THE ARGUMENT. reans The Poem opens with reflecting on the vanity or im perfection of Philosophy, and being delighted with the cheerful hope which the gospel inspires, of happiness in another state-A cursory description of several sects of Philosophers-Of the first school of Epicu-the second-the Stoics-the Platonists, or followers of Plato-the Academics—of the Lyceum and of Aristotle-Cicero-Of the modern Sceptics who have been averse to the principles of the gospel -Hobbes-Bolingbroke - Voltaire - Hume-The disservices they have done to society-Of the aim of Christianity-It gives all the sound doctrines of the various schools of Philosophy, without any of their errors-It restrains or subdues the dangerous passions of Ambition, Lust, Pride, Avarice, Revenge—It inspires us with more than Roman fortitude-Some Roman heroes mentioned-The otherwise splendid Character, but the cowardly and base Death of Cato -The propriety for the better understanding the principles of Christianity, to attend to the life of the great author of our faith-The awfulness of investigating his character, and viewing him in his inhuman death. THE CHRISTIAN. BOOK THE FIRST. No more by vain Philosophy misled, In boundless measure to the troubled heart: For Hope, that soars on more than eagle's wings, Above this vale of tears, these mortal things That all around us give themselves to sight, O'er all these fading things that dares to rise, Seeks life immortal, and affects the skies; Proceeds from this; which Reason cannot deem But it will seem, will prove, as we descant, No more enquiring roams th' unsettled mind, To his own school that Epicurus taught: 15 20 26 Who fancy'd gods, that thoughtless pleasure lov'd, And thought of this short life the fev'rish dream Of his existence was the poor extreme. 30 |