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that their very names have perished; and this conviction was the result of his most minute and persevering inquiry among the Arab population. No one knew any such names, nor of any thing which could be so moulded as to resemble them.

It remains only to add, that our traveller's account of the various remarkable places he visited are enriched with brief historical notices, the result of extensive reading, the value of which may be inferred from the fact, that their preparation augmented the labor of preparing his manuscript for the press more than fourfold. The narrative is closed by a number of learned and valuable appendices, and accompanied by new and correct maps of the regions


JOSEPH, A MODEL FOR THE YOUNG. By EDWARD LEIGHTON. Illustrated with two Engravings on Steel. Post, 8vo., pp. 288. Strange, London; Allen, Nottingham; Allen, Leicester; Brooks, Leicester.

THE history of Joseph, as given in the inspired pages, surpasses in interest and pathos the most celebrated of the works of uninspired genius. We are much gratified with the efforts of Mr. Leighton to set in order an instructive view of the chief points of importance in this inimitable narrative. He has executed his task with great delicacy, and considerable ability. To the various recommendations of this work given on our cover, we do most cordially add our own; though the sale of two large editions of three thousand six hundred copies, in four years seems to render all commendation superfluous. The book has taken its position amongst the standard and approved works for the young with which the literature of this nation so happily abounds. The present edition, by its typography and engravings, has a decided advantage over its predecessors. Would that it was placed in the hands of all the youth in our families and schools, and that its counsels and lessons were practically regarded!

THE PULPIT CYCLOPÆDIA, and Christian Minister's Companion. By the Author of "Sketches and Skeletons of Sermons," &c. Vol. II. 8vo., pp. 348. Houlston and Stoneman. VOL. 6.-N.S.


THE remarks offered on the appearance of the first volume would in a great measure be suitable for the present. It contains seventy-three sketches of sermons, on a great variety of interesting subjects. We have read them all, and many of them with great pleasure. There is, however, a peculiar kind of mechanism in the construction of some of them, perhaps a characteristic of the author's mind, which might be laid aside or varied with advantage. We think the sketches fully equal to any of those previously published. The volume contains eighteen essays on the composition and delivery of sermons, which deserve to be most carefully studied by every young preacher. They are among the very best that have ever been written. No one who engages in the sacred work can even peruse them without benefit. If the former volume merited commendation for its utility, this one, in our opinion, on account of the superior value of its essays, has especial claims on those for whom it is designed.

THOUGHTS, chiefly designed as preparative or persuasive to private devotion. By JOHN SHEPPARD, Author of "Christian Encouragement," &c. Royal, 18 mo., pp. 324. Tract Society. THIS Volume has for many years been in possession of the public, and has We passed through several editions. recollect perusing it with profit and It is adpleasure many years ago dressed more especially to the reflective, and dilates on some twenty-seven topics of great interest, as the Divine greatness, omnipotence; the greatness of the blessings we seek in prayer; the imperfection of all human language and thought in the view of the Creator; the means by which our thoughts of the moral perfections of the Deity may be elevated; on endeavouring, amidst dejection, to "look at things unseen;" the means of maintaining a devotional habit and spirit in life and business," &c. These are selected as a specimen of the topics discussed in this useful work. It is enriched by illustration notes, as an appendix, containing, among other excellent facts and observations, a most touching correspondence with the late Lord Byron.



SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Two Lectures explanatory of the objects of the Anti-state Church Conference, delivered in South Parade Chapel, Leeds. By JOHN EUSTACE GILES.

THESE lectures are published at the request of the Leeds Committee of the Sunday school Union. They deserve to be read by all dissenters, and, as they may be had for a trifle, we recommend our readers and Sundayschool teachers to procure a copy each for himself.

THE NATIONAL ANIMAL'S FRIEND So CIETY, for the protection of the dumb creation against cruelty. Howit, Nottingham.

THIS pamphlet, issued by the society of the above name, contains an account of its con

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Conducted by

Jews who believe in Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah. No. I. Unwin, 33, Dowgate Hill.

THE title of this new periodical is sufficient to commend it to the attention and sympathy of many of our readers; and, when we inform them that, unless the work has the assistance and patronage of Gentile Christians, it cannot be sustained, we hope we shall induce some of them to become subscribers. Three-pence a month, or four-pence, if the paper be stamped, will be the expence. The present number contains several articles of interest.




WITH Civis, whose essay on "Obedience to Civil Rulers," is inserted in the January number of the General Baptist Repository, (page 13) I can truly say, that I have no desire to "prolong mere dispute;" nor indeed, have I a wish, even to provoke this kind of warfare; but I would not shrink from that free and friendly discussion, whose object of attainment is not mastery, but truth; in this instance, Divine Truth, as to the rights of civil governments, and the duties of their subjects.

I am glad, that in some important parti. culars, Civis and I concur in our views. We are in agreement as to the facts, that in one aspect, the powers that be, are ordained of God; and that in another, they are the ordinance of man. Rom. xiii. 1. 1 Peter ii. 13-17. They appear to be, in God's wise and gracious providence, His appointment; and, the ordinance of men, as being effected by their instrumentality, and in the concurrence of their will. With reference to these higher powers, however, Civis makes a distinction, and employs a qualification, the propriety of which, in their application, the one to the other, I beg leave to question. In distinguishing between the "power or civil authority;" and, the "particular form of

As we think few of our readers are without fixed opinions on the question at issue in these papers, the insertion of this "reply" must terminate the controversy in our pages.-ED.

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governments, or the person exercising the supreme magistracy;" he suggests, that the former "is God's ordinance," and that the latter, are the creatures of men, under the general guidance of his providence." I however, am disposd to consider the whole as the powers that be, and to adopt, as applying to them, the language of unerring truth, which, now the Roman government is in existence, even with wicked Nero at its head, says, "the powers that be, are ordained (appointed) of God." This is God's word! May our faith admit it, and our piety adore it, as being the declaration of spotless purity, and infinite wisdom!


Civis now remarks, "That obedience it (government) according to law, is reasonable, and christian." The fact is, I conceive, that the man who obeys government, obeys law; and that he who obeys law, obeys government. Upon reconsideration, Civis will perhaps see, that he involves, (except I mistake his meaning) a mere truism, the non-observance of which, seems to influence him, in what he subsequently says. He remarks, "the authority at which the mind of every patriot revolts, and I think he may be a christian too, that should demand in the form of taxes, ship money, or any thing else, any sum not granted by law, but from mere pleasure, deserves no better name than tyranny." Tyranny! an oppressive law, may deserve this appellation. The case supposed would be, robbery attempted. Obedience to those who make a demand upon you in the shape of taxes, &c., which demand, let lt be understood, has not the sanction of law, is


not obedience to government, but obedience to the demand of some public robber, who if detected in his guilt, would have to suffer the penalty of the law himself. And on this point, surely I have been sufficiently guarded. Take, as an example, my words in enforcing the duty of paying Church Rates; they are, "After having been legally laid."* The whole of my argument is to show, that in civil matters, we should obey civil law and must therefore, pay all taxes, rates, &c., required by law; but, with equal earnestness would I contend that as good subjects of the realm, and as Christians also, we have a right to resist imposition, and not to submit to that, as law, which in fact is not law. The spirited conduct of the inspired Paul is my authority; and, we all know that in this respect, inspired precedent is equal to inspired precept. See Acts, xvi. 30-39. xxi. 39-40. xxii; 25-30. With deep regret it is, that we have occasion to remark, that kings and governments, in a multitude of instances, rank amongst the most wicked and oppressive of moral agents. God, in his inscrutable, but wise providence, often gives his people to see, "the prosperity of the wicked." But while He thus, in his providence, exalts them, as to things temporal, they, in rejection of his counsel, make themselves wicked; and ultimately, unless they repent they shall be thrust down to hell; while those of God's people whom these sons of power have wickedly oppressed, shall presently be delivered from every trial, and shall rise to take posession of realms of bliss, and thrones of glory, and crowns of life! Psalm. lxxiii.


Civis requires of me, a " Thus saith the Lord," to show, that in conformity with what I have previously written, taxes are collected, not as gratuities, but as debts; and that God has given our governments so much of the property which we hold, as they are disposed to claim, even the whole, if they resolve to have it. That taxes are not gra tuities, but debts, is unquestionably the doctrine of God's word. The divine law says, "PAY ye tribute:"-" Render therefore to all their DUES, tribute to whom tribute." Conformity to this, is urged by the injunction, "OWE no man any thing," Rom. xiii. 6-8. But, when the Scriptures urge gratuities their language is, "Every man as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful GIVER." See also 1 Cor. xvi. 1-3. And, that God has given to our civil rulers the right of claiming so much of our property, as they are pleased, in their official capacity to demand, is a doctrine taught in the words of the blessed Redeemer, "render to Cæsar, the things that are Cæsar's," and, notwithstanding Civis's "I

G. B. R. 1843, page 297.


trow not," that it is also taught by Paul, under the influence of divine inspiration, in the requirement, "Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute, &c.," appears to me, self-evident. The things given to Cæsar, are, it cannot be disputed, worldy possessions. Cæsar's claim upon these is without any limitation on the part of the King of kings. Who, then, can fix any boundaries to the claims of government, be that government a despot, a republican, a king and parliament &c.? God has not enjoined any particular form of government, as Civis very correctly remarks; but, he does enjoin obedience on the part of "every soul," to that government, which does exist. My friend will allow me to say here, that instead of putting me to proof on these points, he should have attempted to show that the arguments employed in my former papers are unsound, and that the Scriptures which are there quoted, in support of them, are irrelevant. Civis, however, opposes my views, not we think by Scripture, but by a course of political reasoning. He teaches, that what is due to civil rulers, "is their due, for the purposes of just and lawful government, after, having asked for it, the community according to constituted order, has granted it." But my enquiry is, "What saith the Scripture ?" It does not say to the Romans "Pay Cæsar, what is due for just and lawful government." It says not, "but let Cæsar ask for it, and let the community grant it." No, but without any stipulation, qualification, or enquiry, the Scriptures say, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers," &c. Rom. xiii. 1-8. A government may adopt the course that my brother has in his eye; and if so, all the happier for its subjects; yet it may not do this, but quite the contrary, and even then they must submit, if they would regard the New Testament.

Civis seems to be in perturbation respecting the prerogatives of the civil law, comparing them-when by their virtue on the one hand, an individual holds and possesses property; and when on the other, by their power, he is compelled to pay such taxes as government may demand-to the grinding of two mill-stones. But after all, this is the fact. By law, property is so secured to its owner, that no man can legally take it from him; except in such a way, and for such purposes, as the law may provide. By law, then, in civil matters, he is defended; but to law he must, in civil affairs, submit. Much, it is cheerfully conceded, of the comforts or the miseries of men in reference to the things of this world, depend upon the purity, or the impurity of the laws by which they are governed. How important, then, it is to pray, "for kings, and all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty ;" and how necessary, that we should be subject to prin

cipalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work." Faith and pray. er, and obedience to divine requirement and direction, will, of God's grace, secure all that we want; while disobedience to God's word will incur the divine displeasure. "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." I am glad that my friend protests against the use of "clandestine means," for, (in some of its modifications at least) the evasion of law; and I hope he will presently see, that he should do this also, with respect to those laws that are obviously oppressive, and to the existence of which we are decidedly opposed, and for the abrogation of which we would use all constitutional means, as well as in reference to those of which we approve. The wisdom and the mercy of God are apparent, even to creatures so short. sighted as we, in the circumstance, that he requires obedience to every civil law. Without this, there must be continual anarchy. Were each individual to judge for himself as to the laws to which he shall submit, and what tax he shall pay, no law nor tax would have universal regard. In fact, law in this case, would be a mere nullity. Blackstone says of Law, "It is called a rule to distinguish it from advice or counsel, which we are at liberty to follow or not, as we see proper, and to judge upon the reasonableness or unreasonableness of the thing advised: whereas our obedience to the law depends not upon our approbation, but upon the maker's will.

I pass by the specimen of rhetoric with

which Civis treats us, in his burst through the mist, and in his looking on the fair creation around; and in his reference to "Esop's stork among the frogs;" and would ask all my readers, by the Scriptures, to prove all things; I would also respectfully beg of Civis, in future, not to judge motives, as he does, when he says of Mr. K. that he was "mystified by eagerness of dispute, or something else," but I would ask him to deal with facts.

I have now, so far as I can judge at present, done with this controversy; except some friend will examine and open to us the Scriptures by which I aim to support the arguments employed; and show, if he can, that their import is misunderstood. If he in my view succeed, I will, through the General Baptist Repository, heartily and sincerely thank him for setting me right; but if I should think he expounds them incorrectly, I will endeavour, through the same medium, to show him why I entertain this opinion. The principal passages are, Titus iii. 1; 1 Peter ii. 13-17; Rom. xiii. 1-7; Mark xii. 13-17; Jer. xxvii. 5-8; and Dan. iv. 17; and, may I be permitted, with all due respect to the esteemed correspondents of the General Baptist Repository, to state, that I cannot consider any thing a reply to this, which does not exhibit its author's views, of at least, those Scriptures above named, which are found in the New Testament.

My feeble efforts thus to secure from the Christian Church, obedience to its great and glorious Head, I commend to God's blessing, and to the prayers of his people.


MRS. HOE.-Died, April 19th, 1844, Sarah, the wife of Thomas Hoe, minister of the General Baptist Church, Spalding. From infancy she manifested a serious turn of mind; at the age of fifteen or sixteen she became decidedly pious, and entered into visible union with the Church of Christ. From that period to the close of her earthly career her conduct was uniformly consistent with her religious profession, being marked by strict conscientiousness, cheerful seriousness, and habitual humility. She was especially exemplary for her ardent attachment to the house of God, and for her regular attendance on the public means of grace. During her last affliction, which was unusually protracted, she manifested а very exemplary degree of patience. Towards the close of her illness she was at times highly favoured in her religious experience; so much so on one occasion, that she was overwhelmed with the weight of glory that seemed to descend upon her,


and could only give utterance to her feelings in exclamations of wonder and ascriptions of praise. A few days before her departure, she said to her husbaud, when conversing respecting the state of her mind, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God; I believe he is able to save to the uttermost; and I believe that he will save me." On another occasion she repeated with sweet composure and peculiar emphasis the following lines:

O what a mighty change

Shall Jesus' sufferers know,

While through the happy plains they range,
Incapable of woe!

Her end was peace. In reference to her case how applicable and how consolatory is the language of inspiration, "I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me, write, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord, from henceforth; yea saith the Spirit for they rest from their labours, and their works do follow them.



The seventy-fifth Annual Association of the New Connexion of General Baptists will be held in the Ely Place Chapel, Wisbech. The sittings will commence on Tuesday morning, June 25th, at ten o'clock.* following public services will be held :Preaching on Wednesday morning, at halfpast ten; annual meeting of the Missionary Society, at half-past two in the afternoon; and preaching on Thursday evening. The inn appointed by our Wisbech friends is the White Lion, Bridge Foot.

CHESHIRE AND LANCASHIRE CONFERENCE.-The tenth meeting of this Confer. ence was held at Stoke-upon-Trent, on the afternoon of Good Friday, the 5th April. Brother Lindley, of Macclesfield, was called to preside. Thirteen brethren represented the seven Churches comprised in the Conference, and two other friends, who attended as representatives of the Baptist Church at Andlem, were invited to be present during the meeting.

The reports received from the Churches,

were not of so favourable a character as at the previous Conference. Twenty-one persons had been baptized, fourteen received, and

twelve were reported as candidates. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. The home mission committee reported, that arrangements had been made, continuing the services at Congleton, up to March 25th last, at which time his engagements with the Committee ceased. To defray the expences of this arrangement, a further grant of £20. had been made; the friends at Stoke had not received any aid from the funds of the Home Mission, nor had any other assistance been afforded during the six months than the occasional gratitutious supply of the pulpit, by a few friends in different Churches. The payments on account of the Home Mission, during the six months, had been £28., and the receipts about £18., leaving a balance due to the treasurer of about £10. Resolutions to the following effect were then passed.

1. That the proceedings of the Home Mission Committee, be approved and confirmed.

2. That the engagements of brother Stenson with the home mission having ceased, he is open to an invitation. The Conference respectfully commend him to the notice of any Church which may be in need of ministerial aid.

3. That the Churches comprising this conference, be respectfully and earnestly requested to consider the low state of the Home Mission finances; and to make more vigorous

It is questioned whether the brethren will be able to arrive at Wisbech in due time, as there is no railway to Wisbech.-ED.

exertions to improve them; and that the representatives now present, be requested to bring the subject under the notice of their respective Churches.

4. That the arrangements for supplying the Home Mission stations be left with the committee.

5. The reports from the Church at Macclesfield, stating the probability of the chapel premises being sold by the trustees, and of the prospect that the congregation would shortly be without a place in which to worship. Resolved, this meeting deeply sympathizing with the friends at Macclesfield, in their trying circumstances, suggests to them, not to present any obstacle to the sale of the property; and in the event of the present chapel being sold, recommends them to build a new one, in the centre of the town, promis. ing to afford them every assistance in its power, amd cordially commending their case to the sympathy and aid of Christian friends.

6. An application being received from the Baptist Church at Andlem, to be received into this Conference, as an act of union with the New Connexion of General Baptists. Resolved, that this meeting, recommends the friends at Andlem to apply to the annual association; and, from our intimate knowledge of the friends composing this Church, their sentiments and Christian character, we cordially recommend them to the annual association, requesting that they may be received into union therewith.

7. That this meeting respectfully recommend to our Churches the establishment and support of British Schools in their localities.

8. That this Conference, contemplating the unholy alliance which exists in the connection of the Established Church, with the civil government of our kingdom, hail with satisfaction the convention proposed to be held in London, on the 30th, instant, in reference to the separation of this union.

9. That brethren Sutcliffe and Lindley be delegated to appoint two persons in London, to attend its meetings, as the representatives of this Conference.

10. That the next Conference be held at Tarporley, on the last Tuesday in September. Mr. Sutcliffe of Staley-bridge to preach. In connection with this meeting, brother Hesketh of Manchester, preached in the forenoon, from Mark xvi. 15; and Gen. iv. 10; "What hast thou done?" In the evening, a very interesting and impressive Home Mission meeting was held. Brother C. Bate presided. Brethren J. Sutcliffe, J. Lindley, W. Prestwich, R. Pedley, and G. Hesketh, were the speakers. A collection was made in behalf of the funds.

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