2. The defendants Goering and Kaltenbrunner committed the crimes defined in Article 6 of the Charter in their capacity as members and leaders of the GESTAРО. 3. The GESTAPO, as an organization, participated in and aided the conspiracy which contemplated and involved the commission of the crimes defined in Article 6 of the Charter. In 1941, on German Police Day, Heydrich, the former Chief of the Security Police and the SD, said: "Secret State Police, Criminal Police, and SD are still adorned with the furtive and whispered secrecy of a political detective story. In a mixture of fear and shuddering-and yet at home with a certain feeling of security because of their presence,-brutality, inhumanity bordering on the sadistic, and ruthlessness are attributed abroad to the men of this profession." (Extract from a brochure on Reinhard Heydrich, published in December 1943.) The evidence as it is submitted, shows that brutality, inhumanity, sadism, and ruthlessness were characteristic of the GESTAPO and that it was and should be declared, a criminal organization, in accordance with article 9 of the Charter. LEGAL REFERENCES AND LIST OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE GEHEIME STAATSPOLIZEI (GESTAPO) AND SICHERHEITSDIENST (SD) Document Description Vol. Page *654-PS *668-PS Thierack's notes, 18 September *1514-PS *1521-PS *1531-PS 1551-PS *1573-PS Order, 27 July 1944, from 6th Directive from RSHA, 26 October IV IV IV 53 75 93 106 |