentle Dryads from the haunts of life. All things that we love and cherish, like ourselves, must fade and perish. Not a stone shall stand to tell the spot whereon the pyramids have stood. The potato belongs to the night-shade order, which includes a very large number of poisonous plants. In Ireland the labouring classes have for more than two hundred years been principally fed by potatoes, which were introduced into their country late in the sixteenth century. The century-living crow, whose birth was in their tops, grew old and died among their branches. Doubtless there is a place of peace where my weak heart and all its throbs will cease. The entrance to the square was choked up with the dead bodies of men who had perished in vain efforts to fly. He solicited the pardon of all whom he might have injured. Yon sun, that sets upon the sea, we follow in his flight. He left a name, at which the world grew pale.

Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey,

Where wealth accumulates, and men decay.

74. (§ 88.) Read out the adverbial sentences, and say what verbs, adjectives, or adverbs they qualify.

While I held it it did not sink. I held it lest it should sink. The sun in heaven beheld not vales more beautiful than ours. Be silent, that you may learn. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. She deserts not thee if thou desert not her. They found their new friends more formidable than their old foes. Where the gray rock shadow throws there the purple primrose grows. So still she stood that the quick water-hen noted her not. When he falls, he falls as I do. Tears ran down as fast as summer showers. On the green banks of Shannon, when Sheelah was nigh, no blithe Irish lad was so happy as I. Numb were the beadsman's fingers while he told his rosary. Where soil is men grow either to weeds or flowers. When fate summons, monarchs must obey. When some great and gracious monarch dies, soft whispers first, and mournful murmurs rise. Where now the mightiest ocean rolls in pacific beauty, once were anchored continents and boundless forests. I will not go from here till they have made me full satisfaction. When upon thee falls the fated day fearless and painless thou shalt pass away. When I looked up I saw a man before me. I gazed until my eyes grew dim. His face did shine as the sun. She was as fair as fair might be. I am so deeply smitten through the helm, that without help I may not last till morn. Music, when soft voices die, vibrates in the memory. Where once we dwelt our name is heard

no more.

75. ($90.) Read out the noun sentences, and say to what verbs they stand as subjects or objects—


What we have been makes us what we are. Some said he was a man of blood and peril. My sabre shall win what the weaker must buy. The Athenians understand what is good. What she wills to do or say, seems wisest, virtuousest, discreetest, best. I see that such as sit aloft mishap doth threaten most of all. I thought I heard, some minutes past, sounds as of a castle-bell. "How happy," exclaimed this child of air, are the holy spirits that wander there!" It was told us that the flying soldier cast away his arms. What sorrow was, thou bad'st her know. I know where the isles of perfume are. Augustus Cæsar made it his boast that he found the city of Rome built of brick, and that he left it built of marble. What he learns one day is gone the next. I will tell ye now what never yet was heard in tale or song. O, sad virgin (I pray), that thy power might raise Museus from his bower. I thought ten thousand swords would have leaped from their scabbards. May we presume to say that at thy birth new joy was sprung in heaven. Mark how the lark and linnet sing with rival notes. The mighty master smiled to see that love was in the next degree. War, he sung, is toil and trouble. Is it not strange to hear a poet say he comes to ask you how you like the play. "Oh that a year were granted me to live!" cried the young poet from his bed of death. That the soul be without knowledge it is not good. It is the reproach of historians that they have too often turned history into a mere record of the butchery of men by their fellow-men. Lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime. One of the holiest relations, he said, was that of mother and son. Who can tell how many a soul sublime has felt the influence of malignant star? "What," said the nobleman to the sage, "have you got by your philosophy?” Society in myself," was the answer. After the third cry, he again proclaimed that none, on peril of instant death, should dare, by word, cry, or action, to interfere with or disturb this fair field of combat. Don't you remember what a great thing you thought it to get a piece of bread? Do you happen to recollect what the fellow said? It is to be hoped that the present century has nothing to do with the mouldy opinions of the last. This reminds me of what I am very apt to forget. A man knows that he shall by the simple operation of moving one foot forward first, and then the other, be sure to accomplish his journey. I know not how it has happened. It really seems that whilst his Grace was meditating his well-considered censure upon me, he fell into a sort of sleep. Argyle's great error was that he did not resolutely refuse to accept the name without the power of general. I have a strong impression on my spirit that deliverance will come speedily. This evening the order came that I must die upon Monday or Tuesday. In this


little piece he complained that his friends had been still more cruel than his enemies. My greatest grief is that I leave no thing that claims a tear. What seemed his head, the likeness of a kingly crown had on. Long were to tell what I have done. Falcons, they say, to be true to their prey should be trained in the morning early. What ardently I wished, I long believed.

76. (§§ 87-90.) Read out the subordinate sentences, say whether they are noun, adjective, or adverbial sentences, and what are their relations as such—

The sources of the noblest rivers which spread fertility over continents, and bear richly-laden fleets to the sea, are to be sought in wild and barren mountain-tracts, incorrectly laid down in maps, and rarely explored by travellers. What shall he have that killed the deer? In magic he was as deeply read as he that made the brazen head. He said he had been justly punished. It is necessary that he should know the truth. If this man had not £12,000 a year he would be a very stupid man. If thou would'st view Melrose aright, go visit it by the pale moonlight. Armies have triumphed under leaders who possessed no very eminent qualities. To me the meanest flower that lives can give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears. He was told that, unless he returned fuller answers, he should be put to the torture. We learn from Horace, Homer sometimes sleeps. Hear me now, who do thy will. Even thus from childhood's hour I've seen my fondest hopes decay. That age is best which is the first. The stones whereon I tread do grimly speak. Till the future dares forget the past, his fate and fame shall be an echo and a light unto eternity. Here lies our sovereign lord, the king, whose word no man relies on, who never said a foolish thing, and never did a wise one. We rove wherever the wind may blow. Gather ye rose-buds while ye may. The thoughts of men do as themselves decay. My glass shall not persuade me I am old. They cost as much as they are worth. This is as good as yours. You are not so tall as I. Prometheus stole away the living fires that warm us. O, how wretched is that poor man that hangs on princes' favours. I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. They say that the capital of France is called after Paris, the son of Priam, because he fled there when Troy was overthrown. He had, he said, been justly punished. I understood him to add that she was parting amidships. To the end, we discern no decisive change in the complexion of Burns' character. Elizabeth knew that if she was forced into a recognition of Mary Stuart, a Catholic revolution would not be many months distant. How few appear in those streets which a few hours ago were crowded. He did not offer to speak to me till I had walked up close to his bed-side. A man who has been

brought up among books, and is able to talk of nothing else, is a very indifferent companion. I dreamed that I was conveyed into a wide and boundless plain. When I came to my castle I fled into it like one pursued. The farther I was from the occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions were. Pleased with the danger, when the waves went high, he sought the storms.

77. (95.) In the following sentences read out the conditional or modifying sentence, and say if the verbs are in the indicative or in the subjunctive mood. (See § 92.)

Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead, sunk though he be beneath the watery floor. If our youngest brother be with us then will we go down. If mischief befall him by the way, then shall ye bring down my grey hairs with sorrow to the grave. If I stand here I saw him. Could I fly I'd fly with thee. And if he could (he) would bite. O that I had wings like a dove! then would I flee away, and be at rest. Were I Brutus and Brutus Antony, there were an Antony would move the stones of Rome to rise and mutiny. I'd choose to be a daisy, if I might be a flower. He came here that he might see you. I should burn the letter if I were you. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? Advise if this be worth attempting. If thou doubt, the beasts will tear thee piecemeal. Supposing a dozen men were cast ashore, and left to their own resources, one would be set to one business, and one to another. If he attempted it, he did wrong. If he attempted it, he would do wrong. If such there breathe, go mark him well. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. He were no lion were not the Romans hinds. I would let any one have the making of the laws of a country, if I might make their ballads.

78. (§§ 88, 91.) Supply suppressed conditions

I would go. All sorts of cattle the dragon would eat. Welcome were death. I would not pass another such a night. Tell me where my book is. How would you act? I am sure I could do it. I fear I should not succeed. To know our enemies' minds we'd rip their hearts. Gold were as good as twenty orators. There is a vice in them that were a virtue in us. A liar is not likely to be believed. I would not enter on my list of friends the man who needlessly sets foot upon a worm.

79. Analyse these simple sentences-

Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away. Aloft in awful state the

godlike hero sat on his imperial throne. In a small chamber, friendless and unseen, toiled o'er his types a poor unlearned young man. There he built with wattles from the marsh a little lonely church in days of yore. He espied an old man, stooping and leaning on his staff, weary with age and travel, coming towards him. King Harold still stood close by the golden dragon, with his axe in his hand and his shield pierced with several arrows. I go through the park once or twice a week to my little retirement. Round his neck was suspended a collar of emeralds, of uncommon size and brilliancy. The most splendid death is that of the hero in the hour of victory. The sight of his blood and the exquisite pain appalled the courage of the chief. The cries of fear and of pain were drowned in the martial music of drums and trumpets. In the winter he dozed away his time within his father's house by the fireside, in a kind of torpid state, seldom departing from the chimney-corner. Round great part of our coast we find terraces from twenty to fifty feet above the level of the sea. Fiery thoughts do shape themselves within me. A kingless happy folk we long have been, not galled by any yoke but the white leaguer of the winter-tide. My high-blown pride has left me weary and old with service to the mercy of a rude stream. The soaring pine, alder, and poplar black were thickly spread. Harold fell by the most glorious of deaths, fighting for his land and people. Here, girt with friends or foes, a man may speak his will. Willing to support the just measures of the government, but determined to observe the conduct of the minister with suspicion, he will oppose the violence of faction with great firmness. The administration of capital in the manufacturing trade calls for some of the most solid faculties of human character. In Norway and Sweden the saw-dust of non-resinous woods, after having been boiled in water and baked, is mixed with flour to form the material for bread. Large quantities of spirits, sold under the name of British brandy, are made from potato starch. Eggs are very nutritious articles of food. Thus we have seen through the whole course of four reigns a continual struggle maintained between the crown and the people. How all occasions do inform against me! The fleet set sail in the finest weather, amidst the discharges of cannon and the acclamations of an immense crowd of spectators. With age, with cares, with maladies oppressed, he seeks the refuge of monastic rest. Forth goes the woodman, leaving unconcerned the cheerful haunts of men, to wield the axe and drive the wedge in yonder forest drear, from morn to eve his solitary task. The right of the prince to make laws and to levy money had, during many generations, been undisputed. Snatch from the ashes of your sires the embers of their former fires. Time writes no wrinkle on thine azure brow. A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.

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