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215-difficulty of fixing a perma-
nent rate, ib.-payment by results,
216-problem of the restoration of
Trade Union safeguards after the
war, 216-219-advantages of coop-
eration of Labour, 218, 227-Garton
Foundation Memorandum, 219-
adherence of the worker to his idea
of freedom, 220-concessions made
by the Government, 221-attitude
of Labour to other classes, 222-
the food problem, ib.-war profits,
223-views of the press, 224-re-
sult of the restriction of discussion,
225-attitude of Labour to the


Dosne, Mdlle F., papers of M. Thiers,

Duignan, W. H., 'Place-Names,' 340,
348, 351.

Dumping, the practice of, 415–417.


Economic Lessons of the War,
Some, 77-wastage of materials
caused by the war, 78-supply of
labour, ib.-reduction of incomes,
79-wastage of shipping, and ex-
tensive tariffs, ib.-origins of the
war, 80-82-methods, 82-objects,
83-principles relating to the treaty
of peace, 84-90-question of iron
and coal, 84-need to crush the
metallurgic strength of Germany,
85-88-needs of the Allies, 88-
erection of 'barrier fortresses,' 89
-exploitation of the mining dis-
tricts, ib.-principles relating to
internal reforms, 90-95-tendency
to excess of individualism, 91-
organised industries, ib.-growth
of economic organisation in Ger-
many, 92-result of cheaper
foreign products, 94-the harm of
petty economy, ib.-necessity of
excluding the spirit of routine, 95.
Education, National, and Nation-

al Life, 444-Herbert Fisher's Bill,
444, 450 et seq.-salaries of teachers,
444 supply, 445-areas, ib.
local government system, 446-
policy of Queen Elizabeth, 447-
school endowment movement from
1660 to 1730.. 448- Secondary
Schools, 449-influence of the Uni-
versities, 450-New Regulations
for Secondary Schools, 451-results
of the industrial system on child
life, ib.-physical condition of the

people, 452-first state grant, 453—
number of children on the school
registers, ib.-Education Acts of
1870 and 1876..454-Reconstruc-


455-establishment of a
system of Universal Education,
ib.-powers conferred by the Bill,
456-cooperation of authorities,
ib.-proposal to create educational
provinces, 457 - restrictions
child labour, 458-460- nursery
schools, 460-continuation schools,
461-evil of the present system of
secondary education, 462-financial
position, 463.

Edward VII, King, foreign tours,

Elizabeth, Queen, educational policy,

Engineers' strike, result of the, 201.
England, The Arts in Early, 96.
See Arts.

England, The Place-Names of,
333. See Place.

Explosion, The Sound of a Great,
51-form of the inner and outer
sound-areas, 52-variations in the
loudness of the sound, ib.--the
silent zone, 53, 58-character of
the sound, 54-number of reports,
55-inaudible and audible sound-
waves, 56-effect on pheasants, 57
-velocity of the sound-wave
against the wind, 59.


Farrer, Reginald, 'Jane Austen,' 1.
Fayle, C. Ernest, 'Thoughts on the
Present Discontents,' 201.

Fisher, Hon. F. M. B., on Germany's
trade policy after the war, 412.
Fisher, Rt Hon. Herbert, M.P., Bill
to make further provision with
respect to Education, 444 et seq.
Fitzmaurice, Lord E., on the extent
and boundaries of Albania, 141

Ford, Walter F., 'Prices as affected
by Currency Inflation,' 61.
France, some Economic Lessons of
the war, 77-military operations
against Germany, 251, 530-attack
on the Aisne, ib.-in Champagne,
253-number of prisoners captured,
ib.-alternation of the attacks with
the British, 256.


German Methods in Turkey, 296.
See Turkey.

German Trade after the War, 403
-value of the military system, 404
-dependency upon foreign labour
in the past, 405-question of money-
power, 406-demand for rails, 407
-result of a trade boycott, 408-
410-principle of reciprocal dealing,
409-antagonistic views to the
boycott proposals, 410-preferential
tariffs, 411-mineral districts, 412
-supply of iron ore, 413-utilisa-
tion of waste gases, 414-organisa-
tion of the iron and steel trades,
ib.-Association of Employers'
Federation, 415-practice of 'dump-
ing,' 415-417-customs tariff, 417-
successful methods of trading,
418-420-result of organisation and
combination, 420-development in
the State regulation of industries,
421-measures for post-bellum re·
quirements, ib.-system of 'peace-
ful penetration,' 423.

Germany, origins of the war, 81-
methods, 82-objects, 83-depend-
ence on the metallurgic resources,
84-control of the French mining
districts, 86-manifesto of Associa-
tions, 87-barrier fortresses along
the Rhine, 89-growth of economic
organisation, 92.

Germany and Spain, 169-propa-
ganda, 174-policy of the Socialists,
177-179-submission of the people
to their rulers, 180-183.


Germany, aerial engagements, 249-
military operations on the Western
front, 250-262, 529-535-various
defeats, 251-254-the battle of
Messines, 254-tactics, 259-261-
'Siegfried positions,' 260-attempts
to detach Russia from the Allies,
267-endowment of foresight,
384-386-railway enterprise
Turkey, 488, 491, 498-concessions,
492, 495, 501-the Bagdad Railway,
495, 503-influence in Turkey, 497,
512-Anatolian Railway Co., 498—
agreements of 1899 and 1902..504-
negotiations with Great Britain,
522, 527-system of defence, 535-
537-advance on Riga, 544.

Gladstone, W. E., verbosity of speech,
428-political views, 433.

Gold, amount of production, 63-
output, 64.

Goldsmith, art of the, in the seventh
century, 105.

Goodall, A., 'Place-Names of S. W.
Yorkshire,' 347 note, 351 note-
introduction, 352.

Goschen, Lord, Ambassador at Con-
stantinople, views on Albania, 140,

Gosse, Edmund, 'The Life of Alger-
non Charles Swinburne,' 229-231-
'Portraits and Sketches,' 238-the
Posthumous Poems, edited by, 247.
Great Britain, falling-off of the ex-
port trade to Turkey, 296-298-the
Consular service, 298, 308-number
of foreign banks, 306-the mer-
chant, 310-use of a foreign agent,
311 carelessness in executing
orders, 312-defects of the com-
mercial traveller, 314-want
foresight, 384, 386-commercial
rivalry with Germany, 403, 412-
railway enterprise in Turkey, 488-
causes of the failure, 493-495-
period of isolation, 497-policy in
Turkey, 504, 512, 517, 524-527-
negotiations, 515, 520-interests to
be safeguarded, 517-position in
the Persian Gulf, 518-negotiations
with Germany, 522, 527.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Ismail Kemal Bey, Albania and
the Albanians,' 140-at Cettinje,
152-interview with Prince Mirko,
153-journey to Valona, 154-at-
tends the national congress, 156—
elected President of the Provisional
Government, ib.-receives the Duc
de Montpensier, 158-attends the
Conference in London, 159-returns
to Valona, 161, 166-views on the
choice of Prince William of Wied,
162 President of the Committee
of Public Safety, 167.

Italy, military operations against
Austria-Hungary, 262–266, 537-539.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Labour unrest, causes of the, 203.
See Discontents.

Lamartine, A., word-portrait of
Thiers, 272.

Lebon, André, 'Some Economic
Lessons of the War,' 77.

Leith, Mrs Disney, 'The Boyhood of
Algernon Charles Swinburne,' 231.
Leyland, John, The Minor Elements
of Sea Power,' 119.

Longridge, Michael, President of the
Institution of Mechanical Engi-
neers, on the opposition to piece-
work, 215.

Longstaff, G. B., 'Studies in Statis-
tics,' 372.

Lvoff, Prince, on the discord between
Government and Society, 190.


Malay States, The, 388-develop-
ment of the territory, 388-390—
system of control and administra-
tion, 390-construction of a railway
from Bangkok to Kelantan, 391—
Anglo-Siamese Treaty of 1909, ib.
-Railway system, 392-mineral
resources, 393-coconut and rubber
industries, 394-State of Johore,
395-financial progress of the
States, 396-revenue and expen-
diture, 397-trade returns, 398-
rubber industry, 399-beneficial in-
fluence of the war, ib.-lecture of
Prof. L. von Wiese on 'English
Colonial Policy in Hinter-India,'
400-loyalty of the Chinese, 401.
Malthus, T. R., on the increase of
population, 377.

Marshall, Prof. Alfred, 'Principles
of Economics,' extract from, 68.
Mendel, Gregor, result of his experi-
ments on peas, 48.

Mercantile Marine, services of the,
119-relations with the Navy, 120,
128, 139.

Messines, battle of, 254, 258.

Midwives, increasing attendance,
475 duties, 476 professional
claims, 477-position, ib.-number
on the Rolls, 478-improved train-
ing and status, 479-administrative
control, 479-481.

Milner, Lord, 'England in Egypt,'

extract from, 500.

Mill, John Stuart, on the theory of
value, 70.

Mine-sweepers, work of the, 129.
Minor Elements of Sea Power,
119. See Sea Power.


Montenegro, the frontier, 365, 368.
Montmorency, J. E. G. de, 'National
Education and National Life,' 444.
Montpensier, Duc de, candidate to
the throne of Albania, 158.
Moschkoff, V. A., 'Neue Theorie von
der Abstammung des Menschen
und seiner Degeneration,' 35.
Mother, The, and the State, 465-
letters from working women de-
scribing their experience of child-
birth, 465-467-evils of ignorance
and under-equipment for maternity,
468-effects of venereal and other
diseases, 469-mortality, ib.-con-
ditions impairing the health of the
mother, 470 infant mortality,
470-472-principal causes, 471—
healthy childhood and girlhood,
472 nourishment and exercise,
473-education in mothercraft, 474
-assistance at child-birth, 475-
advantages of midwife attendance,
ib.-duties of her profession, 476—
present position, 477-number on
the Roll, 478-improved training
and status, 479-administrative
control, 479-481-scheme of a State
Midwifery Service, 481-maternity
benefit or pension, 482-484-en-
lightenment of the public mind,
485-need for unification
authorities, ib.-establishment of
a Ministry of Health, 486.
Mulhall, M. G., 'Dictionary of
Statistics,' 373.


Munitions of War Bill, 1917..205-
of 1915..209.

Mutschmann, H., 'Place-Names of
Nottinghamshire,' 347 note, 351.


National Life and National Edu-
cation, 444. See Education.
Naumann, Friedrich, 'Mittel-Europa,'

Navy, work of the, 119-relations
with the Mercantile Marine, 120,
128, 139-Air Service, 125.

Newsholme, Dr A., 'Elements of
Vital Statistics,' 372.


Ollivier, Emile, portrait of Thiers,
273-tribute to him, 275.


Parkes, Dr, Manual of Practical
Hygiene, 374.

Paul, Dr C., experiments on the
effect of lead poisoning, 42.
Pearson, Mr, theory of the 'yellow
peril,' 381.

Pheasants, effect of sound-waves, 57.
Place-Names of England, 333-use


of maps, ib.-of field-names, 334,
338-number of kinds of streams,
335-two elements of a place-name,
ib.-number of personal names,
336-typical distribution of local
names of villages, ib.-self-pro-
viding of each community, 337—
result of the Enclosure Acts, 338
-field-names of Berkshire and
Hampshire, 338-340 origin of
names, 340-works on, 341, 347-
349-evolution of language, 341-343
-Norman-French scribes, 343-
period of the 17th and 18th cen-
turies, 344-derivation of the name
Isis, ib.-Anton, 345-antiquarian
writer and talker, ib.-Ordnance
Maps, 346-Celtic names, 349-351
-Scandinavian, 351.


Porritt, Edward, Agricultural Edu-
cation in the United States,' 315.
Prices as affected by Currency
Inflation, 61-reasons for the rise
in prices, ib.-varying value of
gold and silver, 62-issue of paper
money, 63, 71-output of gold, 64
-index numbers of prices, ib.-
growth and development of the
banking system, 65-system of
creating credit, 66-68-result of
bringing fresh currency into circu-
lation, 68-adjustment of supply
and demand, 69-increase in the
cost of carrying on the war, 70-
creation of fresh credit, 71-various
forms of credit, 72-system of pay-
ing by cheque, ib.-issue of incon-
vertible paper, 73-export of gold
to America, 74-attempts to con-
trol supply, 75-reduction of note
issues, ib.


Raffles, Sir T. S., work in the Malay
Peninsula, 390.

Reid, Dr G. Archdall, The Laws of
Heredity,' extract from, 39.

Ribas, A. Fabra, 'El socialismo y el
conflicto europeo,' 175-life in Ger-
many, 176-views on the Socialists,
178-180-on their defeat, 182.
Rockhill, W. W., 'Inquiry into the
Population of China,' 375.

Rubber Industry of British Malaya,

Rumania, natural boundary, 357
Russia, character of the army, 266,
541-failure to carry out plan of
operations, 266, 548-result of in-
action in Mesopotamia, 267-im-
provement in military policy, 268
-operations in Galicia, 270, 540-
547-in Moldavia, 542-fall of Riga,
545-Republic proclaimed, 546-
influence of the Soviet on the
army, ib.

Russian Revolution, Some Ele-
ments of the, 184-system of
bureaucracy, ib.-result of the
feuds between officials, 185-the
work of Prince Serge Urusoff and
General Rostovtzeff, 186 - reform
of the Law Courts, 187-character
of the evolution, ib.-progress of
literature and politics, 188-work
of the Zemstvos, ib.-formation of
two Unions, 189-revolutionary
tendencies, 190-growth of revolu-
tionary parties, 191-the Popular
and the Social Democrats, 192-
power of formulas, ib.-character of
the manifesto, 193-condition of the
rural classes, 194-population, ib.-
system of husbandry, 195-peasant
rising in 1905, ib.-dissolution of
the Mir community, 196-policy of
individualism, ib.-views of Uspen-
sky, 197-199-the Kulak, 198-a
material and a spiritual force, ib.
-division of men into three cate-
gories, 199.


Samuel, Herbert, on the duty of the
community towards motherhood,

Schools, Secondary, system, 449-
new regulations, 451-nursery, 460
-continuation, 461.

Sea Power, The Minor Elements
of, 119-services of the Mercantile
Marine, ib.-relations with the
Navy, 120, 128, 139-Royal Naval
Reserve, 120-creation of the War
Navy, 121-Zeebrugge base, 122-
the work of British Destroyer
Patrols, 123, 129-131-submarines,
124-mother-ships, 125- Royal
Naval Air Service, ib.-substitu-
tion of liquid fuel for coal, 127-
workshop or repair ships, ib.-
work of the Mercantile Marine,
128, 132-mine-sweepers, 129, 131-
trawl net, 131-method of organi-
sation, 133-construction of armed
cruisers, 134-136-case of the Kar-
roo,' 136-138.

Sedgefield, Prof. W. J., 'Place-
Names of Cumberland,' 348.

Serbia, the frontier, 365-368.
Shakespeare, William, compared
with Jane Austen, 2.

Skeat, Professor, 'Place-Names,"
341, 347.

Smith, Adam, on the value of gold
and silver, 62.

Smith, C. B., on the working of the
Smith-Lever Act of 1914..329.
Smith-Lever Act of 1914..316, 318,
321, 324-329.

Spain and Germany, 169-weak-
ness owing to defeat in 1898, ib.-
views of Joaquin Costa, 170-un-
popularity of war, 171-policy of
neutrality, 171-174-propaganda of
Germany, 174-books about the
war, 175-A. Fabra Ribas' El
socialismo y el conflicto europeo,'
175-177-assassination of Jaurés,
177-Socialist Congress in Brussels,
ib.-declaration of Müller, 178-
views of the Social Democracy
against war, 179-submission of
the Germans to their princes, 180-
183-defeat of the Socialists in

State, The, and the Mother, 465.
See Mother.

Stevenson, W. H., work on place-
names, 341.

Submarines, British, work of the,

Sulivan, Admiral B. J., 'Life and
Letters,' extract from, 122.

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