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f) To transmit the original minutes of the Conference and of the committees to the Pan American Union for preservation in the archives of the Union.

g) To perform such other functions as may be assigned to him by the regulations, by the Conference, or by the President.

Chapter IV


Art. 11. There shall be a Central Committee composed of the Chairmen of delegations and presided over by the President of the Conference; a Committee on Credentials, to be appointed at the preparatory session; and a Drafting Committee, consisting of one representative for each of the official languages of the Conference.

Art. 12. Such other committees as the Conference may require to carry on its work shall be designated at the preparatory session in accordance with Article 4 of these regulations. Each delegation shall be entitled to be represented by one or more of its members on each of these committees, the names of such members to be transmitted by each delegation to the Secretary General as soon as possible and in any event before the first meetings of the committees.

Art. 13. Each committee shall elect from among its members a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. Each Committee shall determine its own procedure, and may appoint reporting delegates or subcommittees to study and report on the subjects assigned to it.

Art. 14. Each committee shall appoint a general reporting delegate to present the conclusions of the committee to the plenary sessions of the Conference.

Chapter V


Art. 15. The first session of the Conference shall be held at the time and place designated by the Government of the Republic of Brazil, and the further sessions on such days as the Conference may determine.

Art. 16. To hold a meeting it is necessary that a majority of the nations attending the Conference be represented by at least one of their delegates.

Art. 17. The meeting having been opened, the Secretary General shall read the minutes of the preceding meeting, unless such reading is dispensed with. Notes shall be taken of any remarks the President

or any of the delegates may make thereon, and approval of the minutes shall be in order.

Art. 18. In the deliberations in the plenary sessions as well as in the committees, the delegation of each republic represented at the Conference shall have but one vote.

Art. 19. Votes as a general rule shall be taken orally, unless any delegation should request that they be taken in writing. In this case each delegation shall deposit in an urn a ballot containing the name of the nation which it represents and the sense in which the vote is cast. The secretary shall read aloud these ballots and count the votes.

Art 20. The Conference shall not proceed to vote on any report, project, or proposal except when at least two-thirds of the nations attending the Conference are represented by one or more delegates.

Art. 21. No report or project shall be considered until twentyfour hours after it shall have been submitted to the Conference or to the appropriate committee and the text distributed to the delegates by the Secretary General. The Conference or the committees may, by a majority vote, suspend the application of this Article.

Art. 22. All proposals amending the motion, project, or resolution under consideration shall be referred to the respective committee, unless the Conference shall by a two-thirds vote decide otherwise.

Art. 23. Amendments shall be submitted for discussion and put to a vote before the article or motion the text of which they are intended to modify is acted upon.

Art. 24. Except in cases expressly indicated in these regulations, proposals, reports, and projects under consideration by the Conference shall be considered approved when they have obtained the affirmative vote of an absolute majority of the delegations represented by one or more of their members at the meeting where the vote is taken. The delegation which may have sent its vote to the secretary shall be considered as present at the meeting.

Art. 25. The following may attend the sessions of the Conference and of the committees: The delegates with their respective secretaries and attachés; the secretaries and members of the secretariat of the Conference; duly accredited representatives of the press; and any others to whom the Conference may by a majority vote extend this privilege.

At the request of any delegation the Conference may agree to go into secret session. A motion to this effect shall immediately be put and voted upon without discussion.

At the close of the session the Secretary General shall issue to the press a statement summarizing the results of the session, except in the event set forth in the preceding paragraph, in which case the Conference or committees shall decide as to the publication of the results of the session.

Chapter VI


Art. 26. The official languages of the Conference shall be English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. To facilitate the preparation of documents the "Diario" and other reports of the General Secretariat shall be prepared in Portuguese, but the Final Act and diplomatic instruments that may emanate from the Conference shall appear in the four languages.

Chapter VII



Art. 27. Minutes shall be kept of the plenary sessions as well as of the committees of the Conference.

The minutes of the plenary sessions shall be verbatim. Of the committees, the secretary of each committee shall prepare a minute of each session, in which shall be briefly summarized the remarks of the delegates and in which shall be recorded in full the conclusions at which the committees may have arrived.

Art. 28. The minutes shall be printed in the "Diario" of the Conference as soon as possible after the session to which they relate. They shall appear first in provisional form, and in the event of any modification in the minutes by any delegate, a revised, definitive text shall be published.

Art. 29. The Secretary General shall send the original minutes to the Pan American Union for deposit in its archives.


Art. 30. The Secretary General shall publish a "Diario" of the Conference, in which shall appear the minutes of the plenary sessions and of the committees, the projects submitted by the delegations, the reports of reporting delegates and of subcommittees, and other material pertaining to the Conference.


Art. 31. The Final Act shall contain the resolutions, recommendations, votes, and agreements, approved by the Conference, and also the diplomatic instruments that may be signed.

Art. 32. The secretary of each committee shall deliver to the Secretary General the resolutions and other conclusions adopted by the respective committees, before presentation to the plenary session, in order that the Drafting Committee may coordinate the text in the several official languages for inclusion in the Final Act.

Art. 33. The original of the Final Act shall be signed by the delegations at the closing session of the Conference and transmitted by the Secretary General to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil in order that certified copies may be sent to the Governments of the American Republics, to the delegates, and to the Pan American Union within ninety days following the close of the Conference.


Art. 34. Treaties or conventions approved by the Conference shall be drafted in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish and submitted to the delegations for examination, and shall be signed at the final session. After signature, the instruments shall be transmitted by the Secretary General of the Conference to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, who shall transmit certified copies to the Governments of the American Republics, to the delegates, and to the Pan American Union.

Art. 35. The signatory states shall deposit in the Pan American Union the instruments of ratification of the treaties or conventions signed at the Conference, and the Pan American Union shall notify the other signatory states of the deposit.


Art. 36. The Government of Brazil shall publish the minutes of the plenary sessions and of the committees and shall send copies thereof to the Governments represented at the Conference, to the delegates, and to the Pan American Union.

Chapter VIII


Art. 37. These regulations, after approval by the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, shall be transmitted to the Conference through the intermediary of the Government of Brazil. The regulations shall be subject to such modifications as may be determined by a vote of two-thirds of the delegations at the Conference.



Chairman of the Delegation:

Juan Atilio Bramuglia, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship


Enrique Ventura Corominas, Secretary General of the Delegation
Pascual La Rosa

General Nicolas C. Accame, Ambassador to Brazil

Oscar Ivanissevich, Ambassador to the United States of America
Roberto A. Ares


General of the Army Carlos Von Der Becke

Brigadier Aristóbulo Reyes

Colonel Eduardo Lonardi

Commander Oscar José R. Rumbo

Ernesto Bavio, Senator

Pablo Ramella, Senator

Julio Herrera, Senator

Joaquin Diaz de Vivar, Deputy
John William Cooke, Deputy
Antonio J. Benitez, Deputy
Eduardo Beretta, Deputy

Colonel (R.) Juan José Tasso
Captain Julio L. Castro

Commodore Heriberto Arhens

José Maria Cosentino

Rufino Varela, Counsellor of Embassy
Lieutenant Colonel Hector I. Terradas

Lieutenant Colonel José Embrioni

Commander Hector P. Gabrielli

Carlos Atilio Bramuglia

José Staiano

Zohar Ramon del Campo

Roberto White

Enrique Abal

Juan Carlos Casanegra

Captain Rogelio C. Di Paola

First Lieutenant Luciano Pappalardo

Tomar Rodriguez

Juan Manuel Fauvety


Pedro Echenique

Marciano Vera

Leon Fidel

Angel Scagliotti

José Zelis Prati

Antonio Humberto Vignera

Nicolas Tolentino Gonzalez
Carlos José Crivelli

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