London Mag 1780. Ed commemorate TRADE UNIV OF 1CH. Peace and Plenty Emblematically representing the benefis The Sondon Stagazine or GENTLEMANS Alonthly Intelligencer VOL.XLIX.. For the YEAR 1780. LONDON By His MAJESTY's Authority. B ! ADVERTISEMENT. NO greater proof can be given of the advantage and pleasure resulting from any literary production, than the constant, voluntary support of the Public. Our unwearied exertions to give general fatisfaction bave been again crowned with fuccefs, and we have the bappiness to find, at the conclusion of the year 1780, that the number of our friends is confiderably increased. It is with great pleate therefore, that we repeat our annual tribute of grateful acknowledgements to every individual, who has been pleased to countenance this undertaking, either as a purchaser, or as a generous contributor to our labours. The patronage we have so long enjoyed is the more flattering, as, of late years, we bave been furrounded with competitors, who have taken no small pains, to obtain the fame favourable distinction. Emulation has been excited by this laudable contest, and it has been productive of confiderable improvements. To the strength and folidity of our ancient edifice, has been added, every modern decoration and embellishment, fuited to the reigning taste. OUR JUBILEE commences with the ensuing year, when we shall think it more especially incumbent upon us, to make our FIFTIETH volume, a conspicuous monument of gratitude for past favours, and a fignal of our earnest desire to mérit future fuccefs. The perplexed fituation of public affairs, is likely to afford us many subjects of a Serious and interesting nature. The progress of a war in which our ALL Seems to be at take, will demand a confiderable share of our attention, being determined fieadily to pursue, the approved custom, of giving just descriptions, with accurate plans, charts, and maps of the countries, cities, and coafts, that may hereafter be the scenes of action: to these shall be annexed every paper communicating authentic intelligence, or recording the spirited conduct of our gracious Sovereign in the support of the dignity of his crown, and the rights of his jubjects, against the treachery of false friends, and the perfidy of the ancient fworn foes to the British empire. PORTRAITS, with the best memoirs that can be procured, of those gallant officers, in the land and fea service, who fignalise themselves at this awful crisis, in maintaining the honour, independence, and envied fuperiority of their country, will contitute the chief ornament of our work, and may victory attend them in every quarter of the globe! History will, as usual, occupy a limited space, for the instruction of youth; and as a relief from fubjects of a serious, and ftudious caft; sprightly dialogues; witty efSays; elegant letters, anecdotes; extracts from entertaining publications; fugitive preces on topics of the day; an account of our theatrical exhibitions; and in fine, all other articles generally inserted in fimilar productions, will find a place in ours, when they are not postponed for more important objects. Every alteration in our commercial system is worthy worthy of notice in a maritime, commercial state; the genuine spirit of British generosity has at length furmounted prejudice, and the selfish views of individuals; the freedom of trade granted and confirmed to Ireland in the course of the last year, forms an ara in the annals of com merce which deferves commemoration. The skill of the artist could not well be employed upon a more pleasing subject * The most beneficial consequences may be expected from this union of interests between the two kingdoms ; it will furnijh us with additional Arength in time of war, and will cramp the power of our enemies, by diminishing their supplies of provisions. And in times of peace, by augmenting the population and industry of the Irish, it will afford new resources to the united empire of Great Britain. We bid adieu to our readers for the present, with a bint that we pall open the new year, with a portrait of our young royal naval officer Prince William Henry (to whom our Magazine for January 1781, will be dedicated) and with an accurate chart of the coasts of England and Holland. |