Small Business Administration: Progress Made, But Transformation Could Benefit from Practices Emphasizing Transparency and Communication : Report to Congressional RequestersGAO, 2003 - Всего страниц: 42 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
2004 budget request According to SBA Accounting Office agency centralization initiative centralization pilots Chief Operating Officer Committee on Small communication strategy continuing resolution Deputy Administrator district directors district office employees district office pilots district office staff documents draft transformation plan efficiency and consistency employees and stakeholders evaluations fiscal year 2004 guaranty purchase human capital identified implementation process Implementation Steps implementation team implementing its transformation important to successful Involve employees key practices lenders liquidation center loan functions loan processing marketing and outreach office and centralization office employees told Office of Field organizational transformations outreach focus performance management system Performance Plan phase pilot district offices pilot initiative pilot offices progress in implementing requests for transformation Sacramento Santa Ana SBA headquarters officials SBA officials told SBA's implementation SBA's transformation Small Business Administration strategic goals successful transformation three district office three pilot district timeline transformation effort transformation process union
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Стр. 23 - Use the performance management system to define the responsibility and assure accountability for change. Adopt leading practices to implement effective performance management systems with adequate safeguards. Establish a communication strategy to create shared expectations and report related progress. Communicate early and often to build trust. Ensure consistency of message. Encourage two-way communication. Provide information to meet specific needs of employees. Involve employees to obtain their...
Стр. 23 - Set implementation goals and a timeline to build momentum and show progress from day one. Make public implementation goals and timeline.
Стр. 23 - Make public implementation goals and timeline. Seek and monitor employee attitudes and take appropriate follow-up actions. Identify cultural features of merging organizations to increase understanding of former work environments. Attract and retain key talent. Establish an organizationwide knowledge and skills inventory to allow knowledge exchange among merging organizations. Dedicate an implementation team to manage the transformation process. Establish networks to support implementation team. Select...
Стр. 22 - Ensure top leadership drives the transformation. Define and articulate a succinct and compelling reason for change. Balance continued delivery of services with merger and transformation activities. Establish a coherent mission and integrated strategic goals to guide the transformation. Adopt leading practices for resultsoriented strategic planning and reporting. Focus on a key set of principles and priorities at the outset of the transformation.
Стр. 22 - ... efforts that are taking place, especially those resulting from the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security and in connection with the intelligence community. We also noted that to effectively meet the challenges of the post-September 11, environment, the FBI needed to consider employing key practices that have consistently been found at the center of successful transformation...
Стр. 3 - Results-Oriented Cultures: Implementation Steps to Assist Mergers and Organizational Transformations, GAO-03-669 (Washington. DC: July 2, 2003...
Стр. 22 - We convened a forum on September 24, 2002, to identify and discuss useful practices and lessons learned from major private and public sector mergers, acquisitions, and transformations.
Стр. 23 - Establish an organizationwide knowledge and skills inventory to exchange knowledge among merging organizations. Dedicate an implementation team to manage the transformation process. - Establish networks to support implementation team. • Select high-performing team members. Use the performance management system to define the responsibility and assure accountability for change.
Стр. 34 - ... budget requests that clearly link resource needs to achieving these strategic and performance goals. • Ensure that the new performance management system is clearly linked to well-defined goals to help individuals see the connection of their daily activities and organizational goals and encourage individuals to focus on their roles and responsibilities to help achieve those goals. • Develop a communication strategy that facilitates and promotes frequent and two-way communication between senior...
Стр. 30 - Still, stakeholder involvement is important to help agencies ensure that their efforts and resources are targeted at the highest priorities. Just as important, involving stakeholders in strategic planning efforts can help create a basic understanding among the stakeholders of the competing demands that confront most agencies, the limited resources available to them, and how those demands and resources require careful and continuous balancing.