Document Description Vol. Page D-183 *D-569 *D-762 Order of Gestapo Office, Darm- rer SS, the OKW, Inspector of 74 VII 221 cerning camouflage of Jewish busi- *L-219 L-297 of 1 October 1943. (USA 479).... VII 1053 duties of Political Police command- VII 1099 *R-142 Himmler order of 10 August 1943 Memoranda to Koblenz District | VIII 107 Document Description Vol. Page *R-145 Affidavit A Affidavit B Affidavit C Affidavit D Statement IX Headquarters, 22 April 1938 and Affidavit of Otto Ohlendorf, 20 VIII 587 VIII 596 VIII 606 VIII 622 Document Description Vol. Page *Chart No. 3 *Chart No. 4 Organization of the SS. (USA 445). VIII 772 Report of Special Purpose Group "A" regarding Jews killed in the Baltic Countries, White Russia Police System. (USA 493)........| VIII 774 *Chart No. 16 The Structure of the German Po *Chart No. 19 lice. (1852-PS; USA 449) ........ End of VIII Organization of the Security Police (Gestapo and Kripo) and the SD 1943-1945. (USA 480) End of VIII 7. THE GENERAL STAFF AND HIGH COMMAND OF THE ARMED FORCES In one respect the General Staff and High Command of the German Armed Forces is to be distinguished from the other groups and organizations against which the prosecution seeks declaration of criminality. The Leadership Corps of the NSDAP, for example, was the instrument by which Hitlerism rose to full power in Germany. The SA and the SS were branches-large branches to be sure of the Nazi Party. The German police had certain roots and antecedents which antedated Hitlerism, but was almost entirely a creature of the party and the SS. The Reichs Cabinet was, in essence, merely a committee or set of committees of Reichs Ministers, and when the Nazis came to power these ministerial positions were filled for the most part by Nazis. All those groups and organizations, accordingly, either owe their origin and development to Naziism, or automatically became nazified when Hitler came to full power. That is not true of this group, the General Staff and High Command of the German Armed Forces. It is common knowledge that German armed might and the German military tradition antedate Hitlerism by many decades. The war of 1914-18, the Kaiser, and the "scrap of paper" are modern witnesses to this fact. |