ON A GENTLEMAN WHO MARRIED HIS MISTRESS. GOD's noblest works are honest men, Says Pope's instructive line; ON DR. HOLLAND'S TRANSLATION OF SUETONIUS. EPIGRAM.. A single Doctor like a sculler plies, A MATRIMONIAL CASE. My Lord and my Lady scold, wrangle, and fight, LINES ON. LORD PEMBROKE'S WHITEWASHING THE BACK OF HIS HOUSE, NEXT THE THAMES. [Supposed to be written by a Waterman.] UPON the Thames I daily row'd Full twenty years or thirty, When Pembroke's earl his backside show'd, But lately, as I pass'd, I cried, EPIGRAM. Do you, said Fanny, t'other day, In earnest love me, as you say? Or are those tender words applied Alike to fifty girls beside? Dear, cruel girl, cried I, forbear! For by those eyes, those lips, I swear She stopp'd me, as the oath I took, And cried, you've sworn-now kiss the book. ON A PHYSICIAN AND PARSON WHO HAD BOTH ABUSED HIM. [BY DRYDEN.] WOULD'ST thou be damn'd at once, and perish whole, Trust Blackmore with thy health, and Milbourne with thy soul. EPIGRAM. DRINK, says old Sophist, and then fear no evil; MARTIAL, LIB. II. EP. 58. YOU'RE fine, and ridicule my threadbare gown: Threadbare indeed it is; but 'tis my own. DE MORTUIS NIL NISI BONUM. HERE lies my wife-Reader, enough is said; LINES OF LOPEZ DE VEGA, CARICATURED BY DR. JOHNSON. Se acquien los leones vence, IMITATED. If the man who turnips cries- D'ANNE LA NOIRE. Anne se faisoit à croire IMITATED. ANN, in yon transparent laver Though to wash your face you seem, Trust me, 'tis a vain endeavour, You but soil the limpid stream. ON SHELDON'S ANATOMICAL SCHOOL, IN GREAT QUEEN-STREET, BEING CONVERTED INTO AN UNDERTAKER'S SHOP. WHERE once dissecting Sheldon lectur'd crowds, SCHOLASTIC WIT. WHEN Dr. Jeggon was Master of Bennet College, he punished all the under-graduates, for some general offence, by a pecuniary fine; and because he disdained to convert the penalty-money to his own use, he expended it in whitewashing the hall of the college. A scholar wrote the following distich upon the screen : Dr. Jeggon, Bennet College Master, Broke the Scholars heads, and gave the Walls a plaster. Upon perusing which, the Doctor wrote underneath, |