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*Excludes recruits, trainees, seamen, and other positions without specific occupational designation.



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TABLE 1.-Military service status of male population, ages 181⁄2 to 261⁄2

[As of June 1963]


1 Less than 5,000 or .5 percent.

NOTE.-Detail does not necessarily add to totals due to rounding.


1. Total male population.-Includes continental United States, territories, and pos-
sessions, and Armed Forces personnel overseas. Based on statistics of U.S. Bureau of

2. Entered military service.-Includes entries into Active Forces and Reserve com-
ponents. Based on cumulative Department of Defense records of initial enlistments,
inductions, and officer accessions by age.

3. Status of men with no military service.-Selective service boards do not normally
complete classification action on registrants until they approach the age of involuntary
induction. The estimates in this table therefore show probable status by age, assuming
that registrants in each liable age had in fact been completely classified and examined
for service. The estimates are based on Selective Service and Department of Defense
experience studies supplemented by census statistics on school enrollments and father-

hood ratios by age. The estimating methods used are similar to those followed in earlier
studies, as described in BLS Bulletin 1262, "Military Manpower Requirements and
Supply, 1959-63."

(a) Unfit for peacetime service.-Includes estimated number of men, in each age class,
who would be found physically, mentally or morally unfit for service under prevaling
standards if all men were in fact completely examined for service. The lower percent-
ages disqualified in the older age classes result from the fact that a portion of these men
entered service under lower mental standards in effect prior to enactment of Public
Law 85-564, July 1958, which authorized modification of peacetime standards of fitness
for service.

(b) Married men and dependency deferments.-Includes all married men, as well as
other men classified in class III-A, Dependency, other than those unfit for service.
(c) Students and other deferrables.-Includes single full-time high school or college
students, occupational deferments, and miscellaneous smaller deferred or exempt cate-
gories (ministers or divinity students, aliens, etc.).

(d) Net availables (nonfather manpower pool).-Estimated net number of single men
in age class who would be found qualified and immediately available for military service
under existing fitness standards and selective service regulations.

TABLE 2.-Percent distribution by educational level of Armed Forces personnel and of employed male civilians, selected age groups, 19601

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Source: 1960 Census of Population, Educational Attainment, p. 54.

TABLE 3.-Occupational distribution of enlisted personnel separations, all services

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1 Excludes Reserves separated from active duty; discharges, retirements, and other personnel not eligible to reenlist.

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