The Nazi conspirators employed the German Labor Front (DAF) as an instrument for propagandizing its millions of compulsory members with Nazi ideology. The control of the Leadership Corps over the German Labor Front was assured not only by the designation of Reichsleiter Ley as head of the DAF, but by the employment of a large number of Politischen Leiter (political leaders) charged with disseminating Nazi ideology to the large membership of the DAF. These facts are apparent from pages 185-187 of the Organization Book of the NSDAP (2271-PS): "The National Socialist Factory Cells Organization [NSBO], is a union of the political leaders [Politischen Leiter] of the NSDAP in the German Labor Front. "The NSBO is the carrier of the organization of the German Labor Front. "The duties and responsibilities of the NSBO have passed over to the DAF. "The political leaders who have been transferred from the NSBO to the German Labor Front guarantee the ideological education of the DAF in the spirit of the National Socialistic idea." (2271-PS) The foregoing evidence fixes upon the Leadership Corps of the Nazi Party responsibility for participation in the measures leading to the destruction of the independent trade unions and to Nazi Party control over the productive capacity of the German Labor Movement. Not only were these actions directed by Ley in his capacity as Reichsleiter, but they were supervised on a regional basis by the Gauleiter as district representatives of the Leadership Corps. Moreover, the German Labor Front (DAF) which replaced the dissolved trade unions was an affiliated organization of the NSDAP and, as such, remained under the control of the Leadership Corps and was employed by it to nazify the labor population of Germany. (f) Plunder of Art Treasures. The Leadership Corps of the NSDAP is also responsible for the plundering of art treasures by Reichsleiter Rosenberg's Einsatzstab Rosenberg, the activities of which are discussed in full in Chapter XIV. 693255-47--6 LEGAL REFERENCES AND LIST OF DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE NAZI PARTY LEADERSHIP CORPS *064-PS Report submitted by Rosenberg 19 III 102 *098-PS *100-PS *101-PS 28 January 1941, concerning regis- III 148 152 160 160 Document Description Vol. Page *107-PS *116-PS *122-PS *136-PS Circular letter signed Bormann, Bormann's letter to Rosenberg, Certified copy of Hitler Order, 29 January 1940, concerning estab lishment of "Hohe Schule". (USA 367).... |