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Hitler to General von Brauch-
itsch on 25 March 1939. (USA




Keitel Order on treatment of sup-
porters of De Gaulle who fight for
Russians, 26 May 1943. (GB 163). VIII 538
Keitel directives, 4 January 1944
and 21 April 1944, concerning
counteraction to Kharkov show
trial. (GB 164)..



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Operations Department of the Army (Heer), 1932-35.
Chief of the National Defense Section in the High Command
of the Armed Forces (Abteilung Landesverteidigung im
OKW), 1935-Oct. 1938.

Artillery Commander ("Artillerie Kommandeur") of the
44th Divison. Vienna and Brno, Oct 1938-27 Aug. 1939.
Chief of Operation Staff of the High Command of the Armed
Forces (Chef des Wehrmachtsfuhrungstabes in Oberkom-
mando der Wehrmacht), August 1939–1945.

Dates of Promotion:

1932-Major and Oberstleutnant


1940-General der. Artillerie

1944-Generaloberst (2865-PS).


Jodl's most important office was that of Chief of the Operations Staff (Wehrmachtsfuehrungstab) in OKW. In this capacity he was directly subordinate to Keitel and equal in status to other departmental chiefs in OKW. However, insofar as the planning and conduct of military affairs are concerned, Jodl and his staff were more influential than the other departments.

The OKW Operations Staff was also divided into sections. Of these the most important was the "National Defense" section, of which Warlimont was chief. He was primarily concerned with the development of strategic questions. From 1941 onwards Warlimont, though charged with the same duties, was known as Deputy Chief of the OKW Operations Staff. (3707-PS)

Jodl drafted many directives for Hitler to sign, for the preparation of military operations and plans of deployment, and for the possible initiation and commencement of military measures relating to matters of organization, operations, or "wareconomics." While in a theater of operations, Jodl would report twice daily to Hitler about operations, and then prepare the Fuehrer directives. There was direct contact between Hitler and Jodl, though Keitel was kept informed of what passed between them.

In addition to certain ministerial functions, the OKW was Hitler's military staff. Its most important duty was the development of strategic and operational plans. Such plans were worked out by the OKW Operations Staff in broad outline, and then in more detail by the Commanders and Chiefs of Staffs of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. After Hitler had approved the plans they were transmitted by the OKW to the appropriate military authorities (3705-PS; 3702-PS; 3707-PS).


Jodl's loyalty to the Nazi party doctrine is evident in a speech he delivered on 7 November 1943. He spoke of the National Socialist Movement and its struggle for internal power as the preparation for liberation from the Treaty of Versailles. (L-172)

He also stated, in a speech on the occasion of the attempted assassination of Hitler, that his aims had been in general agreement with the aims of the party. (1808PS)

At the sixth meeting of the Working Committee of the Reich Defense Council on 7 February 1934 Jodl pointed out that the practical execution of the preparations for mobilization, which had been ordered by the Army and the highest Reich authorities, were making a considerable enlargement of personnel necessary. He suggested, however, that this enlargement of personnel ought not to result in "the disquieting of foreign countries through conspicuous mobilization measures." (EC-405)

In the presence of Jodl, Generalmajor Keitel pointed out at the eleventh meeting that the mobilization year was to begin on 1 April and to end on 31 March of the following year. A "Mobilization Book for Civilian Agencies" was to be issued for the first time on 1 April 1936. Keitel said that this day, to the extent

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