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VI. 787


Affidavit of Rudolf Franz Ferdi-
nand Hoess, 5 April 1946, concern-
ing execution of 3,000,000 people
at Auschwitz Extermination Cen-
ter. (USA 819)............
Memorandum to Supreme Com-
mand of the Navy by Doenitz,
9 October 1939, concerning base
in Norway. (GB 83)....
Unsigned documents found in offi-
cial Navy files containing notes
year by year from 1927 to 1940 on
reconstruction of the German
Navy, and dated 18 February
1938, 8 March 1938, September
1938. (USA 49)....
Entry in Naval War Diary, Janu-
ary 1941, p. 401. (USA 132)...... VI
Covering letters and Order of 13
May 1941, signed by Keitel on
ruthless treatment of civilians in
the USSR for offenses committed
by them. (USA 554; GB 162).... VI
Keitel order on preparation for
"Weseruebung", 27 January 1940.


(GB 87)..






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mand and Orders, signed by
Brauchitsch. (USA 538)......... VI
Keitel Order, 16 September 1941,


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Letters of 26 and 28 November
1941, enclosing orders concerning
protection of troops against Par-
tisans and sabotage. (USA 556)... VII
File of circulars from Reichsfueh-
rer SS, the OKW, Inspector of
Concentration Camps, Chief of
Security Police and SD, dating

49 Document


Vol. Page











from 29 October 1941 through 22
February 1944, relative to pro-
cedure in cases of unnatural death
of Soviet PW, execution of Soviet
PW, etc. (GB 277) .............. VII
Statement of PW Walther
Grosche, 11 December 1945. (GB
Statement of PW Ernst Walde,
13 December 1945. (GB 278)..... VII
Order of Hitler, 30 July 1944, con-
cerning combatting of "terrorists"
and "saboteurs" in Occupied Ter-
ritories. (GB 298) ..............
Circular of OKW, 18 August 1944,
regarding penal jurisdiction of
non-German civilians in Occupied
Territories. (GB300)..........
Circular of OKW, 18 August 1944,
concerning combatting of "terror-
ists" and "saboteurs" in Occupied
Territories and jurisdiction rela-
tive thereto. (GB299)........... VII



VII 222





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Draft of directive, 14 June 1944,
from OKW to Supreme Com-
mander of "Luftwaffe", regard-
ing treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers. (GB308).......... VII 232
Draft of directive of Chief of



OKW, 15 June 1944, to German
Foreign Office at Salzburg, con-
cerning treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers. (GB309).......... VII 233
Draft of directive, 15 June 1944,
from OKW to Supreme Com-
mander of "Luftwaffe" concern-
ing treatment of Allied "Ter-
rorist"-flyers. (GB310).......
Notes, 18 June 1944, concerning
treatment of Anglo-American
"Terrorist"-flyers. (GB 311)...... VII 235

VII 234

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