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Item 1-Action committees for boycotting Jews

In every local branch and formation of the national-socialist party organization action committees are to be formed without delay for the practical and systematical carrying out of a boycott of Jewish commercial enterprises, Jewish goods, Jewish doctors and Jewish lawyers. The action committees are responsible for seeing that no innocent party is hit by the boycott but that it will hit the guilty parties all the harder.

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In cases of doubt commercial enterprises will not be boycotted until the central committee in Munich has issued definite instructions to the contrary. Chairman of the central committee is party member Streicher.

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Item 8-The boycott starts on April 1st.

The boycott will not commence spasmodically, but with one blow. All preparations are to be made with this end in view. The SA and SS are instructed to warn the population by means of pickets from entering Jewish enterprises once the boycott has started. The commencement of the boycott will be announced through posters, through the press, by means of leaflets, etc. The boycott will start at one blow on April 1st at 10 a.m. sharp.

The national-socialist party.

The party executive.


"Voelkischer Beobachter" dated 13 Feb. 1935,

vol. 48 No. 44, page 2, column 3.

The Fuehrer congratulates Julius Streicher on his 50th birthday.

Adolf Hitler spoke to his old comrades in battle and to his followers in words which went straight to their hearts. By way of introduction he remarked that it was a special pleasure to be present for a short while in Nurnberg, the town of the nationalsocialist community which had been steeled in battle, at this day of honour of Julius Streicher, and to be within the circle of the standard bearers of the national-socialist idea during many years.


Just as they all of them had during the years of oppression unshakeably believed in the victory of the movement, so his friend and comrade in the battle, Streicher, had stood faithfully at his side at all times. It had been this unshakeable belief that had moved mountains.

For Streicher it would surely be a solemn thought, that this fiftieth anniversary meant not only the half-way point of a century, but also of a thousand years of German history to him. He had in Streicher a companion of whom he could say that here in Nurnberg was a man who would never waver for a single second and who would unflinchingly stand behind him in every situation.


An Article which appeared in a special edition
of the "Stuermer" in May 1939.


This special edition must not be concluded before the "Stuermer” has had it out with Dr. Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury (England). As has already been reported previously, this churchman participated in the general outcry of protests against the "Stuermer" and its publisher, Julius Streicher * * *

This senile priest, however, has by virtue of his protest, joined forces with a company which must expose him to shame and contempt. At the same time he has, with this protest, offended against the laws of decency and against the most elementary principles of Christianity.



The Archbishop of Canterbury therefore sides with the money bag, with the lying world press, with the Jewish crooks and financial hyenas, with the Jewish-Bolshevist mass-murderers. It is a fine company which the Archbishop of Canterbury has joined. They are flayers of mankind, criminals, gangsters, murderers. In short, they are Jews.

By choosing their side, the Archbishop of Canterbury committed a further, even more contemptible crime. He committed the crime of betraying Christianity. The crime of betraying non-Jewish mankind.

The Archbishop of Canterbury insults Julius Streicher. He calls him an "odious inciter." The Archbishop cannot hurt. Julius Streicher by this. This man stands so high in the battle which he is conducting against world Jewry that the Archbishop of Canterbury cannot reach him. But let this be said to the

Archbishop: To fight for the Jews is easy. To fight against the Jews is diffic It is the most difficult and the greatest of battles. Julius Seicher has been fighting this battle for 20 years. In doing this, he had to risk his name, his existence, and his life a thousand times. Again and again he had to go into the prisons of the Republic. And he did all this only because he knows that the battle against world Jewry is after all nothing but the battle of good against bad. The Archbishop of Canterbury, who, surrounded by a halo, stands at the head of the Church of England, would never have had the courage to fight the battle. He would never have had the courage to use all his resources and to sacrifice everything in order to be able to oppose the enemy of the world with all his might.


STREICHER'S SPEECH IN THE CENTRAL HALL OF THE COLISEUM IN NURNBERG, 23 November 1922, Taken from "Kampfdem Weltfeind", pages 17-20



"I see thousands of workers poorly dressed passing me by after a hard day's work carrying a pot of soup They speak of their hard life and of their unbearable misery. But other people also pass me by clad in valuable fur coats, with fat necks and paunchy stomachs. These people do not work. They are Jews taking an evening walk. They speak of their business and their profit. * The Jew is born for driving hard bargains and doing nothing. people that is born for bargaining has no right to live amongst the people which for thousands of years has made its living by honest work. The whole German people works, but the Jews live at the expense of the Germans."

* * *

"It is wrong to say that France, England and the remaining Allies won the World War. The only victor was the international Jew."

"We know that Germany will be free when the Jew has been excluded from the life of the German people."


STREICHER'S SPEECH 20 November 1924
Taken from "Kampf dem Weltfeind", pp. 30-34

"I beg you and particularly those of you who carry the cross throughout the land to become somewhat more serious when I

speak of the enemy of the German people, namely, the Jew. Not out of irresponsibility or for fun do I fight against the Jewish enemy, but because I bear within me the knowledge that the whole misfortune was brought to Germany by the Jews alone."

"I ask you once more, what is at stake today? The Jew seeks dominion not only among the German people but among all peoples. The Communists paved the way for him.

Do you not know that the God of the Old Testament orders the Jews to consume and enslave the peoples of the earth?"

"The government allows the Jew to do as he pleases. The people expect actions to be taken You may think about Adolf Hitler as you please, but one thing you must admit! He possessed the courage to attempt to free the German people from the Jew by a national revolution. That was action indeed."


STREICHER'S SPEECH IN NURNBERG, 3 April 1925 Taken from "Kampf dem Weltfeind," p. 42

"You must realize that the Jew wants our people to perish. That is why you must join us and leave those who have brought you nothing but war inflation and discord. For thousands of years the Jew has been destroying the nations. Let us make a new beginning today so that we can annihilate the Jew."


Taken from "Kampf dem Weltfeind," p. 134


"For 13 years I have fought against Jewry.

"But I know that the German worker can only be won back if these words are continually hammered into him: the Jews are our misfortune.

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"All Jews have one common aim: World dominion."

"We know that the Jew whether he is baptized as a Protestant or as a Catholic, remains a Jew. Why cannot you realize, you Protestant clergymen, you Catholic priests, you who have scales before your eyes and serve the god of the Jews who is not the God of Love but the God of Hate? Why do you not listen to Christ who said to the Jews: 'You are children of the devil.'"

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