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March 1943, to all group leaders
of Security Service, and record of
telephone conversation signed by
Stapj, 11 March 1943. (USA 190). V

Message to all Commanders of Se-
curity Police from Kaltenbrunner
regarding arrest of Plant Directors.. VI

Announcement of Kaltenbrunner
appointed Chief of Security Police
and SD, in German Police, 15 Feb-
ruary 1943. (USA 512)........... VI
Interrogation of Bertus Gerdes,
20 November 1945. (USA 528)... VI
Testimony of Gottlieb Berger, 20
September 1945. (USA 529)...... VI
Affidavit of SS Colonel Kurt
Becher, 8 March 1946, concerning
the responsibility of Kaltenbrun-
ner for concentration camp execu-
tions. (USA 798).........
Covering letter enclosing a letter
from Kaltenbrunner dated 30 June









645 Document Document


[blocks in formation]

1944, concerning forced labor of

Jews in Vienna. (USA 802)....... VI 737

Statement of Martin Sandberger,
19 November 1945, concerning

[blocks in formation]



Statement of Fritz Mundhenke, 7
March 1946, concerning the ac-
tivities of Kaltenbrunner and SS
in preparation for occupation of
Czechoslovakia. (USA 805)...... VI
Statement of Josef Niedermayer,
7 March 1946, concerning Kalten-
brunner's part in "bullet" orders
at Mauthausen concentration
camp. (USA 801).
Interrogation of Johann Kanduth,
30 November 1945, concerning
crematorium at Mauthausen and
the activities of Kaltenbrunner
there. (USA 796).


Affidavit of Rudolf Franz Ferdi-
nand Hoess, 5 April 1946, concern-
ing execution of 3,000,000 people
at Auschwitz Extermination Cen-
ter. (USA 819).....
Affidavit of Hans Marsalek, 8



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[blocks in formation]


Vol. Page










Orders of Mueller, Chief of the
Gestapo, 17 December 1942 and
23 March 1943, concerning trans-
fer of workers to concentration
camps. (USA 496) . . . . . . .
Affidavit of Otto Hoffman, Chief
of SS Main Office for Race and
Settlement, 4 August 1945. (USA

VII 784






VII 814

Affidavit of Kurt Lindow, Direc-
tor of Office for Criminal affairs in
RSHA, 2 August 1945. (USA 793). VII
Affidavit of Adolf Zutter, 2 Au-
gust 1945. (USA 521)....
Order from Commandant of the
SIPO and SD for the Radom Dis-
trict to Branch Office in Tomas-
chow, 21 July 1944, on clearance
of prisons. (USA 291)
Circular letter from SIPO and SD
Commander of Radom District,
28 March 1944, concerning meas-
ures to be taken against escaped
officers and non-commissioned offi-
cer PWs. (USA 514)......
File of orders and dossiers of 25
Luxembourgers committed to con-
centration camps at various times
in 1944. (USA 243)..
Organization plan of the RSHA as
of 1 October 1943. (USA 479).... VII
Extract from register of arrests by
Gestapo in Poland, 1943. (USA

VII 906

VII 1045


VII 1107


Himmler order of 10 August 1943


to all Senior Executive SS and
Police officers. (USA 333)........ VIII
Letter to Rosenberg enclosing se-
cret reports from Kube on German


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