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24. Preparatory measures for employment against the West of further aggressive air forces freed from service in the Southeast.

a. As the enterprise against Czechoslovakia progresses, aggressive air forces freed from service in the Southeast will, in the event of "Case Red", be transferred to the West and employed against France with as much sudden force [Schlagartig] as possible.

Depending on the development of the situation in the Southeast, the transfer of reinforcements to the West may become possible already a few days after "Case Red" starts.

The strength of these forces cannot be determined exactly beforehand. The following are the maximum forces which may be counted upon (additional to the forces already employed in the West by the Commanding General of Air Force Group 3): 3 Air Division Commanders with, on the average:

2 combat "geschwader", 1 dive-bomber group and 1 reconnaissance


"Staffel" or Group (F) each.

(Therefore total strength roughly up to 30 combat and divebomber Groups).

For combat objectives of the Commanding General of Air Force Group 3 after receipts of reinforcements, see Part A, Article 11.


15 July 1938:

15 July 1938:

Part J

Luftgau Commands will:

Report that the preparations ordered in Plan Study 1938 Main Part III for the event of "Case Red" have been completed (cf. Article 2 of covering letter (Anschreiben) of Decree Lw. Gruppenkommando 3 Az. Plst.38/Ia op No.450/38 Top Secret 2 June 1938 concerning Plan Study 1938).

Luftgau Commands will:

Effect change of distribution of Air Defense forces in accordance with Part C, Article 16 a,

Submit marching orders in accordance with Part C, Article 16 e and f,

Report that the issue of assignment orders has been completed, in accordance with Part C, Article 16 e and f

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Report concerning substitute field airdromes in accordance with Part E, Article J 8, by Luftgau Commands VII, XII and XIII.


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Signed at the Hague

July 29, 1899

With an Appendix containing Certificates of Exchange of such Ratifications of Powers Parties to the Convention as had been deposited at the Hague down to July 15, 1901.

No. 1
Great Britain

Le premier Soussigne declare avoir remis et le second Soussigne declare avoir recu pour etre depose dans les archives d'Etat du Royaume des Pays-Bas, l'Acte du Royaume-Uni de la GrandeBretagne et d'Irlande, portant la ratification de la Convention pour le Reglement Pacifique des Conflits Internationaux.

En foi de quoi des Soussignes ont dresse le present proces-verbal en un seul exemplaire dont une copie, certifiee conforme, sera transmise par la voie diplomatique a toutes les Puissances qui ont ete representees a la Conferenc Interenationale de la Paix de la Haye.

Fait en cette ville, le 4 Septembre 1900.

L'Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre,
Plenipotentiaire de Sa Majeste la Réine du Royaume-
Uni de la Grande-Bretange et d'Irlande,

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No. 2

Le premier Soussigne declare avoir remis et le second Soussigne declare avoir recu pour etre depose dans les archives d'Etat du Royaume des Pays-Bas, l'Acte de l'Empire d'Allemagne, portant la ratification de la Convention pour le Reglement Pacifique des Conflits Internationaux.

En foi de quoi les Soussignes ont dresse le present proces-verbal en un seul exemplaire dont une copie certifiee conforme sera transmise par la voie diplomatique a toutes les Puissances qui ont ete representees a la Conference Internationale de la Paix de La Haye.

Fait en cette ville le 4 Septembre 1900.

L'Envoye Extraordinaire et Ministre Plenipotentiaire de Sa Majeste l'Empereur d'Allemagne, Roi de Prusse,

Le Ministre de Affaires Etrangeres de
Sa Majeste la Reine des Pays-Bas,


Certifie pour copie conforme:

Le Secretaire-General,

du Département des Affaires Étrangeres,


Title I-On the Maintenance of General Peace.


With a view to obviating, as far as possible, recourse to force in the relations between States, the Signatory Powers agree to use their best efforts to insure the pacific settlement of international differences.


Title II-On Good Offices and Mediation.


In case of serious disagreement or conflict, before an appeal to arms, The Signatory Powers agree to have recourse as far as circumstances allow, to the good offices or mediation of one or more friendly powers.


Independently of this recourse, the Signatory Powers recommend that one or more Powers strangers to the dispute should

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on their own initiative and as far as circumstances may allow, offer their good offices or mediation to the States at variance.

Powers strangers to the dispute have the right to offer good offices or mediation, even during the course of hostilities.

The exercise of this right can never be regarded by one or the other of the parties in conflict as an unfriendly act.


The part of the mediator consists in reconciling the opposing claims and appeasing the feelings of resentment which may have arisen between the States at variance.


The functions of the mediator are at an end when once it is

re declared either by one of the parties to the dispute or by the mediator himself that the means of reconciliation proposed by him are not accepted.

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Good offices and mediation, either at the request of the parties at variance or on the initiative of Powers strangers to the dispute, have exclusively the character of advice, and never have binding force.


The acceptance of mediation cannot, unless there be an agreement to the contrary, have the effect of interrupting, delaying, or hindering mobilization or other measures of preparation for


If mediation occurs after the commencement of hostilities, it causes no interruption to the military operations in progress, unless there be an agreement to the contrary.


The Signatory Powers are agreed in recommending the application, when circumstances allow, of special mediation in the following form:

In case of a serious difference endangering the peace, the States at variance choose respectively a Power to whom they intrust the mission of entering into direct communication with the Power chosen on the other side, with the object of preventing the rupture of pacific relations.

For the period of this mandate, the term of which, unless otherwise stipulated, cannot exceed thirty days, the States in conflict cease from all direct communication on the subject of the dispute, which is regarded as referred exclusively to the mediating Powers, who must use their best efforts to settle it.


In case of a definite rupture of pacific relations, these Powers are charged with the joint task of taking advantage of any opportunity to restore peace.

Title III-On International Commissions of Inquiry.


In differences of an international nature involving neither honour nor vital interests, and arising from a difference of opinion on points of fact the Signatory Powers recommend that the parties, who have not been able to come to an agreement by means of diplomacy, should as far as circumstances allow, institute an International Commission of Inquiry, to facilitate a solution of these differences by elucidating the facts by means of an impartial and conscientious investigation.


The International Commissions of Inquiry are constituted by special agreement between the parties in conflict.

The Convention for an inquiry defines the facts to be examined and the extent of the Commissioner's powers.

It settles the procedure.

On the inquiry both sides must be heard.

The form and the periods to be observed, if not stated in the Inquiry Convention, are decided by the Commission itself.



The International Commissions of Inquiry are formed, unless otherwise stipulated, in the manner fixed by Article XXXII of the present convention.

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His Majesty the German Emperor, King of Prussia; the President of the United States of America; the President of the Argentine Republic; His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia, etc., and Apostolic King of Hungary; His Majesty the King of the Belgians; the President of the Republic of Bolivia; the President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil; His Royal Highness the Prince of Bulgaria; the President of the Republic of Chile; His Majesty the Emperor of China; the President of the Republic of Colombia; the Provisional Governor of the Republic of Cuba; His Majesty the King of Denmark; the

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