| 1804 - 450 pages
...Mr. tfasb frctwten t!x busts •of Sir Isaac Neviton and Mr Piife, in (lie Jioumt, at Bath .•— " Immortal Newton never spoke More truth than here you'll find, Nor Pope hirmelf e'er penn'da joke More cruel on mankind : The picture plac'd the busts between, Gives satire... | |
| Panorama - 1809 - 368 pages
...Pope, in tin Pump Room at Bath. IMMORTAL. Newton never spoke More truth than here you'll find ; ^*or Pope himself e'er penn'da joke More cruel on mankind....strength ; Wisdom and wit are little seen, But folly at fulllength. ON SEEING MISS VASSAL (NOW LADY HOLLAND) At a Masquerade, February 37, 1786. IMPERIAL nymph... | |
| 1812 - 156 pages
...XX. On seeing the Pictute of NASH, bet-ween the Susts of NEWTON and POPE, in the Pump room at Bath. Immortal Newton never spoke More truth than here you'll...and wit are little seen, But folly at full length. XXI. In all thy humours, whether grave or mellow, Thou'rt such a touchy, testy, pleasant fellow, Hast... | |
| 1813 - 458 pages
...A'ertton and Pt<pc. in the tloomt at Bath.. BY I.OHD CHESTERFIELD. Immortal Newton never spoke More trmh than here you'll find, Nor Pope himself e'er penn'da joke More cruel to mankind. The Picture plac'd the busts between (Jives satire all its strength, Wisdom and Wit are... | |
| George Wentworth - 1824 - 376 pages
...length picture of Nash bttu-een the busts of Sir Isaac jV « M / a, nl Mr. Pope in the rooms at Bath. Immortal Newton never spoke More truth than here you'll find ; Nor Pope himself e'er penned a joke More cruel on mankind. The picture placed the busts between, Gives satire all its strength... | |
| Jacob Green - 1831 - 296 pages
...Pope, on which occasion Lord Chesterfield wrote the following epigram — This statue placed these busts between, Gives satire all its strength, Wisdom and Wit are little seen, But Folly at fvtt length. The town rises gradually on the high banks of the river Avon, which here bends so as to... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith - 1837 - 536 pages
...Gentleman's Magazine for 1741— r " Immortal NEWTON never spoke More truth, than here you'll find. Nor POPB himself e'er penn'da joke More cruel on mankind. "...picture plac'd the busts between Gives satire all her strength; Wisdom and Wit are little seen, But Folly at full length." The second is as follows:... | |
| Oliver Goldsmith, Sir James Prior - 1837 - 530 pages
...Magazine for 1711 — " Immortal NKWTOM never spoke More truth, thaa here you'll fmd, Nor POPK htmself e'er penn'da joke More cruel on mankind. " The picture plac'd the busts between nlves satire; all her strength ; Wisdom and Wit are little seen. But Folly at full length." The second... | |
| William James Linton - 1844 - 340 pages
...the poet Pope for the Beau's supporters. They acquiesced, and let Lord Chesterfield tell why — " Immortal Newton never spoke, More truth than here...e'er penn'da joke, More cruel on mankind. The picture placed the busts between, Gives satire all her strength ; Wisdom and Wit are little seen, But Folly... | |
| Anna Maria Hall - 820 pages
...AND POPE, IN THE BOOMS AT BATH. " Immortal Newton never spoke More truth than here you'll find ; Kor Pope himself e'er penn'da joke More cruel on mankind....picture plac'd the busts between. Gives satire all its thought : Wisdom and wit but little seen; But folly at full length." Goldsmith has left one very beautiful... | |
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