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Anecdotage, man in his, 628.
Angel appear to each lover, 305.
consideration like an, 90.
curses his better. 156.
death and his Maker, 502.
down, she drew an, 272.
dropped from the clouds, 86.
ended, the, 237.

good and bad, 187.
guardian, o'er his life, 455.
hands to valour given, 574.
hold the fleet, 362, 648.
hope thou hovering, 243.
in action how like an, 134.
is man an ape or an, 625.
ministering, 144, 490.
of death is angel of life, 803.
on the outward side,'49.
or earthly paragon, 160.
shook his wings, as if an, 414.
should write, though an, 520.
sings, in his motion like an, 65.
the recording, 379.

those, faces smile, 607.

thou hovering, 243.

visits few and far between, 514.
white as the thoughts of an, 857.
whiteness, 52.

with two faces, 835.

who wrote like an, 388.

woman yet think him an, 698.
yet in this, of habits devil is, 141.

Ancestors are good kind of folks, 440. Angels alone enjoy such liberty, 260.

glorious, 310.

look backward to their, 409.

no need of, 987.

of nature, 229.

that come after him, 44.

the glory belongs to our, 915.
think of your, 933.
wisdom of our, 407.
Ancestral trees, tall, 569.
voices, 500.

Anchor of our peace at home, 435.
up, 774.

Anchors, great, heaps of pearl, 96.
moor with two, 894.

that hold a mother, 883.
Anchored ne'er shall be, 543.
Anchorite, saintship of an, 540.
see a lover in that, 741.
Ancient and fish-like smell, 43.
and honorable, 1025.
as the sun, hills, 572.
days, dames of, 395.
ears, ring in my, 106.

friend, never shall send our, 652.
grudge I bear him, 61.

landmark, remove not the, 1020.
quietness, 855.

[blocks in formation]

and ministers of grace, 130.
are bright still, 124.

are, our acts our, 183.
are painted fair, 280.
aspiring to be, 316.
could no more, 307.
do above, agree as, 221.
down, which would drag, 532.
entertained, and, 221.
face shined bright, 27.
fear to tread, where, 325.
fell by that sin, 100.
forget-me-nots of the, 616.
guard thy bed, holy, 302.
help, make assay, 139.

I am on the side of the, 625.
in some brighter dreams, 264.

laugh at the good he has done, 690.
listen when she speaks, 279.
little lower than the, 1010.

men would be, 316.

must love Ann Hathaway, 876.
ne'er like, till passion dies, 182.
plead like, 118.
preventing, 269.

pure in thought as are, 455.
sad as, 513.

said to be the speech of, 582.

say sister spirit come away, 334.
shared fire with, 549.

sing, which now the, 695.

sung the strain, guardian, 358.
thousand liveried, 245.

to fall, caused the, 165.
tremble while they gaze, 382.

Angels trumpet-tongued, 118. unawares, entertained, 1040. visits like those of, 355. wake thee, all, 367. weep, make the, 48. weep, tears such as, 225. with us unawares, 771. would be gods, 316.

Angel's face shyned bright, 27. tear, passage of an, 576. wing, dropped from an, 484.

wing, feather pluckt from an, 484. wings, clip an, 574.

Angels' keeping, 779.

ken, far as, 223.

lips, might tempt, 807. music, 't is, 205.

visits short and bright, 281. whisper, accent of an, 814. Angelic songs are swelling, 717. Angelical, fiend, 107. Anger, biting for, 222.

he that is slow to, 1019.

is like a full-hot horse, 98.

is one of the sinews of the soul,


more in sorrow than, 128.
of his lip, contempt and, 76.
of lovers, 894.

Angle, a brother of the, 207.
Angler, if he be an honest, 208.
no man is born an, 206.

now with God, excellent, 208. Anglers or very honest men, 208. Angling, be quiet and go a, 208.

deserves commendations, 207.
innocent recreation, 208.

is somewhat like poetry, 207.
like mathematics, 206.
like virtue, 207.

wagered on your, 158.

Angling-rod, a sturdy oak his, 217.
Angry, be ye, and sin not, 1039.
flood, leap into this, 110.
heaven is not always, 289.

passions rise, never let your, 302.
reckon the days you have not been,

repeat the four-and-twenty letters when, 921.

roar, contend with. 700.

Anguish, another's, 104.

calmly bear, can every, 665.

here tell your, 524.

hopeless, poured his groan, 366.

keeps the heavy gate, 836.

wring the brow, 490.

Angularity of facts, 618.

Anise and cumin. 1032.

Ann Hathaway hath a way, 876. Ann's suitor, think you are, 838. Anna whom three realms obey, 326. Annals are not written, whose, 584. of the poor, 384.

writ your, true, 103. Anne, yes by Saint, 75.

Annihilate space and time, 330. Annihilating all that 's made, 263. die, cannot but by, 236.

Annihilation, man not doomed to complete, 663.

Announce a life that shall be copious, 745.

the great individual, I, 745. Annoy, to-day whatever may, 845. Annual expenditure nineteen nineteen, 701.

income twenty pounds, 701. Anointed king, balm from an, 81. rail on the Lord's, 97.

sovereign of sighs and groans, 55. Another and a better world, 991. and the same, 481. horse, give me, 97.

I'm an owl you're, 723.

if it enrich not the heart of, 643.
man's doxy, 1050.

man's ground, built on, 45.

rock would crown the work, 704. setteth up, 1013.

story, 853.

yet the same, 331.

Another's and another's, 514.

eyes, to choose love by, 57.
face commend, 377.

sword laid him low, 514.
woe, to feel, 334.

Answer a fool, 1020.

a wise man with silence, 916.
all things faithfully, 66.
echoes answer, 672.

him ye owls, 331.

me in one word, 70.

not every question, 897.

soft, turneth away wrath, 1018.
the better, 52.

ye evening tapers, 689.

Answers till a husband cools, never.


Answered you last night, yes I, 658.
Ant, go to the, thou sluggard, 1017.
Ants entombed, 168.

Antagonist is our helper, our, 411.
Antagoras boiling a conger, 918.

Ante-room of hell, God-forsaken, 728.
Ant-heap, one small, 843.

Animal, happiness of the rational, 941. | Anthem, the pealing, 384.

man is a noble, 219.

man is a two-legged, 949.
self-preservation of an, 950.

Animals is justifiable, experiment on, 663.

Animated bust or storied urn, 384. only by faith and hope, 369. torrid-zone, thou, 617.

Animosity, intoxicated with, 603.

Anthems, singing of. 88.

Anthosmial divine, sweet apples, 635.
Anthropophagi, the, 150.
Antic, old father, the law, 82.

round, while you perform your, 123. Anticipate the past, 440.

seldom occurs, what we, 628.

Antidote, bane and, 299.

some sweet oblivious, 125.

Anti-everythings, lean hungry savage,


Antigonus and Thrasyllus, 918.

the son of Helios, 926.

Antique Roman than a Dane, 146.
song, metre of an, 161.
towers, ye, 381.

world, service of the, 67.
Antiquitas sæculi, 169.

Antiquities, living men were, 219.
Antiquity, a little skill in, 222.

is accounted by farther distance,


ways of hoar, 403.

Anti-republican tendencies, 435.

Antres vast and deserts idle, 150.

Anvil, iron did cool on the, 80.

Appearest thou present to my mind,


Appendix to nobility, 187.
Appetite, breakfast with, 99.
cloy the hungry edge of, 81.
colours were then to me an, 467.
comes with eating, 965, 977.
coquetry whets the, 774.
good digestion wait on, 122.
grown by what it fed on, 128.
man given to, 1020.

may sicken and so die, 74.

quench, check impulse, 941.

with coyless sauce sharpen his, 157.
Appetites were hearty, 817.

Applaud the deed, 121.

thee to the very echo, 125.

Anything but gay, a face that 's, Applause, attentive to his own, 327.


but history, 304.

can be amiss, never, 59.

for a quiet life, 1044.

glad he thanks God for, 370.
owe no man, 1036.

what is worth in, 213.

whereof it may be said, 830.
Anythingarian, he is an, 292.
Apace, ill weed grows, 35.
Apart, are scarce long leagues, 727.
forever, two are walking, 749.
though not alone, man dwells, 749.
Apathy, in lazy, 317.

Ape, like an angry, 48.

or an angel, is man an, 625.

whom none take seriously, 729.
Apes, jollity for, 160.

Apert, prive and, 4.

Apollo, bards in fealty to, 576.

from his shrine, 251.

Pallas Jove and Mars, 699.

Apollo's laurel bough, burned is, 41.
lute, musical as bright, 56, 245.

Apollos watered, 1037.

Apology too prompt, 239.

Apostles of equality, men of culture,

shrank, while, 864.

twelve, he taught, 2.

would have done as they did, the,

Apostolic blows and knocks, 210.
Apothecary, I remember an, 108.
ounce of civet good, 148.
Apparel, every true man's, 49.
fashion wears out more, 52.
oft proclaims the man, 130.
Apparelled in more precious habit, 53.
Apparition, a lovely, 474.

Apparitions, seen and gone, like, 281.
thousand blushing, 52.
Appeal from Philip drunk, 999.

unto Cæsar, 1035.

Appear beacons of hope ye, 754.
the immortals, never, 502.

Appearance, not according to the,

of things to the mind, 930.
Appearances are deceitful, 952.

delight the wonder, the, 179.
of a single human being, 374.
of listening senates, 385.

Applauses of his countrymen, 537.
Apple of his eye, 1006.

of the eye, 1010.

rotten at the heart. 61.

Apples, anthosmial divine, sweet, 635.
of gold, 1020.

since Eve ate, 560.

small choice in rotten, 72.
swim, how we, 291.

Apple-blossom, and a cheek of, 678.
Apple-boughs down by the mill, under
the, 724.

Apple-wood, that piece of, 799.

Appliance, desperate, 141.

Appliances and means, 89.

Appointed ways, 779.

Appreciate heaven well, to, 825.

Apprehend some joy, 59.

Apprehension, death most in, 48.
how like a god in, 134.
of the good, 81.

Apprentice, nature but an. 446.
Apprenticeship to progressiveness re-
nunciation, 995.

Approach like the rugged Russian
bear, 122.

of even or morn, 230.

Approaches make the prospect less,


Approbation from Sir Hubert Stanley,


Appropinque an end, 212.

Appropriate, as difficult to invent as
to. 621.

conditions, under, 774.
Approved good masters, 149.
Approving Heaven, 355.

April day, uncertain glory of an, 44.
dew, besprent with, 180.
June and November, 870.
of her prime, 161.
proud-pied, 163.
wears, pinks that, 49.

when men woo, 71.

with his shoures, 1.

Apron, thy words smell of the, 918.
Aprons of fig leaves, 1001.

Aprons, with greasy, 159.
Apt alliteration's artful aid, 413.
and gracious words, 55.
Arabia, all the perfumes of, 124.
breathes from yonder box, 325.
Arabian trees, 157.

Arabs, fold their tents like the, 641.
proverb of the, 630.

Araby the blest, 232.

Araby's daughter, farewell to thee,

Arbiter is taste, its sole, 657.

of his own fortunes, 895.
Arbitrator time, old common, 102.
Arbitress, moon sits, 225.
Arborett with painted blossoms, 28.
Arcades ambo, 558.

Arcadia, I too was born in, 979.
Arcadian scenes, 421.
Arcady, as I went on to, 795.

I hied me off to, 795.
who hopes to see fair, 834.
Arch, night's black, 451.
night's blue, 424.

on Prague's proud, 513.
that fill'st the sky, 516.
Arches of the years, 841.
Archangel ruined, 225.
Archelaus and the barber, 917.
Archer, insatiate, 306.

little meant, mark the, 492.
that keen, 776.
well-experienced, 161.

Archimedes cried I have found it

Eureka, 924.

Architect of his own fortunes, 167.
Architects of fate, all are, 647.
Architecture is frozen music, 999.
Arcs, on the earth the broken, 710.
Arctic sky, Ophiuchus in the, 229.
Arcturus with his sons, 1010.
Arden, now am I in, 67.
Ardent temperature, 827.

Ardour, compulsive, gives the charge,

radiant with, divine, 754.

Are, we know not what we, 142.

Areas of rain, snow, hail, and drought,

Arg'ed the question, the more we, 825.
Argosy, a wrecked, 775.

Argue not against Heaven's hand, 252.
though vanquished, 397.
Argues an insensibility, 509.

with women the heart, 754.
yourselves unknown, 234.
Arguing, owned his skill in, 397.
Argument and intellect too, 402.
for a week, 84.

height of this great, 223.
I have found you an, 375.
knock-down, 277.

not to stir without great, 142.
of tyrants, necessity is the, 453.
sheathed their swords for lack of,

staple of his, 56.

stateliest and most regal, 254.

Argument to thy neighbor's creed, 614.
truth is the strongest, 883.
with an east wind, 741.
wrong, his, 399.

Arguments and questions, all kinds of,

I have no mockings or, 742.
interminable and inconsistent, 626.
nor waste, when they will be lost,

use wagers, fools for, 213.
Ariadne, minuet in, 441.
Ariosto of the North, 545.
Arise in the soul, diviner feelings, 607.
my lady sweet, 159.

O soul and gird thee, 829.
Aristocracy, cool shade of, 537.
intellectual, 995.

is always cruel, 699.

Aristotle and his philosophie, 1.
Arithmetic, different branches of, 782.
Ark, hunt it into Noah's, 416.
mouldy rolls of Noah's, 268.

to lay their hand upon the, 418.
walked straight out of the, 460.
Arm, she leant upon her lover's, 670.
sits upon mine, 194.

the obdured breast, 228.
what a waist for an, 751.
what an, 'what a waist, 751.

Arms against a sea of troubles, 135.
against a world in, 603.

and the man I sing, 274.
are empty, my, 811.
glorious in, 55.

had seven years' pith, 149.
hung up for monuments, 95.
imparadised in one another's, 233.
invincible in, 428.

it, Washington, 620.

land of scholars nurse of, 395.
lord of folded, 55.

my soul's in, 296.

never would lay down my, 364.
of death, the alabaster, 813.
of seeming, 273.

on armour clashing, 236.
puking in the nurse's, 69.
ridiculous, made, 242.
so he laid down his, 594.
sure-enwinding, of cool-enfolding

death, 744.

take your last embrace, 109.
the Smiths never had any, 460.
the world in, 80.
Timoleon's, 391.
to, ye brave, 990.

try everything before, 889.
unstained and free, my, 725.
upbear, and men my giant, 725.
Armageddon of the race, the, 650.
Arm-chair, old, 724.
Armed at all points, 128.

at point exactly, cap-a-pe, 128.
gallantly, 86.

great individual fully, 745.
so strong in honesty, 114.
thrice is he, 94.

Armed thus am I doubly, 299.
with more than complete steel, 40.
with resolution, 295.
without, he is, 329.
Armies clad in iron, 242.

clash by night, where ignorant, 753.
disbanding hired, 584.

swore terribly, our, 378.

whole have sunk, where, 228.
Arminian clergy, an,


Armory, all wisdom's, 771.
Armour against fate, no, 209.
clashing, brayed, 236.

is his honest thought, 174.
of a righteous cause, 843.
Armourers accomplishing knights, 92.
Army, hum of either, stilly sounds, 91.
of martyrs, the noble, 1042.

with banners, terrible as an, 1024.
Aromatic pain, die of a rose in, 316.
plants bestow no fragrance while
they grow, 398.

Around thee thou no ray of light, if,


to say farewell, and looks, 697.
us here, for why is all, 681.

us like a cloud, lies, 700.

Arrant, thankless, 25.

thief, the moon is an, 109.
traitor as any is, 93.

Array, battle's stern, 543.
sorrow's dark, 988.

Arrays our battalions, field-marshal

who, 727.

Arrayed in his beauty, king all, 587.
Arrears of pain and darkness, 711.
Arrest, death is strict in his, 145.
Arrivals of pleasure, 776.
Arrogant brass, braying of, 840.
Arrow for the heart, 560.

from a well-experienced archer, 161.
o'er the house, shot mine, 145.
Arrows, of light, swift-winged, 416.
of outrageous fortune, 135.

of the early frost, slain by, 763.
quiver bow and, 31.

some Cupid kills with, 51.
taunts are not so sharp as, 645.
Arrowy Rhone, rushing of the, 543.
Ars longa, vita brevis, 6.
Arsenal, shook the, 241.

Arsenals and forts, no need of, 645.

Art, adorning thee with so much, 261.
adulteries of, than all the, 178.
all loved, in a seemly way, 827.
all nature is but, 316.

all the gloss of, 398.

and part, 1044.

beyond the reach of, 323.

can wash her guilt away, what, 403.
concealed by, 310.

contemplates certain things, 930.
cookery is become an, 187.

ease in writing comes from, 324.
elder days of, 642.

every walk of, 457.

failed in literature and, 629.

first professor of our, 274.

Art, glib and oily, 146.

glory and good of, 712.

had invented the, of printing, 584.
he tried each, 396.

her guilt to cover, the only, 403.
imitates nature, 305.

in the vaunted works of, 617.
is a human activity, 996.

is long, life short, 886, 989.
is long time is fleeting, 638.
is man's nature, 721.

is nature made by man, 780.
is too precise, 201.

it's clever but is it, 852.
last and greatest, 329.
laughter oft is but an, 585.
made tongue-tied, 162.

may err Nature cannot miss, 272.
mistress of her, 446.

more matter with less, 133.

nature is above, in that respect, 148.
nature is but, 316.

nature is God's, 721.

nature lost in, 390.

nature not inferior to, 942.

nearly allied to invention, 441.

not strength obtains the prize, 341.

of artisans, 438.

of God, nature is the, 218, 310.
of scratch, engraving is, 747.
pleasure disguised by, 403.
poetry a mere mechanic, 414.
preservative of all arts, 1044.
so vast is, 323.

subdues the strong, 344.
summit, 995.

than force, more by, 341.

that in which hand head heart, 747.
thou here again, 790.

to blot, 329.

to find the mind's construction, 117.
war's glorious, 311.

we can realize perfection through,

we may live without, 779.

with curious, 413.

with the living hues of, 683.

Arts and sciences not in the same
mould, 962.

fashion's brightest, 398.
Greece mother of, 241.

hunger is the teacher of the, 305.

imitate natural forms, 942.

in which the wise excel, 279.

of peace, inglorious, 263.

remote from common use, 556.

taught the wheedling, 348.

the academes, 56.

the fine, once divorcing themselves,


well fitted in, 55.

which I loved, 260.
with lenient, 328.

Artaxerxes' throne, 241.
Artery, each petty, 131.

Arthur first in court, when, 406.
Article of luxury, do without any, 586.
snuffed out by an, 560.

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