183 The Universal Magazine OF Knowledge and Pleafure: GENTRY, MERCHANTS, FARMERS and TRADESMEN: An Impartial Account of Books in feveral Langtiages, Also Published Monthly according to Act of Parliament, near Warwick Lane, London . 2 PREFACE. T HE commencement of a new volume with a new year, calls upon the thankful Editors of the UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE to step forward in a customary annual address to their numerous Readers. Consistent with the obligations they are under in momentous times of enlarging in the number and extent of hoftile narrations, and discussions of political fubjects, particularly when points of national importance are agitated in Parliament, and draw, the attention of the public; they, nevertheless, flatter themselves, that the volumes for the preceding year, have rather exceeded, that fallen short of, any before them, in the selection and mifcellaneous variety of instructive and amusing articles. Endeavours shall not be wanting to go on in a progressive train of improvement in Knowledge and Pleafure, that a welcome reception in all places may, in this sense, justify the title of the UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. As the American continent, in the present unhappy war, is become the most interesting scene of action; it has been their study, though attended with confiderable expence, not merely to refer their Readers to general maps in former volumes, but to procure large and correct maps of the respective Provinces: the course of these is already begun, illustrated with historical and descriptive accounts of each; and it is by such instances of seasonable attention, they hope to manifest an earnest defire to merit a continuance of that approbation the UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE has been favoured with through fixty-five volumes ! They cannot conclude, without returning hearty and fincere acknowledgements to all their friendly and generous contributors; by no means overlooking that ingenious unknown correspondent, who kindly favoured them with the very timely and expressive design, executed as a Frontispiece to this new volume. In this, the figurative representation of Britannia, is advancing from the Temple of Concord, over the emblems of war, French connexions, and Popery; followed by Peace and Plenty, with the offer of the Cap of Liberty to the distressed Americans. While these infatuated subjects to a new Congress in alliance with their old hereditary enemies, elevating their striped ensign, oppose the pafsage of their benefactors, by presenting their arms against them; though these arms are held by hands with manacles on them. THE [3] THE Universal Magazine OF Knowledge and Pleasure : FOR JANUARY, 1780. VOL. LXVI. MEMOIRS of the celebrated ROGER ASCHAM; Tutor, and Latin Secretary to Queen ELIZABETH. T HIS learned man was no less remarkable for living in connexion with a Court, through very critical feasons, when the most opposite principles became predominant in turn; than for those claffical abilities which are mentioned with respect even at the present time. ROGER ASCHAM was born at KirbyWifke, near North-Allerton, in Yorkfhire, about the year 1515. His father was a man of moderate fortune, but of extraordinary character, both for understanding and probity, was Steward to the noble family of Scroop; his mother was defcended of a genteel family, and allied to several perfons of distinction. Befides this Roger, they had two other fons, Thomas and Anthony, and feveral daughters. One thing is so remarkable of them, that it ought not to pass unmentioned: NUMB. CCCCLVII, VOL. LXVI, after living together 47 years in the greatett harmony and affection, these good old people died the same day, and almost in the same hour. As for their third fon Roger, fome time before his father's death, he was taken into the family of Sir Anthony Wingfield, and studied with his two fons. The brightness of his genius, and his great affection for learning, very early discovered themselves, by his eager reading all the English books which came to his hands. This propenfity for study was encouraged by his generous benefactor, who, when he had attained the elements of the learned languages, sent him, about the year 1530, to St. John's-college, in Cambridge. It was extremely happy for Mr. Aícham, that, at this time, St. John's college was one of the most flourishing in the Univer. fity. Its master, Nicholas Medcalf, was A z a great |