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daughters. As their Father, he exercises towards them all the care, tenderness, and affection, belonging to that endearing relation; he allows them to hold familiar intercourse with himself, and to lay before him their wants and complaints with the openness and freedom a child uses with an affectionate and indulgent father.

Moreover, he has given them his Holy Spirit, not only to bear witness with their spirits that they are the children of God, but also to sanctify them, to be their comforter under the various troubles of life, and also as an earnest, or certain pledge and token of their right and title to the heavenly inheritance.

The gracious and ample provision he has made for their solace under the complicated afflictions through which they have to pass, is a further manifestation of his love. He has given to them great, exceeding great and precious promises; promises of all needful assistance; promises of his continued and abiding presence; and promises of timely and complete deliverance. These promises, too numerous to mention, are full of comfort to a good man, proceeding as they do from an almighty and faithful God. Nor has he only thus provided for the comfort of his people, but he has also done it by furnishing them

with the ordinances of his house, and the means of grace. And oh! what seasons of refreshing are these from the divine presence.

To crown all, he has given them a title to mansions in the skies; yea, it is his good pleasure to give them a kingdom, a kingdom of immense delight, a state in which they shall enjoy perfect freedom from all sorrow and sighing, and in which fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore shall be their portion.

From this subject let the Christian, however poor, obscure, or afflicted, draw consolation. He is beloved of the Lord, and no affliction with which he may be exercised can overthrow or invalidate the fact, a fact the reality of which will to him be a source of unbounded delight through eternal ages.

Let him also exult in the honor conferred upon him. What greater distinction can attach to a mortal than to be beloved of the Lord? Do men esteem it an honor to receive attention from persons of elevated rank? How much more honorable to be the object of Jehovah's regard!

Who does not feel disposed to adopt the beautiful prayer of the psalmist, "Remember me, O Lord, with the favor which thou bearest to thy people?" G. C. B. Warwickshire.


EDUCATION is the great question of the times. Nothing engages more of public attention. Seized with the popular mania, government proposed a plan of education, not on impartial and equitable grounds, but for sectarian purposes. With all the blandness of courtly sophistry, its concocters endeavoured to palm a measure on the public, ostensibly designed to invest the State Church with

unlimited authority, and to crush the interests of dissent. Awake to their dangerous position, dissenters of every name, rallied together, and formed one broad phalanx to resist the rude and daring attack made on their common and priceless interests. Appalled at their invincible aspect, the enemy quailed, and fled from the terrific battery, and they returned victorious without an engagement.


Proud with this brilliant conquest over the hand of tyranny, which, in exultation, would have crippled and bound their liberties, dissenters are now bent on the noblest project. As the jealous and consistent advocates of enlightenment and freedom, they magnanimously purpose the adhesion of daily schools to their Sabbathschools, conducted on a popular, economical, and expansive scale. For this transcendant object, the Wesleyans propose to raise £200,000; the Independents have opened a subscription, whose lists are already graced with handsome donations; and the Baptists have agreed to rally round the British and Foreign School Society with their subscriptions and efforts to perpetuate and extend its triumphs. From the steps now taken, we see in the distance our native land bestudded like the firmament with daily schools, pouring forth streams of new and valuable light, and augur a period when every individual will be able to read the Bible, and when in every village will be found literary men and social libraries. What a sublime and glorious enterprise! Beyond all grandeur, this is grand! A new era is about to dawn on our father-land. May it be invested with an effulgence outshining and surpassing even our highest and most sanguine expectations!

Standing on the threshold of this gigantic movement, while plans are forming and arrangements are being completed, a brief survey of the Sabbath-schools in active operation, and of their sovereign influence, cannot fail to strengthen our adherence to these institutions, and prepare us for our new and prospective undertaking. That movement of movements in the last century is replete with remarkable phenomena. Happen what may in after times, the name of its great originator will live through all ages, and in all lands, in the enjoyment of unfading glory.


In proceeding to take a cursory glance of Sabbath-schools, which is all the limits of this paper will admit, our attention is first arrested by their extensive prevalence. All denominations of Christians in England; the State Church, with all its hauteur, patronage, and endowment; the varied, numerous, and extended ranks of dissenters, down to the lowest and least commanding of this estimable band, have their Sabbath-schools. These institutions, next in rank to the ministry as the means of diffusing the light of truth, are blended with every section of the Christian Church, and are found wherever its hallowed influence is felt. They are not merely located in the metropolis, and in the principal provincial cities, but in almost every town, village, and hamlet, from John O'Groat's house to Land's End. Sabbath-school instruction is richly communicated throughout the whole of England, is given in Wales, is liberally imparted in Scotland, and is offered to the generous sons of "the green isle," with all their wrongs and oppressions. In America these institutions are numerous and flourishing, while on the wide and interminable missionary field, limited indeed only by the ends of the earth, wherever there is a missionary station there is a Sundayschool. The whole Church of Christ, however its endless sections differ in opinion on circumstantials, regards Sabbath-schools as its most healthful nurseries, and generously fosters them under its watchful care. In all these schools the infant and the adult are alike taught. What a mighty confederacy! Never was such unison as this displayed till the rise of Sunday-schools. No mind can survey unmoved this stupendous combination to teach the rising youth to read and revere the oracles of God. Did we know the precise amount of instruction given, or the exact number of scholars taught, we should be overwhelmed at its magnitude, while our

bosom would swell with ardent gratitude in behalf of the youthful millions thus educated and blest.


And the support of Sabbath-schools is as marvellous as their number is great. Princely revenues are annually expended in supplying the necessary rooms, books, and rewards, for these countless seminaries. And whence is this imperial treasure supplied? How is this mighty, evergrowing, and multiplying demand, met and satisfied from time to time? Not by government grants, nor by taxes levied on the people, neither by princely bequests of the dying. No, no!! This golden torrent rolls plenteously and freely from the bosom of voluntaryism. From the freewill offerings of the people the income is equal to the expenditure, and more than equal. Deficiency is neither known nor felt. Never was Sunday-school allowed to suspend operations for want of necessary pecuniary supplies. Managers have only to make a respectful appeal to the willinghood of an enlightened and generous public, and that appeal receives a prompt and munificent response. The cheerfulness and liberality with which these institutions are supported is a marvel even to their best friends and patrons. In this service voluntaryism is triumphantly asserting its truth, exercising its power, and gathering up at every step the ensigns of untarnished celebrity. It is rising in unsullied majesty to clear itself from the odious imputations cast upon it, and to proclaim its omnipotency in the cause of truth. Let its opponents stand and pause. But this they have already done. The huge and unsightly fabric of compulsoryism has received a shock which it will not recover. We think it cannot, and we hope its abettors do the same. At length they have partly renounced allegiance to this unscriptural principle. The Episcopal Church has agreed to originate new daily schools by voluntary effort.

While they have our best wishes in this enterprise, we trust they will soon advance another step, ask to be separate from the state, and throw the Church on its own resources, feeling assured religion would be more efficient and prosperous in the world.

But this is only a superficial view of the subject. What time and effort are expended in support of Sabbathschools! Who could estimate the sermons preached, the correspondence written, and the teachers'-meetings annually held? To this no one is competent. Moreover, thousands of enlightened and exemplary Christians, the flower of our congregations and Churches, spend the best portions of the Sabbath in superintending and instructing the children. And it is worthy being written in letters of gold, that this mass, this incredible mass of human effort, is entirely gratuitous, is put forth without the slightest worldly compensation. There is nothing with respect to this life, either in the past, present, or future, that can form any part of the considerations which prompt the noble undertaking. Never did disinterestedness rear a

monument SO fair and inviting. What then is the main-spring of the movement? What is it that set and keeps in motion this stupendous machinery, which is lavishing untold and priceless benefits on the rising generation? It is love. The love Christ has shown to man, and the love man owes to Christ in return, is the great consideration which constrains the patrons of Sabbath-schools to diffuse the light of life among the rising youth, and arms them with indomitable perseverence in their disinterested vocation. Surely this widely extended, well directed, and long sustained effort to give the letter and the word to children, on principles so disinterested and Christ-like, is at once incomparably grand and supernal.

But the number and support of


Sabbath-schools, however surprizing, are thrown into perfect eclipse and darkness, compared with their effects. How varied, extended, and salutary, is the influence of these institutions ! Where shall we begin to survey it? Look at their influence in connection with popular education. How effectually are those objections silenced and removed, once so loud and frequent against the common mind being enlightened. No longer is it boldly asserted that education among the labouring classes would induce indolence and independence; would tend to destroy diversity of rank and station; and reduce society to one common graceless level.

Through the medium of Sabbathschools intelligence has been communicated, and popular ignorance is rapidly disappearing. In addition to higher and holier truths, the common people have learned that they are not serfs, to be trodden upon with impunity; that they are not mere machines, to be worked at pleasure; that man, as man, has rights, inherent, untransferable rights, with his fellowmen. And what is the result? Why, while they maintain self-respect, man's birthright, instead of being less industrious and respectful, less honest and faithful as servants, their service is more direct, efficient, and valuable. Education is light, and light is power. Give education to the common people, and you invest them with moral greatness, which is the strength and bulwark of our land. Consequently educasion is become the exciting topic of the day. Than this, nothing engages more attention. All the nations of Europe are looking to it. Even barbarous governments are asking for it. The school and the college are appearing in the east and west, in the village and wilderness, from the river to the ends of the earth. For this we are mainly indebted to the influence of Sabbath-schools. What a splendid achievement! How sublime and glorious a conquest!


Had they done nothing more than show how utterly unfounded and baseless are objections to popular education, this is a triumph which in itself entitles them to high, unlimited eulogy, patronage, and support.

Nor is this the only view to be taken of their effects. Sabbath

schools have greatly refined the social enjoyments, and raised the intellectual character of the common people. The gambling, intoxication, and gross obscenities once notorious at rural feasts, and places of public amusement, are, to a great extent, suppressed and supplanted, by peace, order, and sobriety. Conversation, one of man's distinctions, is often carried on with a degree of sense and information, coupled with a glow of wit, humor, and brilliancy, not discreditable to persons of literary pretentions.


Not a few trained in these laudable institutions have, by the dint of perseverance in subsequent life, raised themselves to posts of honor and usefulness in the world, while some have attained eminence and celebrity in the learned professions. And how obvious their effect on the progress of periodical literature. Before the rise of Sabbath-schools, how small was the number, and restricted the circulation, of periodicals. America there was only one periodical in the year 1741, called the General Magazine, conducted by Benjamin Franklin, and it died in six months. In 1743 the Weekly Magazine started and stopped in one month. Not a periodical existed in 1775, except the Pennsylvanian Magazine, whose columns were chiefly supplied by the impious pen of Paine. 1810, there were only about twenty publications, whereas now there are more than one hundred, and generally in a thriving and flourishing condition. In England, even at the close of the last century, when the Evangelical Magazine was launched, how scanty was the supply of periodicals. But now, in addition to the literary,


sientific, and political publications with which the press daily teems, every religious denomination has its periodical, and some denominations more than one. Many of these periodicals are low in price, fraught with information, popular in character, and earnest in tone of thought and feeling, on subjects of supreme and universal importance. This rapid march in the progress of periodical literature, together with the new and elevated position it occupies, is mainly referrable to Sabbath-schools. Within their hallowed precincts the million were taught to read. Here the insatiable thrist for knowledge was awakened, and here it is stimulated from Sabbath to Sabbath. These are among the grand results of Sabbath-school instruction. Its sovereign influence extends to the minds, the morals, and the tastes of multitudes, will be felt by nations yet unborn, and travel onwards to the end of time. No mind can survey its boundless, shoreless influence.

But we have the brightest and best view of the subject in connection with the interests of religion. A flood of religions intelligence has rolled far, and wide, and deep,-overcoming many existing prejudices, and checking the prevalence of error clothed in new and fascinating forms. The hearers of the Gospel are multiplied in number, intelligence, and power. The Saviour's ranks are swelled with a host of devoted subjects, whose influence is extensively felt. Some are actively employed in those schools where they first thought of God, first bowed the knee in prayer, and started in their pilgrimage to heaven. Others are usefully engaged in the social prayermeeting, in the tract society, and in visiting the sick and dying. Not a few weekly itinerate to the villages in their more immediate vicinity, "holding forth the word of life." And from these seminaries of early piety have sprung some of the most generous, enlightened, and

enterprising deacons of our Churches; some of the most devoted and successful ministers of the Gospel, and missionaries, who have left the land of their best associations and dearest loves, to plant the broad pennant of the cross on distant shores, and take possession of them in the name of Immanuel. Ascending from earth to heaven, we behold around the throne a countless group of illustrious worthies who were trained in these institutions. Having fought "the good fight," they have left the field of warfare for the city of triumph. They have passed from the scene of conflict to the citadel of glory. They have exchanged the insignia of combat for a robe, a palm, a crown, a kingdom, and are now swelling the celestial chorus, "Blessing and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever." These effects surpass all others as eternity outstrips time, and as heaven transcends earth.

From this hasty survey of the number, support, and effects, of Sabbath-schools, we find them replete with remarkable phenomena. Infidel philosophy and worldly philanthrophy can offer nothing as parallels. The great and good on earth, and the hosts of heaven, may safely unite in pronouncing this movement of movements, superlatively, ineffably grand and majestic.


Honored Sabbath-school teachers! awake to the dignity and grandeur of your vocation. Be assured your calling is invested with a splendour and stamped with an importance not to be surpassed. that the human mind can contemplate, and all that the human imagination can conceive, compared with the end of your office, are but as the puerilities of children and the trifles of a moment. Your object is the salvation of immortal souls; and so replete with interest and importance is that object, that the proudest monuments of human genius are not worth a

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