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interference that would seek to mislead the precise idea is given to his medical attendant actions thus determined to the surface, by of the nature of the illness, or of its particuthe introduction of helladona to the system lar effects on the skin. The extreme and acalready charged with morbid poison in the knowledged vagueness of this term when used blood; that would prescribe, in all cases of by persons not of the profession, prevents erthe disease, an exact limit to its erruptive ac-ror by obliging closer inquiry; but it is very tion, by pencilling the inflamed face and necessary that me lical men, in their discusscalp with designs in lunar caustic! Thesions on erysipe'as, should know what they mask, which in erysipelas the patient is com- are talking about. The bark, wine, and porpelled to wear, should never be adapted by ter, which, in certain diffuse inflammation of his physician. the skin, so rapidly alter its nature and limit There is seldom occasion for external ap-its extent, would be utterly condemned in the plications of any kind. Even were it pos-early stages of idiopathic erysipelas by all sible, by such means, at once to arrest the physicians conversant with the disease as it local inflammation, we should be wrong to really exists. Yet by too many,-especially, employ them. It is essential, for the safe de- be it observed, by the doctors in surgery.-let velopment of this fever to its close, that in the case be once name 1 erysipelas, and Peruthe skin, as elsewhere, certain special ac-vian bark is a specific for its cure In the tions should be suffered for a time. The ex-conventional allotment of disease, idiopathic cessive pungent heat of the inflammation, in erysipelas, being a fever, belongs of right to its early stage, may be relieved by frequent the physician. From the limited views that lotions with the Liquor of acetate of ammo- prevail respecting its constitutional character, nia, diluted with equal parts of tepid water. and from the undue importance attachel, in The continual application of cold is repellent ordinary practice, to the symptoms which it and unsafe. When the vesication has com- presents in the skin, it is, in many instances menced, or is in progress, tepid washes of treated exclusively by the surgeon, who of soft water, or of thin, smooth gruel are would hesitate to undertake the undived rethe best. The watery solution of acetate of sponsibility of small- pox, measles, scarlatina ammonia may be again used at this time, di-or rheumatic fever. This last named fever, luted with hot, well-strained poppy decoc-regular in its course, and determined, like the tion. others very much to the skin, suggests a good

It is better not to sprinkle flour upon the distinctive name for the idiopathic erysipelas excoriated surfaces. While absorbing the of the head and face. For many years past I acrid discharge, it concretes into a stiff, un-have proposed to those studying with me in comfortable scab which a little gentle spong- the physicians' wards of St. George's Hospiing would entirely obviate. To bathe the tal that we should consent to know the dishead and face, according to ordinary practice, order in question under the designation of incessantly with spirit-lotion is to surround Erysipelas Fever. We thus merely aid to the patient, helpless, fevered, and comatose, the name by which the disease is alrealy with an atmosphere of intoxicating vapour, which at every inspiration, he is compelled to drink. From this most objectionable process of cooling by evaporation there is often a great aggravation of the delirium at all times incidental to the fever.

known, a term that vindicates the importance of its constitutional character over the part al and comparatively trifling affect ons of the skin with which it is now confounded.

This law of regularity in the succession of symptoms, that fin is within a given time its Iliopathic erysipelas of the head and face completion in their cure, receives a much is actually treated on this principe of respect wider app ication than is generally assigned for its symptoms by many who have not as to it in the limitations of rational medicine. yet been taught to consider it as a ragu ar In many cases of chorea, and in some few of eruptive fever. Its wide constitutional cha- jaundice, that have fallen under my observaacter being thus practically known, there is tion, I have seen reason to consider the the more reason to regret that it has not been spasms of the one disease, and the yellow distinguished by a name less pro luctive of suffusion of the other, merely as symptoms error and false analogies in the management of disturbed genera health, working by tram of disease. Under this one designation of and in sequel for a gool and wholesome re"erysipelas," the severe fever in question is su't. The practical application of this princonfused not only with partial errat c inflam-ciple in the treatment of disease is a continumations of the skin, supervening on local in- al rebuke to the vanity that would in all juries, but with frets, rashes, pimples, an cases attribute the interruption or alteration scaly eruptions, in all their variety of eczema, of symptoms to the efficacy of the last preurticaria, lichen, or psoriasis. When a pascription.

tient declares that he has "the erysipelas," no|

There is no better test of the physician's detail, a respect for the symptoms by which professional character than is afforded by his it is made evident to the senses-a belief in practice in erysipelas. From the rapidity the benevolence of its purpose-and a reliwith which its symptoms are developed ance on the steadiness of its operation to(generally to a good end) most of the treatment wards a speedy and wholesome end. Thus in this fever is superfluous, yet much affects it is good service done to physic, when an to be specific. And thus the boaster triumphs unclassed eruptive fever is placed where it in a cure where the true physician is content of right belongs. with acknowledging a result. The only explanation of this great regulating agency, under which, as by a clock within us, the effects of fever are determined in a given time, is, from what we notice in the blood, in the stir of its elementary particles, and in the sonstancy and uniformity of its moving forces.

Idiopathic erysipelas, being a fever, is, of necessity a disorder of the entire blood; and here is the explanation of its wide range of symptoms and pathological effects. If the general material of the body be prejudiced in its elementary arrangement, or in any of its essential functional properties, the business of all structure, and of all parts of every structure, must suffer; and this it may be, to the extent of entire interruption or death. Thus, by a spoiling or a wasting of the general blood in the erysipelas, as in other fevers, assimilation, secretion, and muscular action, are sometimes hastened to their end. With those accustomed to this, the true view of the disease, the partial alterations resulting from its agency in structure are regarded but as so many expressions of a disturbing influence general through the system, as effects and symptoms far removed from the beginning of the fever, giving rise, in their turn, to other

Idiopathic erysipelas has, I am told, been recently classed with the eruptive fevers by M. Rayer, of Paris; but in the various medical reports lately published in this country, it is distinctly separated from fevers of every kind, and is designated in their tabular arrangments as a disease sui generis.

[merged small][graphic]

In the April number of this Journal, we symptoms; but seldom of sufficient urgency gave an engraving of a Rotary Magnetic Mato be received as the immediate cause of chine. The instrument then exhibited is death. It appears by the direct observations

of M. Andral, that the blood of a person la- worked by hand. Above we present a bouring under an attack of erysipelas con- drawing of a similar machine, but which tains much more than its healthy proportion differs so far as to be put in operation by of fibrin. M. Andral attaches much import- magnetic power. The length of that now ance to this excess of the coagulable princi- displayed, including the battery, is 16 inches p'e, and seeks to establish from it an essential pathological difference between fever and Its width 4-height 5 inches, and the weight local inflammation, which few practical phy- of the whole, the case and buttons, for magsicians would be disposed to admit. netising, about eight pounds. It is very durable, and is put in motion by a solution of sulphate of copper, the expense of which is

However questionable the claims of modern physic to much of the superiority which it asserts over that of times past, it is certain that in our practical intercourse with small-pox, very trifling. measles, and scarlatina, we do not derogate

from the wisdom of our later ancestors. Of The price of the instrument accompanied the few principles which physician-s-now a by the necessary buttons, (6 in number) and days care to profess, the best are made availa- case, is $14 50 cents, cash in hand.

ble for the treatment of the febrile actions

which are determined by eruption to the skin. There is among us, generally, a comprehen

The size and weight of the Machine, to

sive and well-considered view of such action gether with its liability to get out of order, in all its varieties, a nice knowledge of it in and the complaints frequently made of diffi


culty in running it, has given us great inquie- and the cover turned over the whole and tude, and we consequently determined to obviate these objections if possible, and have The armature is jeweled, and in running at last succeeded in our object, by employing is estimated to make more than 10,000 revoa Jeweller extensively known in the Union, lutions in a minute. The instrument runs as having no superior in this city, to make much better, and apparently as well as it is the machine under our direction. It has a possible to make one run; its power is new and convenient arrangement as repre- fully equal to any we have seen, and has besented in the following engraving, and to dis-sides great advantages in size, weight, and tinguish it from other machines we have neatness, and will be found very convenient for physicians and private families, and to posses other advantages than those we have noticed.

named it the


The instrument is fitted into a neat Ma. hogany case (with lock and key) 8 inches long, 4 wide, and 3 deep.

Mr. Savage is making a machine much smaller and lighter on the same plan, a pocket instrument, which has a power that will be sufficient for ordinary purposes.He also makes a larger machine, precisely like these, in a neat mahogany case 10 inches long, 5 wide, and 3 deep, more especially for office use which is jewelled and runs in the same manner as that first described.

The price of the Savage instrument first decribed is $15, including 6 buttons of a form we have found necessary and most convenient, with full directions for running the machine, and directions for magnetising, in a great variety of cases, illustrated with engravings, &c.

The price of the pocket instrument in a neat mahogany case 6 inches long, 3 wide and 2 deep, is $15, including 2 buttons.


A, case; B, the cover; C, sheet copper vessel; E, sheet copper, the lower edge of The price of the machine last described for which is soldered on the bottom of the cop-office use is $18, including 8 buttons and diper vessel C; D, copper piece connected with rections for running, and using it as above. the zinc between the copper surfaces, con- These instruments are very light neat and por taining a solution of sulphate of copper; table, will run without difficulty, and will last F, cylinder of copper wire; G, magnet and a life time. They will be found indispensi armature; e, e, conductors to the armature; ble to every physician, and also in many c, negative, and a, positive button for mag-private families, as well as for ships and netising.

The cylinder, magnet, and armature, with the block of wood on which they rest are very light, and are set on the cover of the case in magnetising; after which it may be placed in the open space in the centre of the case, and the buttons and conducting wires laid over it,

other vessels.

The figure drawn above the engraving is intended to represent the direction of the forces as they proceed from the buttons in magnetising. a, the negative button repels and expands, while the positive button attracts and contracts. Besides one of these forces exerts an alkaline, and the other an

acid influence upon the fluids and solids of la of the cerebellum, connected with tuberthe body.

cula of the uterus, and uterus and stomach; 8 tubercular disease of the ear; 2 paralysis We cannot however enter further into this of auditory nerves; 1 hypertrophy of the subject at present, and it is not necessary to do so, if the magnetizer observes the direc-1 acute rheumatism; 18 chronic rheumatism; mucous surfaces of the organs and limbs; tions we have given for magnetizing.

7 paralysis; 26 tubercular disease of the throat; 13 secondary syphilis; 5 amenorr

A great majority of these cases were complicated with tubercular disease of other or

The effects of these instruments are of a character so extraordinary, in both acute and hoea; 5 corea-St. Vitus' dance, or tubercuchronic diseases, as to leave no doubt it will lar disease of the cerebellum; 2 catalepsy. produce an entire revolution in the practice of both physic and surgery. It will become indispensible to every physician, and also in many private families, and they are both gans, as the heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, &c. All the cases of consumption were thus complicated, excepting two, in which the disease had commenced in the stomach, liver, arteries, throat, or brain, before it attacked the lungs. This, we may here remark, we have long observed to be the uniform course of the disease in 9 cases out of 10, showing the importance of attacking it in its transit to that organ.

availing themselves of its benefits as fast as it can be manufactured.

We have been magnetising with these machines for the last six months, and they have thus far realized our anticipations as described in our last number. Since that publication we have tested it in a great variety and number of cases, with results that have been highly satisfactory.*

In the notice of the effects of the Rotary Among these cases there have been 35 of Magnetic Machine, in the April number of lateral curvature of the spine; 11 of distortion the Dissector, we suggested the probability of the spine; 5 of distortion and lumbar ab- of its great importance in the incipient stage scess, and disease of the hip joint; 51 of of tubercular consumption, from the results tubercular consumption; 13 of chronic bron-obtained in the few cases, in which we had chitis; 5 of chronic bronchitis, complicated then used it. Further trials, in more than 50 in its last stage with tubercular disease of cases, have not only confirmed that opinion the lungs; 11 of tic-doloureux; 2 of tubercu- but have shewn it to be very useful in the lar disease of the antrum and nose, 5 amou- last stage, especially in promptly reducing rosis; 8 opacity of the cornea; 2 tumours the pleuro-peripheumony that often attends of the eyelids; 28 sick head ache from tuber-tubercular disease of the lungs. In many cular disease of the brain; 1 tubercular dis- cases it lessens the cough and expectoration, ease of the organ of approbativeness, con- by reducing the mucous disease of the nected with tubercula (white swelling,) of bronchial tubes that traverse the tuberculathe right side and back part of the first cervi- tions.

cal vertebræ, involving the upper attachment

of the sternocleido-mastoid muscle, and pro-veying the weakest, or positive force, is plaIn magnetising the lungs, the button conducing an impediment in the motion of the ced over the posterior spinal nerves connectright leg; 2 cases of tubercular disease of ed with them, in the intervertebral spaces, the organ of firmness connected with tuber-between the 7th or last cervical, and first cular disease of the same muscle; 6 tubercu- dorsal vertebræ, while the other, or negative

We have had with the assistance of Students, three machines running, almost constantly from morning till night.

button, conveying the strongest force, is mochest, with the instrument graduated to a ved slowly over the entire surface of the moderate power. This practice is adopted in

consumption or pneumonia, for the purpose Tubercula of the spleen-acute or chronic. of first exploring the lungs to find the place The positve button should be placed on the most diseased, as the action of the instru-opposite side of the spine, to that in the case ment will be much more sensibly felt when the button passes over it, and it will require more magnetising than other parts of the lungs.

In exploring the chest, and in magnetising, whether for disease of the lungs, heart, or pleu a, the positive button should be placed over the left intervertebral space in magnetising the left side of the chest, and over the same space on the other side in magnetising the right side of the chest. In such cases the process is continued only from 5 to 10 minutes, and once a day is generally suffi


Turbercula of the heart-hypertrophy. In this case the negative button should be placed below the lower apex of the heart, where it may remain 10 or 15 minutes, under a very moderate power of the instrument.

of the liver, and the other button over the left side as in the case of the liver.

Tubercula of the large intestines.-The positive button must be placed over the intervertebral space, between the 5th and 6th and 6th and 7th dorsal vertebræ, and the other over the intestines on the right or left side, as indicated by the seat of the disease.

Tubercula of the small intestines. The positive button should be placed over the intervertebral space, between the 11th and 12 dorsal vertebræ, and the other over the front part of the abdomen, right or left of the medium line, as indicated by the seat of the disease.

Mesenteric Diseases. In these cases the buttons should be placed over the spine and abdomen, as in the instances of the large and

small intestines.

Pleurisy, Acute or Chronic. In these Kidneys. In tubercular diseases of the cases the negative button should be placed kidneys-acute or chronic, the negative button should be placed over the intervertebral over the seat of the disease, or place where the pain is felt, under a very moderate pow-bar vertebræ, and the other on the opposite space between the 12th dorsal and first lumside of the abdomen.

er of the instrument.

Tubercula of the Stomach-Dyspepsia.The positive button should be placed over the intervertebral spaces, between the first and second, and second and third dorsal verterbræ, and the other button over the stomach. In magnetising the left side of the stomach, the positive button should be placed over the left side of the spine, and the other about two inches to the left of the medium line. In magnetising the right side, the button should be placed over the right side of the spine and stomach.

Tubercula of the liver-acute or chronic diseases of the liver. The positive button should be placed over the intervertebral spaces of the right side, between the 7th and 8th, and 8th and 9th dorsal vertebræ, while the other is moved slowly around one half of the body, from the pit of the stomach below the short ribs to the spine, and then over the short ribs.

Cystis. The positive button should be placed over the same intervertebral spaces as incases of the kidneys, and the other over and above the pubis.

Prostate Gland. In these cases the positive button should be placed over the intervertebral space, between the last lumbar vertebræ and the os-coxgex, and the other over and above the pubis.

Uterus. In magnetising this organ, the positive button should be placed over the intervertebral spaces, between the first and second and second and third lumbar vertebræ, and the other over and above the pubis.

Ovaria. In tubercular disease of the ovary, the breasts or mammæ are not of the same size-that on the same side of the diseased ovaria being larger than that on the opposite side, in consequence of atrophia of the latter from direct sympathy with the diseased ovaria. The positi ve button should

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